

2010-03-09 12:08  Virus-BeautyCode  阅读(981)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

原文地址:HttpRuntime.Cache vs. HttpContext.Current.Cache  HttpContext.Cache和HttpRuntime.Cache   HttpContext.Current.Cache vs. HttpRuntime.Cache 



HttpRuntime.Cache vs. HttpContext.Current.Cache

Here's a development tip I came across on one of the ASP.NET discussion lists I'm on, at AspAdvice.com.

Original question:
Is there a difference in accessing the Cache of an application when calling HttpRuntime.Cache vs. HttpContext.Current.Cache?  I "think" I remember reading about a difference in the two a few years ago, but I don't remember the specifics.  This assumes that I am within a web application.

Answer from Rob Howard:
HttpRuntime.Cache is the recommended technique.

Calling the HttpContext does some additional look-ups as it has to resolve the current context relative to the running thread.

I use HttpContext.Current in a lot of the code I write too; but touching it as little as possible. Rather than calling HttpContext.Current repeatedly it's best to hang onto a reference and pass it around (when possible).

If you're in a component HttpRuntime.Cache is still the recommendation.

That said... the differences in performance are not going to be noticeable in 99% of the applications many of us write. The cases where it is going to matter is the 1% (or less) where you're trying to squeeze every last drop of performance out of you system. But this is a *minor* performance tweak, e.g. eliminating a database call, web service call or other out-of-process call in the application is definitely a better place to spend optimizing code.

For example, if you have 5 database calls in a particular code path reducing (or even optimizing) the queries is a much better use of time.

So yes, HttpRuntime.Cache is recommended but likely won't make a difference in most applications.

Another reply from James Shaw at CoverYourASP.NET:
I discovered another *great* reason to use HttpRuntime too, when writing my unit tests - HttpRuntime.Cache is always available, even in console apps like nunit!


I never use HttpContext anymore, even in class libraries.

原文地址: HttpContext.Cache和HttpRuntime.Cache   HttpContext.Current.Cache vs. HttpRuntime.Cache 



HttpRuntime.Cache:获取当前应用程序的 Cache。
HttpContext.Cache:为当前 HTTP 请求获取 Cache 对象。



/// <summary> /// 通过HttpRuntime.Cache的方式来保存Cache /// </summary> private void btnHttpRuntimeCacheSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, cacheValue, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(3), TimeSpan.Zero); } /// <summary> /// 通过HttpRuntime.Cache的方式来读取Cache /// </summary> private void btnHttpRuntimeCacheLoad_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey] == null) { cacheContent = "No Cache"; } else { cacheContent = (string)HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey]; } lblCacheContent.Text = cacheContent; } /// <summary> /// 通过HttpContext.Cache的方式来保存Cache /// </summary> private void btnHttpContextCacheSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, cacheValue, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(3), TimeSpan.Zero); } /// <summary> /// 通过HttpContext.Cache的方式来读取Cache /// </summary> private void btnHttpContextCacheLoad_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheKey] == null) { cacheContent = "No Cache"; } else { cacheContent = (string)HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheKey]; } lblCacheContent.Text = cacheContent; }
  1. HttpContext.Cache保存的Cache,HttpContext.Cache和HttpRuntime.Cache都可以读取。
  2. HttpRuntime.Cache保存的Cache,HttpContext.Cache和HttpRuntime.Cache都可以读取。
  3. 无论是哪个用户通过什么方式对Cache的改变,其他用户无论用什么方式读取的Cache内容也会随之变。

原文地址:  HttpContext.Current.Cache vs. HttpRuntime.Cache 

.NET中Cache有两种调用方式:HttpContext.Current.Cache 和 HttpRuntime.Cache,这两种方式有什么区别呢?我们先看MSDN上的解释:
      HttpContext.Current.Cache:为当前 HTTP 请求获取Cache对象。

      我们再用.NET Reflector工具看看HttpContext.Cache和HttpRuntime.Cache的实现:

    public sealed class HttpContext
public Cache Cache
return HttpRuntime.Cache;



    public sealed class HttpRuntime
public static Cache Cache
if (AspInstallDirectoryInternal == null)
throw new HttpException(SR.GetString("Aspnet_not_installed"new object[] { VersionInfo.SystemWebVersion }));

                Cache cache 
= _theRuntime._cachePublic;
if (cache == null)
                    CacheInternal cacheInternal 
= CacheInternal;
                    CacheSection cacheSection 
= RuntimeConfig.GetAppConfig().Cache;
= cacheInternal.CachePublic;
= _theRuntime._cachePublic;

return cache;







    class CacheTest
static void Main(string[] args)
            System.Web.Caching.Cache httpRuntimeCache 
= System.Web.HttpRuntime.Cache;
"httpRuntimeCache""I am stored in HttpRuntime.Cache");

if (httpRuntimeCache != null)
"httpRuntimeCache:" + httpRuntimeCache["httpRuntimeCache"]);

            System.Web.HttpContext httpContext 
= System.Web.HttpContext.Current;
if (httpContext == null)
"HttpContext object is null in Console Project");

                System.Web.Caching.Cache httpContextCache 
= httpContext.Cache;
"httpContextCache""I am stored in HttpRuntime.Cache");
if (httpContextCache == null)
"httpContextCache is null");




      输出结果:httpRuntimeCache:I am stored in HttpRuntime.Cache
      HttpContext object is null in Console Project


      参考资料:HttpRuntime.Cache 与HttpContext.Current.Cache的疑问HttpRuntime.Cache vs. HttpContext.Current.Cache