JavaScript Infinite scroll & Masonry

 1 // infinitescroll() is called on the element that surrounds 
 2 // the items you will be loading more of
 3   $('#content').infinitescroll({
 5     navSelector  : "div.navigation",            
 6                    // selector for the paged navigation (it will be hidden)
 7     nextSelector : "div.navigation a:first",    
 8                    // selector for the NEXT link (to page 2)
 9     itemSelector : "#content"          
10                    // selector for all items you'll retrieve
11   });
 1 // usage:
 2 // $(elem).infinitescroll(options,[callback]);
 4 // infinitescroll() is called on the element that surrounds 
 5 // the items you will be loading more of
 6 $('#content').infinitescroll({
 8   navSelector  : "div.navigation",            
 9                  // selector for the paged navigation (it will be hidden)
11   nextSelector : "div.navigation a:first",    
12                  // selector for the NEXT link (to page 2)
14   itemSelector : "#content",          
15                  // selector for all items you'll retrieve
17   debug        : true,                        
18                  // enable debug messaging ( to console.log )
20   loadingImg   : "/img/loading.gif",          
21                  // loading image.
22                  // default: ""
24   loadingText  : "Loading new posts...",      
25                  // text accompanying loading image
26                  // default: "<em>Loading the next set of posts...</em>"
28   animate      : true,      
29                  // boolean, if the page will do an animated scroll when new content loads
30                  // default: false
32   extraScrollPx: 50,      
33                  // number of additonal pixels that the page will scroll 
34                  // (in addition to the height of the loading div)
35                  // animate must be true for this to matter
36                  // default: 150
38   donetext     : "I think we've hit the end, Jim" ,
39                  // text displayed when all items have been retrieved
40                  // default: "<em>Congratulations, you've reached the end of the internet.</em>"
42   bufferPx     : 40,
43                  // increase this number if you want infscroll to fire quicker
44                  // (a high number means a user will not see the loading message)
45                  // new in 1.2
46                  // default: 40
48   errorCallback: function(){},
49                  // called when a requested page 404's or when there is no more content
50                  // new in 1.2                   
52   localMode    : true
53                  // enable an overflow:auto box to have the same functionality
54                  // demo:
55                  // instead of watching the entire window scrolling the element this plugin
56                  //   was called on will be watched
57                  // new in 1.2
58                  // default: false
60     },function(arrayOfNewElems){
62      // optional callback when new content is successfully loaded in.
64      // keyword `this` will refer to the new DOM content that was just added.
65      // as of 1.5, `this` matches the element you called the plugin on (e.g. #content)
66      //                   all the new elements that were found are passed in as an array
68 });
1 // load all post divs from page 2 into an off-DOM div
2 $('
3 ').load('/page/2/ #content',function(){ 
4     $(this).appendTo('#content');    // once they're loaded, append them to our content area
5 });


 Infinite scroll 中文注释

 1             $('#waterfall').infinitescroll({
 2                 navSelector: "#navigation", //导航的选择器,会被隐藏
 3                 nextSelector: "#navigation a", //包含下一页链接的选择器
 4                 itemSelector: ".wfc", //你将要取回的选项(内容块)
 5                 debug: true, //启用调试信息
 6                 animate: true, //当有新数据加载进来的时候,页面是否有动画效果,默认没有
 7                 extraScrollPx: 150, //滚动条距离底部多少像素的时候开始加载,默认150
 8                 bufferPx: 40, //载入信息的显示时间,时间越大,载入信息显示时间越短
 9                 errorCallback: function() {
10                     alert('error');
11                 }, //当出错的时候,比如404页面的时候执行的函数
12                 localMode: true, //是否允许载入具有相同函数的页面,默认为false
13                 dataType: 'html',//可以是json
14 //                template: function(data) {
15 //                    //data表示服务端返回的json格式数据,这里需要把data转换成瀑布流块的html格式,然后返回给回到函数
16 //                    return '';
17 //                },
18                 loading: {
19                     msgText: "加载中...",
20                     finishedMsg: '没有新数据了...',
21                     selector: '.loading' // 显示loading信息的div
22                 }
23             }, function(newElems) {
24                 //程序执行完的回调函数
25                 var $newElems = $(newElems);
26                 $('.wrapper:eq(1)').masonry('appended', $newElems);
27             });

 Masonry 中文注释

 1 $(function(){
 2  $('#container').masonry({
 3  // options 设置选项
 4  itemSelector : '.item', //子类元素选择器
 5  columnWidth : 240 ,//一列的宽度 ,包括边距 220+10+10
 6  isAnimated:true, //使用jquery的布局变化,是否启用动画效果
 7  animationOptions:{
 8  //jquery animate属性 ,动画效果选项。比如渐变效果 Object { queue: false, duration: 500 }
 9  },
10  gutterWidth:0,//列的间隙
11  isFitWidth:true,//自适应宽度
12  isResizableL:true,// 是否可调整大小
13  isRTL:false,//使用从右到左的布局
14  });
15  }); 

Masonry & Infinite scroll 联合使用

 1 $(function(){
 2 var $container = $('#content ul'); //设置容器
 3 $('#content ul').infinitescroll({   
 4     navSelector  : " .pages",  //导航的选择器
 5     nextSelector : " .pages a.nextpage",  //包含下一页链接的选择器
 6     itemSelector : "#content ul li"  //你将要取回的选项(内容块)
 7   }, function( newElements ) {
 8   //程序执行完的回调函数
 9   var $newElems = $( newElements );
10   $container.masonry( 'appended', $newElems );
11   });
12    $('#content').masonry({
13     itemSelector : '#content li', //子类元素
14     columnWidth : 251 //一列的宽度
15   });
16 });


var $container = $('#container');
    itemSelector : '.item',
    columnWidth : 240

调用masonry插件的方法格式是:$('#container').masonry( 'methodName', [optionalParameters] )

.masonry( 'appended', $content, isAnimatedFromBottom )//触发添加到container的项目的布

局.masonry( 'destroy' )// 完全移除masonry的功能 返回到元素预初始化状态
.masonry( 'layout', $items, callback )// 指定项目的布局
.masonry( 'option', options ) //设置option
.masonry( 'reloadItems' ) //重新聚合所有项目以当前的顺序
.masonry( 'reload' ) //用于预先考虑或者插入项目 .masonry( 'reloadItems' )的简化版
.masonry( 'remove', $items ) //从masonry实例或dom中移除项目

        navSelector : '#page-nav', //分页导航的选择器
        nextSelector : '#page-nav a', //下页连接的选择器
        itemSelector : '.box', //你要检索的所有项目的选择器
        loading: {
                finishedMsg: 'No more pages to load.',//结束显示信息
                img: ''//loading图片
function( newElements ) {
// 当加载时隐藏所有新项目
        var $newElems = $( newElements ).css({ opacity: 0 });
// 在添加到masonry布局之前保证图片载入
// 现在可以显示所有的元素了
        $newElems.animate({ opacity: 1 });
        $container.masonry( 'appended', $newElems, true );


Infinite scroll:

Infinite scroll Wiki:


posted @ 2013-08-26 18:01  CHN.VMAX  阅读(662)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报