Study Plan - The Twelfth Day

    Today I have gotten a Gym Card, I want to do exercise in coming two months, and it is very convenient that the gymnasium is near my home. One thing make me happy is that there get a swimming pool. Swimming is my hobby, almost one year that I have not swimming.

    Today my work is continue to resolve that two problems which I mentioned a few days ago. The first problem I have implemented but should perfect, so I simulate trigger the button's event by calculate the position of the Listbox, this event will change this button's status and execute load more items by network request. But I have meet a troublesome problem that the Listbox default think every item have the same high, but in fact it is not, so it will adjust the item's high in it before loading. The second problem I remove items also by calculate the position of the Listbox, and load images I use asynchronous. So I have resolved the problem that momory use too much and could not use cache. But all of this way I should continue to test and perfect.


posted @ 2012-04-17 23:48  下一个自己  阅读(153)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报