Lesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the world

New words and expressions

1.        Suspension n.

1)       The removal of sb from a team,job or school for a period of time esp.to publish them

A three-match suspension 停赛三场

The suspension of license 暂行吊销驾照

2)       ,

Suspension bridge 吊桥

Arch bridge 拱桥   swing bridge 旋开桥 floating bridge 浮桥  fly-overs 立交桥

Take-overs  过街天桥

Suspend  v.

1)       To hang sth from 吊,悬挂

Eg.the pendent lamp is suspended from the ceiling.

2)       To make sb leave school , a job,an organization temporarily.

Suspend sb from sth

Eg.The footballer who had taken stimulant was suspended from the season.足球运动员本赛季被停赛。

Suspense n.(a feeling of excitement or anxiety when you don’t know what will happen;uncertainly

Eg.keep sb in suspense 使某人担心

Eg.His way of driving kept us in suspense.他的驾驶方式着实让我们为他捏了一把汗。

2.       Agreeable a.(pleasant or acceptable)

Agreeable weather 宜人的天气  an agreeable young man 讨人喜欢的年轻人

To disagree in an agreeable way 以温和的方式表达不同的意见。

An agreeable voice 声音悦耳

Eg.That sounds like the music to my ears. 他的话让我心花怒放。

3.       Immortal  adj.不朽的,长生不死的,流芳百世的

(living or continuing forever;that will never be forgotten)

Undying adj.不灭的,不朽的  undying love 永不熄灭的爱情之火

Endless love 无尽的爱  everlasting 持久的,绵长的

everlasting marriage 绵长的婚姻

Eternal :having no end 永恒的

Eternal love 永恒的爱

Permanent peace 永久的和平

Mortal adj.只有一死的,致命的

Fatal  adj.令人致死的

A fatal attack 致命一击  lethal   adj.致命的

Lethal weapons 凶器

Moral adj.道德的  immoral  adj.邪恶的

4.       Brooklyn  布鲁克林

An industrial and international port area of New York city ,and one of the city’s 5 boroughs .It is know as an area where people of many different races  live.

The other boroughs [ˈbɚro, ˈbʌro ]are:

Manhattan曼哈顿,the Bronx布朗克斯,Queens昆斯and Richmond. 里奇满

5.       Span  n.跨度

1)       A period of time between two dates or two events

Eg.Over a span of ten years,the company has made great strikes(大步走).经过时间的发展,公司取得了长足的发展。

2)       Life span  一生,寿命  enjoy a long life span 长寿

3)       A short attention span 短期的注意力

Eg.a short interest span  一时的兴趣

A short memory span  短的记忆力

         Eg.Sabrina ,my son has a very short attention span.

6.       Cable n.

1)       海底电缆

Cable television 有线电视  cable channel  有线电视频道 cable car   缆车

2)       A thick strong metal rope used on ship  缆索,钢索

Thread 细而长的棉线或者丝线

A thread of hope 一线希望

Cord  n.粗线或者细线  cordless telephone 无线电话  the telephone cord  电话线

Chord 和弦,乐器的弦

Touch the right chord 触动心弦,引起共鸣

String 结实的粗线 a string of 一连串的

A string of hit(叫卖,热卖) albums 系列经典唱片集

Rope /   at he end of one’s rope 失去耐心,精疲力竭

Stitch 一针,一线  eg.Stitches come out tomorrow .明天拆线。

Eg.One stitch in time saves nine.一针及时省九针。

3)       越洋电报

Cablegram send a cablegram 拍发越洋电报

7.       Concrete  n./adj.  n.混凝土  cement 水泥

1)       Concrete mixer 混凝土搅拌机

2)       Clearly based on fact rather than on beliefs or guess 具体

Abstract 抽象的

Eg.Beauty is an abstract concept.美市一种抽象概念

Entity 实体,独立机构

An independent political entity. 独立的政治实体

8.       Length  n.

1)       长度

Breadth 宽度  a breadth of vision 宽阔的视野,有眼光

A breadth of mind 心胸开阔

A breadth of out look 有真知灼见

A statesman with a breadth of vision.

Width n.(多用于具体的意义)

6 metres in width / 6 metres wide.

Height  n.  high  adj.

3 metres in height / 3 metres high

Tow dimensions 二维空间  thress dimensions 三维空间

2)       A piece of sth long and thin 根,段

A length of steel tube 一根钢管  

Go to any lengths to do sth

Go to all lengths to do sth

Go to great lengths to do sth

(to be willing to use any methods to achieve sth that you are very determinded to achieve) 用尽力气做某事

Eg.China ,as the largest developing country in the world,go to great lengths to develop its country.中国最为最大发展国家,全力发展。

At length :in great detail  详尽地

Eg.The book tells the life of Princess Diana at length.

From A to Z  详尽的,无遗漏的

9.       Capacity

1)       容积,容量

Capacity crowd  爆满,座无虚席

Eg.The orchestra [ˈɔrkɪstrə ] 管弦乐队played to a capacity crowd in the hall.

2)       Ability

Capacity for sth  capacity to do sth

Eg.He has a great capacity for learning.

Eg.He has a great capacity to learn.

Capability 本领  (the natural ability ,skill)

Capability to do sth.

Eg.A willingness and a capability to change are necessary to meet future needs.


The efforts to be made

The right to refuse

The capability to change fate

A dream to be a poet.

A desire to change one’s life .

Possibility to succeed.成功的可能性


Eg.Freud Sigmund ,an Austrian doctor about whom little is known in 1920s to the Americans ,became a world renowned psychologist and was famous for his idea libido.

Little is known 鲜为人知的 libido : 本能冲动,性欲[lɪˈbido]

1.       Harbor  (Br.) 海港 [ˈhɑrbɚ]

Harbor  (Am.)

Background notes:

Perhaps no single monument in the USA is as famous as the Statue [ˈstætʃu] of Liberty which stands on a small island in New York Harbor.Most immigrants from Europe now pass through New York City via Kennedy Airport.But for immigrants from Asia,the gateway to the USA is San Francisco not New York City.

Pearl Harbor 珍珠港

 An important US naval base in Hawaii ,Which was suddently attacted by Japanese planes in Dec 1941.Many warships were destroyed and this caused great shock and anger in the US,and made the US start fighting in the World War II.

Hiroshima :广岛[ˌhɪrəˈʃimə]

A city in Japan which was destroyed in 1945 during World War II,when a US nuclear bomb was dropped on it,killing many people.

2.       Name sth sth ….起名字

Call sb sth  

Describe sth as sth 描绘成

Eg.For millions of immigrants ,the USA was described as a promising land,but for many others ,it was a bitter disillusionment. 醒悟;理想破灭

Regard sth as …. 看作

Eg.The Statue of Liberty was regarded as a symbol of Amerian democracy.

Address sb as (正式)….成为

Eg.New York is addressed as Big Apple。纽约被成为一个大苹果。

Refer to sth as

Eg.People who work in offices are referred to as white-collar workers.

Think of sth as 认为

Appoint sb as  任命某人为……

3.       In the midst of sth 之间

In the midst of a period 在。。。期间

In the midst of a place 位置之间

In the midst of Cold War(冷战)

In the middle of (在位置中间)   in the middle of doing sth 忙于

Eg.Can I call you back later?我稍后给打给你。

I’m in the middle of a meeting.我正在开会。

Mid—中间    Midautumn Day 中秋节 

Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦

4.       地点状语前置引起句子倒装

Eg.Under the big tree was sitting an old farmer.

Eg.There was an old farmer sitting under the big tree.

Eg.Outside the classroom stood a boy.

Eg.Behind the farmhouse was a rice field.

Eg.At the foot of hill lies a beautiful lake.山脚下有一个美丽的湖。

5.       By no means :not all all 根本不

In no way (used to say that you should definitely not think about a situation in this way)无论如何,不能,不可以

At no time (used to say strongly that sth never happened or should never happen) 无论何时也不可以

On no account 绝不

Eg.She is by no means a bad kid.他绝不是一个坏孩子。

Eg.In no way should it be seen as a defeat.

Eg.On on account can you tell him the truth.

Eg.At no time did I tell you that you could use my car.

6.       Be named after sb名字来命名的

Be after sth 追求的是…..

Eg.The only thing she is after is fame and fortune. 她追求的就是名声与财富。

7.       A span of 跨度表达

Eg.Everest rises to a height of 8848 m.

Eg.The hole extends to a depth of 2 m.

Eg.The road extends to a width of 5 m.

Eg.China covers an area of 9600,000 square kilometers.

Eg.The old man enjoys a life span of 100.

8.       Take into account  考虑

Account  n./v.

1)       Description  

Give an account of (书面语)

Eg.He gave us a vivid account of his trip to Paris.

2)       Take account of sth


Take sth into account 仔细考虑

Eg.The budget didn’t take account of changes in the rate of inflation.预算并没有考虑通货膨胀的变化。

3)       On account of :because of (esp.because of a problem or difficulty.)

Eg.He can’t run very fast on account of his wounded legs.他由于腿伤跑不快。

         v. account for :to give an explanation or reason for 解释

         eg.Probably ,recent pressure at work may account for his behavior.

         Accounting 会计  accountant  n.会计 teller  出纳员

         ATM :Automated Teller Machine 自动取款机

9.       Are built on 建造之上

Made of steel and concrete 钢筋混凝土制成

Alone  仅就 仅仅 ….

Eg.The Corn belt of American alone comprises as many as half of the world total output. 仅美国的玉米带就占世界总产量的二分之一。

10.   It has been estimated that ….

It is said that…  据说

It is expected that ….

It is predicted that ….

It is assumed that ….

It is known that ….

It is written that

It is felt that ….

It is reported that….

11.   Be packed with 挤满

Eg.The road is packed with crowd.马路上挤满了人。

Be teeming with 充满

Eg.Future is teeming with hope 。未来充满希望

Cram 塞,填 (completely full of things or people)

Be crammed with 塞满,挤满

Eg.The house is crammed with people.

Stuff v.填充

Eg.The ice box is stuffed with food.冰箱里面填满了食物。

Eg.I’m stuffed ./I’m full.我吃饱了。

Duck-stuffing 填鸭式教学

12.   Fulfil (文学色彩)

Fulfil your destiny  实现宿命  fulfil your dream 实现梦想 fulfil your hope 实现希望

Realize :to achieve sth that you were hoping.

Realize an ambition  实现抱负  realize a goal 实现目标




1.       I made a pass at(追求) her,but she brushed me off(冷淡的拒绝).我曾经追求过她,但被她拒绝了。

2.       If you look for a job,you may study the want ads.如果你打算找工作,就要看招聘广告。