《Essentiall Guide》读书笔记 【2】【第3章】


  书上的话“From Flash 10 onward, native display objects have positions based in a 3D coordinate system but are missing automatic Z sorting. This means display objects placed far away on the Z axis won’t necessarily be drawn behind those nearby, occasionally resulting in unnatural overlapping. Away3D automatically executes Z sorting on objects in a scene, ensuring that all 3D objects are rendered to the view correctly.”




	import away3d.cameras.HoverCamera3D;
	import away3d.cameras.TargetCamera3D;
	import away3d.containers.View3D;
	import away3d.core.base.Object3D;
	import away3d.core.base.Segment;
	import away3d.core.base.Vertex;
	import away3d.core.math.Number3D;
	import away3d.materials.WireColorMaterial;
	import away3d.materials.WireframeMaterial;
	import away3d.primitives.Cube;
	import away3d.primitives.LineSegment;
	import away3d.primitives.Sphere;
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.events.Event;
	 * ...
	 * @author wws
	public class TestCamera extends Sprite 
		private var _view:View3D;
		private var _camera:HoverCamera3D;
		private var _cube:Cube;
		private var _sphere:Sphere;
		private var _segment1:LineSegment;
		public function TestCamera() 
			_sphere = new Sphere( { x:0, y:0, z:1000, radius:20, segmentsH:5, segmentsW:10, material:new WireColorMaterial(0x00cc00) } );
			_cube = new Cube( { width:20, height:20, depth:20, segmentsH:2, segmentsW:2, segmentsD:2, material:new WireColorMaterial(0xcccc00) } );
                        _camera = new HoverCamera3D( { distance:100, target:_sphere, panAngle:0, tiltAngle:10, steps:0 } );
			_segment1 = new LineSegment();
			_segment1.start = new Vertex(_sphere.x, _sphere.y, _sphere.z);
			_segment1.material = new WireframeMaterial(0xffffff);
			_view = new View3D( { x:275, y:200 } );
			_view.camera.z = 0;
			_view.camera.y = 600;//观察点位于(0,600,0)处
			_view.scene.addChildren(_cube, _sphere,_segment1);
			stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, render);
		private function render(e:Event = null):void {
			_camera.panAngle += 1;
			_segment1.end.setValue(_camera.position.x, _camera.position.y, _camera.position.z);
			_cube.position = _camera.position;





  原文说的极生动:“the visual effect of rotating a camera appears different to rotating an object, because the camera is acting as your point of view. This means that rotating around the X axis results in a movement similar to nodding your head, rotating around the Y axis is similar to shaking your head to say “no”, and rotating around the Z axis is similar to leaning your head left or right, as you might do if you had water in your ear!”。



TestCameraZoom.as[Set Document Class]

	import away3d.containers.View3D;
	import away3d.materials.Material;
	import away3d.materials.WireColorMaterial;
	import away3d.primitives.Cube;
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.events.Event;
	 * ...
	 * @author wws
	public class TestCameraZoom extends Sprite 
		private var _cube1:Cube, _cube2:Cube, _cube3:Cube;
		private var _view:View3D;
		public function TestCameraZoom() 
			var mat:Material = new WireColorMaterial(0xcc0000);
			_cube1 = new Cube({material:mat,x:0,y:0,z:1000,width:100,height:100,depth:100});
			_cube2 = new Cube({material:mat,x:-100,y:50,z:1000,width:50,height:50,depth:50});
			_cube3 = new Cube( { material:mat,x:100, y: -50, z:1000, width:30, height:30, depth:30 } );
			_view = new View3D( { x:275, y:200 } );
			with (_view.camera) {
				x = 400;
				y = 800;
				z = 800;
			_view.scene.addChildren(_cube1, _cube2, _cube3);
			stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, render);
		private function render(e:Event = null):void {
			_view.camera.zoom -= 0.1//微调焦



  zoom应当翻译成“变焦”,还是翻译成“缩放”,还是都可以....官方文档上解释为“Provides an overall scale value to the view ”。单从上面的效果图看起来,zoom减小,似对应着摄像机逐渐远离场景。


  文档解释:A divisor value for the perspective depth of the view.

  书上说的很清楚:the value of focus does not relate to the focus setting in a real life camera but represents the distance between the camera position and the viewing plane. In 3D graphics, a viewing plane is an invisible surface in space that is used as the basis for projecting the scene to the view. If you imagine the computer screen as your viewing plane, the focus property adjusts the theoretical distance between the surface of this plane and your camera’s position in front of the plane. A small focus value results in a camera very close to the viewing plane, with an extremely wide angle of view.

  这幅图的其它部分不用管,单看红线圈出来的部分,focus应该就是控制View Distance。






posted on 2013-01-01 15:05  weiweishuo  阅读(273)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
