Study Plan - The Fourteenth Day

    Another day full life, today's work is to optimize the functions which I have written. We will release the app at next Monday, so we should test the functions carefully, do out best to optimize performance and UE. Our boss have no problem on this app, it made we very happy. I find the function I implement spend the less then debug time usually, so I should more carefully on writting code. e.g. Today I have optimize the details on load and remove images, I check the code only one time then run it, all of the function are run normally, but when I monitor the momery, the momery increase fast when I roll to next page, it was depress me, why it would take so much momery, the program logic will release old images when load new images. So I add a break in code where the program will go ghough it. Then I found program not execution the release old images absolutly. Why not exec it? I exam the code carefully, omg! I have a wrong in a sign, only a sign. I update it then run it again, and all of the situation were right.

posted @ 2012-04-20 00:20  下一个自己  阅读(96)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报