most important things to do

1.joint phd preparations

2.journal paper to write

3.solid fundamental knowledge including English

4.body fitness

2016/10/31 Monday

1.prepare ppt for this afternoon's group meeting

2.join the group meeting

3.modify ppt for afternoon's group meeting and reflect myself

4.make plans for this week

2016/11/1 Tuesday

1.reconstruct the database construction group

2.write database2.0 paper air ticket to Japan and railway ticket to shanghai

2016/11/2 Wednesday

1.trace the process of database2.0 construction & check the video clips

2.apply codes of methods in week 7 ppt report to database2.0 data to see the visual results

3.write database2.0 paper


posted on 2016-10-31 11:28  懒懒作  阅读(172)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报