BZOJ3307: 雨天的尾巴
题意就是裸的差分, 非常显然
似乎暴力存非常 GG
对每个点开 vector 记录差分标记,dfs 统计答案时对每个点建一棵线段树,统计当前节点子树和
无脑想一想,这好像是个 O(n^2) 的
每次合并两棵线段树子树 x 和 y
- 如果其中一棵树为空的话,返回另一棵树。
- 如果两棵树都不为空,需要递归下去合并它们的子树。
遇到第一种情况直接就返回了,最坏 logn
每次递归下去合并完之后我们令 x 作为 x 和 y 合并后的线段树,并返回
这样对于整个差分统计答案的过程来讲 y 这棵树就相当于删掉了,没有用了
动态开点的话,对于每个差分的标记,最坏是要每次 logn 的
总共 m 次标记,所以总点数是 mlogn 级别的
所以合并的复杂度也是 mlogn 级别的
所以此题线段树合并统计差分答案就是 nlogn 级别的,常数略大,不过可做
#include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> #include<cctype> #include<cstdio> #include<vector> #define lson t[x].ch[0] #define rson t[x].ch[1] using namespace std; const int MAXN = 100005; struct EDGE{ int nxt, to; EDGE(int NXT = 0, int TO = 0) {nxt = NXT; to = TO;} }edge[MAXN << 1]; struct Node{ int ch[2], maxn, maxp; }t[MAXN * 50]; int n, m, totedge, dfnn, sizb, poolcur; int head[MAXN], siz[MAXN], fa[MAXN], dep[MAXN]; int son[MAXN], top[MAXN], dfn[MAXN], xx[MAXN]; int yy[MAXN], zz[MAXN], uni[MAXN], Root[MAXN]; int rnk[MAXN], ans[MAXN]; vector<int> tag[MAXN]; inline int rd() { register int x = 0; register char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); while(isdigit(c)) { x = x * 10 + (c ^ 48); c = getchar(); } return x; } inline void add(int x, int y) { edge[++totedge] = EDGE(head[x], y); head[x] = totedge; edge[++totedge] = EDGE(head[y], x); head[y] = totedge; return; } void dfs(int x) { siz[x] = 1; for(int i = head[x]; i; i = edge[i].nxt) if(edge[i].to != fa[x]) { int y = edge[i].to; fa[y] = x; dep[y] = dep[x] + 1; dfs(y); siz[x] += siz[y]; if(siz[y] > siz[son[x]]) son[x] = y; } return; } void efs(int x) { dfn[x] = ++dfnn; if(!top[x]) top[x] = x; if(son[x]) { top[son[x]] = top[x]; efs(son[x]); } for(int i = head[x]; i; i = edge[i].nxt) if(edge[i].to != fa[x] && edge[i].to != son[x]) efs(edge[i].to); return; } inline int lca(int x, int y) { while(top[x] != top[y]) { if(dep[top[x]] < dep[top[y]]) swap(x, y); x = fa[top[x]]; } return (dep[x] > dep[y] ? y : x); } inline int newnode() { return ++poolcur; } inline void pushup(int x) { if(!lson && !rson) { t[x].maxn = t[x].maxp = 0; } else if(!rson) { t[x].maxn = t[lson].maxn; t[x].maxp = t[lson].maxp; } else if(!lson) { t[x].maxn = t[rson].maxn; t[x].maxp = t[rson].maxp; } else { register int d = (t[lson].maxn < t[rson].maxn); t[x].maxn = t[t[x].ch[d]].maxn; t[x].maxp = t[t[x].ch[d]].maxp; } return; } void update(int dst, int l, int r, int &x, int val) { if(!x) x = newnode(); if(l == r) { t[x].maxn += val; t[x].maxp = (t[x].maxn ? dst : 0); return; } register int mid = ((l + r) >> 1); if(dst <= mid) update(dst, l, mid, lson, val); else update(dst, mid + 1, r, rson, val); pushup(x); return; } int Merge(int x, int y, int l, int r) { if(!x || !y) return x + y; if(l == r) { t[x].maxn += t[y].maxn; t[x].maxp = (t[x].maxn ? l : 0); return x; } int mid = ((l + r) >> 1); lson = Merge(t[x].ch[0], t[y].ch[0], l, mid); rson = Merge(t[x].ch[1], t[y].ch[1], mid + 1, r); pushup(x); return x; } void gfs(int x) { for(int i = head[x]; i; i = edge[i].nxt) if(edge[i].to != fa[x]) { int y = edge[i].to; gfs(y); Root[x] = Merge(Root[x], Root[y], 1, sizb); } int maxi = tag[x].size(); for(int i = 0; i < maxi; ++i) { register int val = tag[x][i]; update((val < 0 ? -val : val), 1, sizb, Root[x], (val < 0 ? -1 : 1)); } ans[x] = rnk[t[Root[x]].maxp]; return; } int main() { n = rd(); m = rd(); register int xxx, yyy; for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { Root[i]= newnode(); xxx = rd(); yyy = rd(); add(xxx, yyy); } Root[n] = newnode(); dfs(1); efs(1); for(int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) { xx[i] = rd(); yy[i]= rd(); zz[i] = rd(); uni[i] = zz[i]; } sort(uni + 1, uni + m + 1); sizb = unique(uni + 1, uni + m + 1) - uni - 1; for(int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) { register int dst = lower_bound(uni + 1, uni + sizb + 1, zz[i]) - uni, LCA = lca(xx[i], yy[i]); rnk[dst] = zz[i]; tag[xx[i]].push_back(dst); tag[yy[i]].push_back(dst); tag[LCA].push_back(-dst); tag[fa[LCA]].push_back(-dst); } gfs(1); for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) printf("%d\n", ans[i]); return 0; }
解法二:在树剖 dfs 序上维护差分标记
这是来自某 OJ 某题的简(shen)单(xian)解法
在树剖 dfs 序上维护差分标记,所有标记都打在重链上
这样做的原因是重链的 dfs 序是连续的一段,不用树剖的话应该会被卡成 n^2 吧
由于是在 dfs 序上打标记,所以为了方便统计,我们把 +1 标记打在 dfs 序小的点上, -1 标记打在 dfs 序大的点上
这样打差分标记是 mlogn 的,并且常数很小
之后在统计答案时,维护一棵权值线段树,在树剖 dfs 序上扫一遍,标记该加就加该减就减,
#include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> #include<cctype> #include<cstdio> #include<vector> #define lson (x<< 1) #define rson ((x << 1) | 1) using namespace std; const int MAXN = 100005; struct EDGE{ int nxt, to; EDGE(int NXT = 0, int TO = 0) {nxt = NXT; to = TO;} }edge[MAXN << 1]; struct Node{ int maxn, maxp; }t[MAXN << 2]; int n, m, totedge, dfnn, sizb; int head[MAXN], fa[MAXN], siz[MAXN], dep[MAXN]; int dfn[MAXN], top[MAXN], son[MAXN], ref[MAXN]; int xx[MAXN], yy[MAXN], zz[MAXN], uni[MAXN]; int rnk[MAXN], ans[MAXN]; vector<int> tag[MAXN]; inline int rd() { register int x = 0; register char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); while(isdigit(c)) { x = x * 10 + (c ^ 48); c = getchar(); } return x; } inline void add(int x, int y) { edge[++totedge] = EDGE(head[x], y); head[x] = totedge; edge[++totedge] = EDGE(head[y], x); head[y] = totedge; return; } void dfs(int x) { siz[x] = 1; for(int i = head[x]; i; i = edge[i].nxt) if(edge[i].to != fa[x]) { int y = edge[i].to; fa[y] = x; dep[y] = dep[x] + 1; dfs(y); siz[x] += siz[y]; if(siz[y] > siz[son[x]]) son[x] = y; } return; } void efs(int x) { dfn[x] = ++dfnn; ref[dfnn] = x; if(!top[x]) top[x] = x; if(son[x]) { top[son[x]] = top[x]; efs(son[x]); } for(int i = head[x]; i; i = edge[i].nxt) if(edge[i].to != fa[x] && edge[i].to != son[x]) efs(edge[i].to); return; } inline void dltcover(int x, int y, int z) { while(top[x] != top[y]) { if(dep[top[x]] < dep[top[y]]) swap(x, y); tag[dfn[top[x]]].push_back(z); tag[dfn[x] + 1].push_back(-z); x = fa[top[x]]; } if(dep[x] > dep[y]) swap(x, y); tag[dfn[x]].push_back(z); tag[dfn[y] + 1].push_back(-z); return; } inline void pushup(int x) { t[x] = t[(x << 1) + (t[lson].maxn < t[rson].maxn)]; return; } void update(int dst, int l, int r, int x, int val) { if(l == r) { t[x].maxn += val; t[x].maxp = (t[x].maxn ? dst : 0); return; } register int mid = ((l + r) >> 1); if(dst <= mid) update(dst, l, mid, lson, val); else update(dst, mid + 1, r, rson, val); pushup(x); return; } inline void print(int x) { register int y = 10, len = 1; while(y <= x) {y *= 10; ++len;} while(len--) {y /= 10; putchar(x / y + 48); x %= y;} putchar('\n'); return; } int main() { n = rd(); m = rd(); register int xxx, yyy; for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { xxx = rd(); yyy = rd(); add(xxx, yyy); } dfs(1); efs(1); for(int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) { xx[i] = rd(); yy[i] = rd(); zz[i] = rd(); uni[i] = zz[i]; } sort(uni + 1, uni + m + 1); sizb = unique(uni + 1, uni + m + 1) - uni - 1; for(int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) { register int dst = lower_bound(uni + 1, uni + sizb + 1, zz[i]) - uni; rnk[dst] = zz[i]; dltcover(xx[i], yy[i], dst); } for(int i = 1; i <= dfnn; ++i) { int maxj = tag[i].size(); for(int j = 0; j < maxj; ++j) { register int val = tag[i][j]; update((val < 0 ? -val : val), 1, sizb, 1, (val < 0 ? -1 : 1)); } ans[ref[i]] = rnk[t[1].maxp]; } for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) print(ans[i]); return 0; }
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