Using a custom AxisRenderer object

Using a custom AxisRenderer object


To change the appearance of the axis labels, you can use thelabelRendererproperty of the AxisRenderer class. This lets you specify a class that defines the appearance of the label. The class must extend UIComponent and implement the IDataRenderer and IFlexDisplayObject interfaces. Itsdataproperty will be the label used in the chart. Typically, you write an ActionScript class that extends the ChartLabel class for the label renderer.

The following example defines a custom component inline by using the<fx:Component>tag. It adds ToolTip objects to the labels along the chart’s horizontal axis so that the values of the longer labels are not truncated.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- charts/LabelRendererWithToolTips.mxml -->
    width="550" height="600">
        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
        import mx.charts.ColumnChart; 
        private var ac:ArrayCollection;
        public function setupDP():void{
            ac =  new ArrayCollection([
              [ "Label 1 is short.", 200000],
              [ "Label 2 is a fairly long label.", 150000],
              [ "Label 3 is an extremely long label. It contains 95 characters " + 
                "and will likely be truncated.", 40000]


    <s:Panel title="Column Chart">
        <mx:ColumnChart id="bc1" 
                <mx:ColumnSeries xField="0" yField="1"/>
                <mx:LinearAxis id="va1"/>
            <mx:horizontalAxis >
                <mx:CategoryAxis id="ha1" 
                <mx:AxisRenderer axis="{ha1}" canDropLabels="false">
                            <mx:Label toolTip="{this.myTip}">
                                    private var myTip:String;

                                    override public function set data(value:Object):void{
                                        if(value == null)
                                        myTip = value.text;
                                        var length:int = value.text.toString().length;
                                        if (length > 20) {
                                            text = value.text.toString().substr(0, 20) + "...";
                                        } else {
                                            text = value.text;
                <mx:AxisRenderer axis="{va1}" canDropLabels="false"/>                
        <s:Label id="l1" 
            text="Hover over the horizontal axis's labels to see the entire title rendered as a ToolTip."/>        

The executing SWF file for the previous example is shown below:


For an example of an ActionScript class that extends ChartLabel, see Adding axis titles.

posted @ 2013-12-18 11:34  Brook Legend  阅读(237)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报