Lesson 14 A noble ganster

New words and expressions

1.       Noble man 贵族(有头衔) aristocrat :sb who belongs to the highest social class 出生贵族的人,不一定有头衔。

Lord :a man who has a rank in the aristocracy:泛指有贵族头衔的;土地主

Sir : a little used before the 1st name of a knight or baronet 骑士和准男爵(没有贵族地位)

James Wilson 可以称呼:Sir James 不可以称呼:Sir Wilson

Duke 公爵  Marquis 侯爵 Earl 伯爵 Viscount 子爵 Baron 男爵

Knight 骑士 可用皇家册封的科学家

2.       Gangster  n.匪徒

Gang :一群  gangster films 警匪片  kidnapper 绑匪 hooligan 小流氓 bandit 土匪

Thug 刺客,恶棍,凶汉 tough guy 流氓   mercenary 雇佣兵 burglar 夜贼

Burglar alarm 报警器  pilferer 小偷

A gang of hooligans 一群小流氓  a nest of bandit 一窝土匪 a bunch of gangsters 一伙匪徒 a band of kidnappers 一伙绑匪  a pack of thugs

3.       Chicago 芝加哥

The 3rd largest city in the US and the biggest in the south-east of Illinois which is an important industrial and business center.

During the 1920s and 1939s it was famous for gangsters.

4.       Protect v.保护

Protect against 防御 eg:The burglar alarm is used to protect against burglars.

Protect from 挡住而不受….伤害

Eg.Goggles protect our eyes from the sun.墨镜可以挡住阳光保护眼睛。

5.       Defend v.保卫

Defend motherland 保卫祖国  guard v.守护 n.保镖,保安

Eg.Stand guard over the old castle.护花使者

6.       Promptly  ad.立即,迅速

Prompt a.without delay 没有拖延   eg.The customer demans a prompt reply.客户要求立即回复。

Immediately: very soon before or after sth 在很短时间内

Make a name for somebody 成名 

Eg.He made a name for himself immediately after he made a remarkable discovery.

Instantly 一下子 immediately 同意

Eg.The police recongnized the kidnapper instantly though the tough guy disguised himself as a priest.

Instant 迅速   instant coffee 速溶咖啡  

Swiftly ad.very fast 速度很快

Eg. He swiftly avoided a blow.他迅速躲开一击。

7.       Destroy v.破坏

To damage sth so badly that is cannot be repaired.

Eg.The small boat was destroyed in the heavy storm.

Ruin 可以用作抽象比喻

Eg.Heavy smoke ruined his health.

Eg.Sugar ruined my teeth.

Spoil  搅黄了

Eg.A heavy shower spoiled my holiday.

Eg.Spare the rod and spoil the kid. 不打不成材。

Wreck v.严重破坏  especially to destroy a ship

Eg.The ship was wrecked on reefs.

Eg.Hundreds of buildings were wrecked by the earthquake.

8.       Remarkable a.不寻常的

Mark 标志,标记 out of the ordinary

Make one’s mark : to become successful or famous 大获成功

Eg.Margaret Thatcher made a mark on British politics.

Be remarkable for 在某方面显著

Eg.He is remarkable for his stupidity.特别愚蠢。

Eg.Don’t make yourself too remarkable.别让自己太扎眼。

9.       City-state  城市国家;城邦

Eg.Hong Kong enjoys the identity and the wealth of a city-state without a state’s responsibility for its long-range destiny.

10.   Hire  v.租用,租借

1)       To use sth for a very short-time

Eg.You hire a car from its owner.从别人那里租

Eg.He hires a car out to you.他租小汽车给你

On hire purchase 分期付款

Eg.They bought themselves a large house on hire purchase.

Rent v.租赁,租借 for a long time

Rent sth from 租借 rent sth out (to sb) 出租

2)       Employ sb 雇佣

Hire a maidservant (短期,临时)

Employ 正式

Take sb on (口语)雇佣   eg.The business is good.So we should take more workers on.

Charter v.雇船,包车

Charter a plane 包机

11.   Prince  王子,小国的君主

Prince Charles 查尔斯王子  Prince of Wales 威尔士亲王

Prince charm 白马王子  Prince regent 摄政王  Princess Diana 戴安娜王妃

Queen Elizabeth II   King Kang Xi 康熙大帝 Emperor 天皇

12.    Florentine 佛罗伦萨人

Florence lies in the center of Italy .It was famous as the centre of Renaissance.

Pekingers 北京人   Londoner 伦敦人  Parisian 巴黎人

The native of Guizhou Province 贵州人

13.   Valiant  a.(战士)英勇的 (文学色彩)

Brave a.天生就勇敢的性格 a brave boy

Daring 胆大妄为的

Eg. A daring robbery 大胆的抢劫   heroic 英雄般的

Courageous 勇敢,果敢的(理性)

A courageous woman 果敢的女人

Bold 鲁莽的   gallant a.   有情有义的,有胆识的

Chivalrous a.有骑士风范的,对女性殷勤的

A chivalrous knight




1.       A noble gangster 对顶修饰

A true lie 真实的谎言    a living death 虽死犹生  a dead living 虽生犹死

Eg.Parting is such sweet sorrow.

2.       There was a time when I……. 曾经有一段时间

Eg.There was a time when I hated studying English.

3.       Pay sb mony (双宾语)

Eg.Programmers are paid about $200 a day.

Pay sb money for sth eg.I pay her $200 for this painting .

It brings a good result to you. 某事会给某人带来好处。划算,带来好处。

4.       Put a man out of business 使停业

Put a man out of patience 使人发火  put sb out of his work 使失业

Put sth out of service 坏了

Eg.A heavy snow put the train out of service.一场大雪使火车坏了。

5.       Crime  n.犯罪

Eg.It would be a crime to stay inside on such a beautiful day.这么好的天在家里待着太可惜。

Eg.It’s no crime to have mispronounced a word.不就是发错一个音,有什么大不了的。

Eg.Words will make a word. 没有单词怎么能成就世界呢。

Commit a crime 犯罪

6.       As long ago as 早在多久以前

As early as

Eg.As long ago as I was in my middle school ,I heard quite a lot about him.

As late as 直到

Eg.I waited and waited until as late as 9:00 o’clock he came.

As many as 多达(可数名称)

Eg.As many as 1000 people died in the flood.

As much as (不可数名词)

Eg.It’s said that a footballer is paid as much as one million RMB a year.

7.       Would rather do than do 宁愿….也不愿

Eg.A brave man would rather die on foot than live on knees.宁肯站着死,不愿跪着活。

Would rather that +did/were 虚拟语气

Eg. I would rather that I Weren’t here now.

Would sooner that +did /were 宁愿 

Eg. I would sooner that I didn’t know you.

8.       Make a name for oneself and came to be known to the Italians as 成名被叫做…..

Eg.Albert Einstein ,a US physicist and mathematician ,made a name for himself by the theory of relativity and came to be known as one of the greatest scientist of the 20th century.

9.       Pay the high price 出高价

物品的贵贱 :expensive /cheap  价格高低  high price low price

Bride price 彩礼,聘礼    at any cost /at any prrice

Eg.Chinese government will keep the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong at any price.

10.   In times of peace 在和平时期

In times of war  在战争年代  era 特定年代 

In the Queen Victorian era 维多利亚时代

Age 多出现在专业术语 The last Ice Age 最后的冰河时代

Eg.We live in e-age 我们生活在电子时代。

         Epoch 有重大历史事件的时代  epoch-making 划时代的

11.   March  v./n. 行军  25000 Li Long-March 二万五千里长征

Pace v.踱步  stride v.跨步 大步走  ramble/amble v.(无目的)漫步

Rambling in the cloud

Stroll  v./n.悠闲的散步  take a stroll 出去溜达  wander v.徘徊,到处乱走

Toddle  v.(不满周岁的孩子)蹒跚学步 toddler n.

Stagger v.踉踉跄跄

12.   Offer to do  主动提出

Eg.He offered to drive us home .他主动提出开车送我们回家

Offer your hand to sb :in order to shake hands with 握手

13.   Give sb a state funeral 给某人举行国葬

14.   Hold a state funeral for sb给某人举行国葬

Give sb a state banquet 给某人举行国宴  pay a state visit to 出访某国

15.   Dedicate  奉献,题献

Sth be dedicated to sb 以献给

Sth be dedicated to the memory of 以纪念

Eg.The film is dedicated to the memory of those valiant soldiers who sacrificed for the interests of our nation.


Tongue twister 绕口令

1.       Good food could be cooked by a good cook.

2.       Five fellows ate 5 fish on February the 5th.

3.       Prices are sky-high these days.