Lesson 13 ‘It’s only me

New words and expressions

1. costume n.(正式场合)所穿的服装

national costume 民族服装 a costume play 古装戏 out fit 一整套

wedding out fit 结婚用的全部服饰

dress evening dress 晚礼服 fancy-dress party 化妆舞会

uni- 前缀 表示 一 uniform 制服 school uniform 校服

overalls 工作服 gown 长袍 ;法官服;学士服

garment 正式表达 服装 pajamas 睡衣 habit :worn by a nun or monk 僧服

2. consist vi. 组成 consist of 无被动

eg.Carbon Dioxide consists of carbon and oxygen.

Be make up of

Eg:The American Congress is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate.美国的国会由上议院和众议院组成。

Be composed of (被动)

Eg.The Parliament is composed of the House of Lords and the House of Commons.英国议会由贵族院和下议院组成。

Comprise 构成

Eg.’Anglo-Saxons’ comprises 45% of the American population.

Constitute 构成,组成

Eg.England,Scotland,and Wales constitute Great Britain.

Consist in :lie in 本质存在于

Eg.Happiness consists in appreciating what you have.

3. Sheet n.被单,床单

A sheet of paper 一页纸 a sheet of bullets 枪林弹雨 rain in sheets 瓢泼大雨

4. Effective a.有效果的 (to get a result you want)

Efficient 有效率的

Effect n.效果

Have a good effect on sth /have no effect on sth 对….有效果/对….无效果

Eg.What I have said had no effect on Tom.He just let it in one ear and out the other.

Come into effect 逐渐实施,生效

Eg.New traffic regulation has just come into effect.新的法规逐渐生效。

Words to this/that effect (to such an extent) 达到某种程度

Eg.She was so angry that she called him coward or words to that effect.

5. Comfortable a.舒服的

Eg.Sit down and make yourself comfortable. 口语

Eg.Be at home. I’m easy.我随便

6. Electricity 电

Electricity board 供电局 electro- 前缀 电的

Electron n.电子 electronic 电子的 e-age 电子时代 e-mail e-business 电子商务

Neutron 中子 proton 质子 atom 原子 atom bomb 原子弹 molecule 分子

7. Metre n.仪表

Parking meter 计价器 gas meter 煤气表 water meter 水表

Electricity meter 电表 thermometer 温度表 odometer 里程表 (Am) mile meter (Br.)

To read the meter 查电表 check mail 收邮件

8. Pace n.节奏 v.走来走去

The living pace 生活节奏 the pace of living

Keep pace with 跟上…步幅 (to move or change as fast as someone or something else) 与时俱进

Eg.Pensions() and benefits have failed to keep pace with the rate of inflation (通货膨胀).

Set the pace :奠定基调,树立榜样 (to establish a speed that others can follow)

Eg.Japanese industry sets the pace in electronic engineering.


1. After 引导时间状语从句

Eg.After I got on the last train,it went off at once.我一上了最后一班或者,车就开了。

Before :引导时间状语从句,与after 相反

Eg.before the train started off,I had got on.

2. Too …to ….

Eg.I am too excited to say a single word. 我兴奋的一句话都说不出来了。

Eg.Never too late to learn. 什么时候学习都不晚。

Be all too…(to)….实在太….

Be only too …. To do the

Eg.I’m only too glad to help you !能帮助你真是求之不得。

Can’t be too … to do sth

Could never be too … to do sth

无论多么… 也不….

Eg.A mother can’t be too patient with her kids.

3. Would be going to 过去将来进行时

Fancy 1)n.品味,爱好

Have a fancy for sth 有…爱好

Have a crush for sb 自作多情

1) V.

Eg.Fancy meeting so many friends here! 真没有想到在这能见到这么多老朋友。

2) Adj.(expensive) a fancy hotel

Fancy man :情夫

4. Intend v.打算

Intention n.打算

Intend to do 打算做某事(意图)

Eg.He intends his only son for a doctor. 他想让他唯一的儿子成为医生。

Intended to have done 本打算 虚拟语气

Plan propose aim 有目的,计划

Eg.He proposed to have given me a hand,but he got me into a big trouble.

5. Dress up …. As …. 打扮成 (for fun)

Disguise oneself as 伪装成 to change one’s appearance so that no one could recognize them

Eg.The criminal escaped from the border disguised as a priest.

The night before 头天晚上 last night the night after 转天晚上

The night before last 前天晚上

The night after next 后天晚上 3 days after today 大后天

6. Door

The front door 前门 the back door 后门 the side door 偏门

Eg.She entered the famous university by the back door.

7. Come straight ahead 一直向前走

Go straight 改邪归正,重新做人

Straight As 全A straight hair 直发 set sb straight 指正某人的错误

8. Not wanting to frighten the poor man 不想吓唬

Eg.Not wanting the patient to be nervous ,the doctor didn’t tell her the serious situation.

9. Fellow one’s footsteps 步….的后尘

Eg.My father is a doctor and he wants me to follow his footsteps.

10. Let out a cry 大叫一声

Let out a secret 泄露秘密 let out a yell 欢呼声 let out a groan 发出呻吟声

11. Slam the door :to shut the door with a loud noise 使劲关上门

Slam the window shut :使劲关上窗

Slam on the brakes 急刹车 grand slam 大满贯

Shut door against sb : They shut the door against the girl.

Eg.He shuts his ears to all advice .他置若罔闻。

Bang 猛撞 eg.The door banged shut.


1. Like to be different .喜欢标新立异

2. All work and no play will make Jack a dull-boy.只工作,不玩耍,是谁工作都变傻。