Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble

New words and expressions

1. Appreciate v.to be very thankful for sth given 感激

Eg.I appreciate your help a lot.我非常感谢您给予我的帮助。

I would appreciate if

Eg.I would appreciate I f you can give me a hand.如果你能搭把手,我将感激不尽

Be grateful to sb for sth (正式)

Eg.I’m deeply grateful to Mr.Smith for his kind help.

Owe …. To … 欠 …. 的 归功于

Eg.I.O.U :I owe you .我欠你

Eg.I owe everything to my mother.

Acknowledge :show thanks to 鸣谢

2. Pocket n.口袋

Pocket money 零用钱 have deep pockets :have a lot of money

Have en empty pocket 穷光蛋

To burn a hole in one’s pocket 花钱如流水

No money,no honey 没有钱就没有爱情。

Pocket dictionary 袖珍字典 pocket knife 小刀 pocket camera 小型照相机

3. Rattle v.to make short ,sharp sounds quickly,one after another

Eg.The windows are rattling in the wind .窗户在风中作响。

Eg.The rattlesnake will bite its own tail when it is cornered.

Jingle v.金属相碰发出的清脆的叮当声

Crack v.枪炮以及雷发出的清脆声音

Click v.滴答声 toot v.嘟嘟声

4. Thrifty adj.节俭,节约(褒义)

Eg.hardworking ,thrifty nation frugal adj.节约,朴素

Economical adj.节俭的,经济的,耐用的

Economical class 经济舱 an economical wife (humorous)

Stingy adj.舍不得花钱的 niggard n.财迷鬼 niggardly adj.小气的

Niggardly wages 杯水车薪 miserly 吝啬的

Close fisted 视财如命 财迷的 penny-pincher 视财如命 old screw 老守财奴

5. Bounce v.(快速动作) 弹起

Be bounced into (doing) sth :匆忙之中决定,立即答应

(to be forced to decide sth quickly or agree with a particular decision0

Eg.They are bounced into marriage because their parents have made up their mind.

Play the piano 弹钢琴 pluck the guitar 弹吉他 impeach 弹劾

Flick the ash from the cigar 弹烟灰 talk love 谈情说爱

6. Pavement (Br.) 人行道

Sidewalk (Am.) pave v. 铺路

To pave the way for :为铺设道路,奠定基础

Eg.Many parents sacrificed a lot to pave the way for their children’s future.

Pedestrian n.行人 pede- 脚 pedal 脚蹬 centipede 蜈蚣

Express way 高速公路 free way (Am.) thorough fare 主路

7. Stick (stuck ,stuck) 卡住

Eg.I Got stuck in the heavy snow.

Eg.I got stuck on the problem.我被这道题卡住。

Eg.A fish bone stuck in my throat.一根鱼刺卡到我的嗓子眼了。

Stick in one’s mind 难以忘怀,难以忘记

Keep sth fresh in mind 难以忘记 。记忆犹新

Eg.Mother’s industry and thrift sticks in my mind for ever.妈妈的勤奋和勤劳让我记忆犹新。

Sticky business (棘手)麻烦事

A hot potapo 烫手的山芋

8. Brigade n.旅

Fire brigade :fire station 消防大队

Army 军 join the army 参军 air force 空军 navy 海军 ground force/land force 陆军

Division 师 regiment 团 (a large number of people ,animals)

Eg.A large regiment of ants appeared after a shower.大雨过后,蚂蚁兵团出现了。

Battalion 营 company 连 a group of about 120 soldiers

Eg.A company of travelers 一群旅游者

Eg.Two’s company ,three’s crowd 一个是龙,两个是虫

Platoon 排 lieutenant n.陆军中将 海军中尉

Eg.A platoon is commanded by a lieutenant. Squad 班(Am.) 拉拉队员

Fire-fighting squad 消防队 fire fighter 消防员

9. Grease n.润滑油

Greasy skin 油性皮肤 greasy road 湿滑的路面 a greasy smile 一脸奸笑

Grease v.

Grease sb’s palm 行贿 (to give sb money in a secret or dishonest way in order to persuade them to do sth)

Sesme oil 香油 soy oil 豆油 soy sauce 酱油

Peanut oil 花生油 hand cream 护手霜


1. gift n.

1) on a special occasion or to thank sb)

make sb a gift of sth

eg.I was made a gift of a new dress on my birthday.

Eg.I wouldn’t have it as a gift 。白给也不要。

2) a natural ability or talent 天赋

eg.She has a gift for music.

A gifted man 有才华的人 a talented man a man of parts 有才能的人

2. a regular supply (very often ) 给孩子零花钱

a regular customer a regular visitor a regular soldier a regular army a regular troop

3. source n.来源

eg. For me,music is a great source of enjoyment. 音乐是幸福来源

the source of happiness 幸福之源 the root of evil 罪恶之根

resources资源 ,物资 natural resources 自然资源

4. extra- (outside an area)

extradite 引渡回国 extramarital 有外遇的 extracurricular 课外的 extracurricular activitites 课外活动

5. go a long way 持续,用上很长时间

eg.To learn English,we have a long way to go.

Eg.A little money will go a long way with a frugal child.很少的钱够花很长时间。

To be likely to succeed

Eg.Genetic research has gone a long way in the last few years.遗传研究还有很长的路要走。

Go a long way towards (doing) sth (to help greatly in achieving sth)

Eg.Clone will go a long way towards human research.克隆对人类研究大有帮助。

Go one’s own way 走自己的路

6. exchange v.交换 exchange ideas 交换意见 exchange blows 打起来

exchange telephone numbers 交换电话号码 exchange looks 交换眼神

exchange words 交谈

exchange sth for 用前者换后者

eg.Where can I exchange dollars for pounds?我到哪里用美元换英镑呢?

Substitute v.替换 (用前者换后者)

Substitude A for B

Replace B by/with A (用后者替换前者)

Substitute n.替补,候补选手

Eg. A presidential candidate 总统候选人

A lessen paid for in blood 鲜血换来的教训。

7. money box 存钱罐

strong box 保险柜 call box 电话厅 jury box 陪审团 pillar-box 邮筒 mailbox

pill-box 药盒;碉堡 box office 售票处,票房

8. fill up 填满

eg.The angry crowd filled up every road.

Eg.I filled myself up with my favorite food.

Duck-stuffing 填鸭式教学

Be filled with 充满(动态)

Eg.The little boy is filled with curiosity in this new school.

Be full of 充满(状态)

Eg.He is full of guilt about the death of his daughter.

9. Penny n.便士 pennies (强调数量的复数)

Pence 价值上的复数概念

Penniless 身无分文的 have an empty pocket 身无分文

Penny-pincher 省吃俭用的 penny-wise 省小钱的

Penny-wise and pound-foolish 贪小失大

A pretty penny 一大笔钱

Eg.He inherited a pretty penny form his late aunt .他从刚刚去世的阿姨那里继承一笔钱。

10. Pay for sth 支付 为 …而付出代价

Eg.Humans will one day pay for what they have done to the earth.

Answer for 对….后果负责人

Eg.Humans will answer for the heavy pollution.

11. Find one’s way 到达 (it arrives or get there after sometime)

Eg.Only one of ten inventions has found its way into shops. 十项发明也只有一个项最后能够成为产品。

Eg.How those political scandals found their way in the newspapers.

Find oneself 找到自己

Eg.Once he was lost and now he finds himself.

12. Instead adv.前面提到的事物的替代或者替换

Eg.We couldn’t give up,we must hold on instead.

Eg.I told him not to risk;instead ,he finally found himself in trouble.

(instead 是对“前提“在逻辑上的一种否定,往往客观事实在instead 所在的部分)

Instead of 而不是, 没…. 而 …

Eg.We should do something instead of talking about it.

Eg.He studied medicine in his youth,but he became a detective writer instead of a doctor.他年轻的时候是学医的,但是他后来成为了一个侦探而不是医生。

13. On one’s way to

Eg.On our way to success,we are bound to meet with difficulties.

Eg.Failures are the only steps on the way to victory.

On one’s trip to

On his fishing trip to the countryside.

On their honeymoon trip to France.

On the road to 通向…路当中

Eg.Israel and Palestine are on the road to peace.

On the road to ruin

14. Disappear down a drain

Go down the drain :to be wasted 白白浪费了

Eg.All of our efforts went down the drain.

15. Take off his jacket

The plane takes off

Put off :postpone 推迟 call off :cancel 取消 turn off 关闭 turn on 打开

Burn off 烧掉 brush sb off 冷漠的拒绝了别人

Eg.I made a pass at her ,but she brushed me off .我追求过她,但被她拒绝了。

16. Roll up his sleeves 卷起袖子 (to start doing a job even though it is difficult or unpleasant)

Eg.He rolls up his sleeves to study English. 大干一场

17. And what is more (插入语)更有甚者

What is worse 更糟糕的是

18. A crowd of people 表示数量不大

A flock of young girls 一群小女孩 a circle of friends 一圈朋友

A cloud of horsemen a college of translators

A collection of odd people. A galaxy of beauties 一群美女

A flood of callers 一大群来访者 a flood of curses 诅咒 a flood of letters 一大堆信件

19. Rub

Rub the fur the wrong way 惹怒了某人

Eg.I probably said something wrong that rubbed his fur the wrong way!

Call the fire bridage 报火警 call the police 报警

20. Reward v.回报,奖赏

To give sth to sb because they have done sth good or helpful.

Reward sb with sth 回报了某人以…. 报以某人

Eg.She rewarded the young man who helped her a lot with a sweet smile.


eg.He offered a reward of $2000 for his missing son.

Award v.授予,颁给 to officially give sb sth such as a prize.

Award sb sth :

Eg.The university awarded the best students scholarship.


1. What will be will be.是福不是祸,是祸躲不够。

2. When there’s life,there is hope.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

3. Where there’s a will ,there’s a way.有志者事竟成。