Cracking the Coding Interview(linked list)



class  LinkNode
	int linknum;
	LinkNode *next;
	int isvisit;

extern void printlinkedlist(LinkNode* head);
extern LinkNode* createlinkedlist();
extern LinkNode* addfirst(LinkNode* ln,LinkNode* head);
extern LinkNode* addlast (LinkNode* ln,LinkNode* head);
extern LinkNode* remove  (LinkNode* ln,LinkNode* head);
extern LinkNode* addloop (LinkNode* ln,LinkNode* head);

extern LinkNode* removeduplicate1(LinkNode* head);
extern LinkNode* removeduplicate2(LinkNode* head);

extern LinkNode* findlastnthnode(LinkNode* head,int n);
extern LinkNode* add(LinkNode* h1,LinkNode* h2);

extern LinkNode* deletemiddle(LinkNode* head,int linknum);

extern LinkNode* backbeginloop(LinkNode* head);


LinkNode* createlinkedlist()
	LinkNode *head;
	head = new LinkNode();
	head->next = NULL;
	return head;
LinkNode* addfirst(LinkNode* ln,LinkNode* head)
	ln->next = head->next;
	head->next = ln;
	return head;
LinkNode* addlast (LinkNode* ln,LinkNode* head)
	LinkNode* iterator;
	iterator = head;
	while (iterator->next != NULL)
		iterator = iterator->next;
	ln->next = iterator->next;
	iterator->next = ln;
	return head;
LinkNode* remove  (LinkNode* ln,LinkNode* head)
	LinkNode* iterator = head;
	while (iterator->next != NULL)
		if (iterator->next->linknum == ln->linknum)
			iterator->next = iterator->next->next;
		iterator = iterator->next;
	return head;


LinkNode* addloop (LinkNode* ln,LinkNode* head)
	LinkNode* iterator = head;
	while (iterator->next != ln)
		iterator = iterator->next;
	LinkNode* newiterator = iterator->next;
	while (iterator->next != NULL)
		iterator = iterator->next;
	iterator->next = newiterator;
	return head;


1.Wirte code to remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list。How would you solve this problem if a temporary buffer is not allowed?



LinkNode* removeduplicate1(LinkNode* head)
	int array[26] = {0};
	LinkNode* iterator = head;
	while (iterator->next != NULL)
		if (array[iterator->next->linknum-1] > 1)
			iterator->next = iterator->next->next;
		    iterator = iterator->next;
	return head;



LinkNode* removeduplicate2(LinkNode* head)
	LinkNode* tmphead;
	tmphead = head->next;
	while (tmphead != NULL)
		tmphead = tmphead->next;
	return head;



2.Implement an algorithm to find the nth to last element of a single linked list.



LinkNode* findlastnthnode(LinkNode* head,int n)
	int count = 0;
	LinkNode* iterator = head->next;
	LinkNode* niterator = head->next;
	while(iterator != NULL)
		iterator = iterator->next;
		if (count >= n)
			niterator = niterator -> next;
	return niterator;



3.Implement an algorithm to delete a node in the middle of a single linked list given only access to that node.For example:

   Input:the node 'c' from the linked list a->b->c->d->e

   Result:nothing is returned,but the new linked list looks like a->b->d->e

这个题目我其实没有怎么理解,只有那个节点的访问权又是何意。in the middle of我理解成了中间的一个,所以我的代码是判断是否是这个字符,如果是则检查是否是中间的一个,如果是,则删除。

LinkNode* deletemiddle(LinkNode* head,int linknum)
	LinkNode* iterator = head;
	int prevcount = 0;
	int nextcount = 0;
	while (iterator->next->linknum != NULL)
		if (iterator->next->linknum == linknum)
			nextcount = 0;
			LinkNode* newiterator = iterator;
			while (newiterator->next != NULL)
				newiterator = newiterator->next;
			if (prevcount == nextcount)
				iterator->next = iterator->next->next;
		iterator = iterator->next;
	return head;



The Solution to this is to simply copy the data from the next node into this node and then delete the next node.

NOTE:This problem can not be solved if the node to be deleted is the last node in the linked list.???这里的描述不是很明白。

4.You have two numbers represented by a linked list,where each node contains a single digit.The digits are stored in reverse order,such that the 1's digit is at the head of the list.Write a function that adds the two numbers and returns the sum as a linked list.For example:





LinkNode* add(LinkNode* h1,LinkNode* h2)
	LinkNode* it1 = h1->next;
	LinkNode* it2 = h2->next;
	int back = 0;
	LinkNode* newhead = new LinkNode();
	while(it1 != NULL || it2 != NULL)
		int num = back;
		back = 0;
		if (it1 != NULL)
			num += it1->linknum;
			it1 = it1->next;
		if (it2 != NULL)
			num += it2->linknum;
			it2 = it2->next;
		if (num >= 10)
			num -= 10;
			back ++;
		LinkNode* ln = new LinkNode();
		ln->linknum = num;
	if (back != 0)
		LinkNode* last = new LinkNode();
		last->linknum = back;
	return newhead;



  5.Given a circular linked list,implement an algorithm which returns node at the beginning of the loop.


      Circular linked list:A linked list in which a node's next pointer points to an eariler node,so as to make a loop in the linked list.

      For example:





//broken the linkedlist node,maybe I can use an array or vector?
LinkNode* backbeginloop(LinkNode* head)
	LinkNode* iterator = head->next;
	while (iterator->isvisit == 0)
		iterator->isvisit = 1;
		iterator = iterator->next;
	return iterator;



但是这里链表的开始不能保证是起点,也就是说慢速的那个人到达链表循环的起点时候,速度快的那个人已经超过了速度慢的人k距离这么远(k为链表起点至循环起点的距离)。所以考虑不同起点的速度不同的两个人的相遇的情况...这其实是一个数据问题了,像我这种数学不是很给力的怎么也得列一个方程。 (2*speed*t + k )%n = speed*t %n

这里每次前进1,所以速度为1,则(2*t+k)%n = t%n,可以得到这个第一个t的值为n-k,所以第一次相遇在n-k的地方。


LinkedListNode FindBeginning(LinkedListNode head) {
    LinkedListNode n1 = head;
    LinkedListNode n2 = head;
//step1 meeting before k at beginning loop
    while( != null) {
        n1 =;
        n2 =;
        if ( n1 == n2)
    if( == null) {
        return null;
    n1 = head;
//step 2,meeting at the beginning loop
    while(n1 != n2) {
        n1 =;
        n2 =;
     return n2;


posted @ 2013-09-10 13:40  weixliu  阅读(1057)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报