
WeChat wangchuang2022 QQ 2545804152

Computational biological hypothesis generation using "-omics" data

Computational biological hypothesis generation using "-omics" data

Forming biological hypotheses are crucial to the success of scientific investigations in modern biology and medicine. To generate good biological hypotheses efficiently, computational approaches have been playing increasingly important roles due to the development of high-throughput technologies that enable the production of a vast amount of "-omics" data at a rapidly increasing rate. Despite the fact that most such data are freely available publicly, they are typically not well organized and not annotated consistently, making it difficult for data-driven hypothesis generation to catch up with the pace of data generation. To address this challenge, we propose a computational hypothesis-generation paradigm that is based on systematic manual curation of public datasets. Using the data resource built upon the curated data, we applied our proposed computational framework to find key gene regulators in skin biology, thermogenesis, and neurobiology. A number of candidate genes have been experimentally validated by wet-lab experiments and the published literature. The remaining candidates are also good targets for additional experimental validation. More importantly, these identified genes may serve as potential targets for the related diseases. In summary, our research paves the way for developing more effective automated hypothesis-generation methods and will help biologists designing targeted experiments aimed at increasing the speed of meaningful biological discoveries.














俞鹏博士是四川大学华西医院生物医学大数据中心特聘研究员,国家级青年人才项目获得者。博士毕业于美国德州大学奥斯汀分校,先后在贝勒医学院、德州农机大学开展生物医学信息学的研究,主要包括转录组学、选择性剪接、高通量生物数据分析、数据审编、文本挖掘和本体构建等方面。在本领域权威期刊如Proc Natl Acad Sci USA、Bioinformatics 、Nucleic Acids Res 等上发表论文四十余篇,单篇最高Google学术引用284次,论文Google学术总引用1500余次。曾多次受邀于国内外高校、会议等做研究报告。其研究获得了多家机构的支持,多次担任CCF推荐B类会议ISMB和BIBM的技术程序委员会委员,还担任学术期刊BMC Bioinformatics、Sci Rep 和PLoS One的副主编,并多次为学术期刊审稿。


posted on 2019-12-11 11:14  王闯wangchuang2017  阅读(286)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
