Study Plan - The Second Day

     Manager of department told me that the Human resources department have approved me to advance take my Annual leave on this afternoon.  After got this news, I was glad to told my friend and decided to go home to the wedding. Then looked for discount ticket, book a ticket for return ShangHai. I asked colleague how to write request for leave and wrote a request for leave and got signature. 

    By readed CLR via c# I understand that how to merge managed module to assembly. CLR not run with module, it is work with assembly. Assembly is the smallest unit to reuse, safety, version managed. Some managed module and files and resources delivered to a tool, which can create a signal protable executable file named PE32(+). It include a data which called manifest. The manifest is make up by some metadata tables. This tables descript the files which form the assembly, and the assembly have implement the public types, and the resources or data files which is related by assembly.

    In assembly module, it inclued reference assembly infomation, it made assembly can self-describing.



posted @ 2012-03-20 22:41  下一个自己  阅读(138)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报