Lesson 11 Not guilty

New words and expressions

1. Guilty 有罪-> innocent 无罪

Be guilty of a crime 犯 … 罪

Be guilty of bribery 犯有行贿罪 be guilty of corruption 犯有贪污罪 be guilty of defamation 犯有诽谤罪 be guilty of malfeasance 犯有渎职罪

Be guilty of rape 犯有强奸罪 be guilty of arson 犯有纵火罪
surrender oneself 投案自首

Feel guilty about 内疚

Eg.I feel really guilty about forgetting her birthday again.

2. Tolerant a.宽容大度的

Eg.My parents are really tolerant of my choice of football.

Tolerable a.可容忍的

Eg.I find her barely tolerable.

3. Declare v.(正式) 宣称,宣告

Declare war on 开战

Eg.Police have now declared war on drug dealers.警察向毒品犯宣战。

Eg.Do you have anything to declare?

Declaration n.宣言 the Declaration of Independence.独立宣言

State v.声明

Eg.A problem well stated is half solved. 说清楚问题等于解决了一半。

4. Hardened hard -> harden->hardened 老练的

A hardened criminal 惯犯,老手

Done-time 坐过牢的

A tough guy 黑社会老大

Sophisticated a.精通人情世故的,老练的

Eg.a sophisticated business man.老练的商人。

veteran :a person who has had much experience ,especially as a soldier.

A veteran statesman 有经验的政治家 a veteran teacher 资深教师 a teaching veteran.

An experienced teacher.

Man of the world 精通世故的人

5. Professional a.职业的

Occupational vocational professional teacher occupational school vocational school.

Regular lawyer 职业律师 prize-fighter 职业拳击手

Career diplomat 职业外交家 work ethic 职业道德 industrial desease 职业病

Vocation 职业 vacation 假期 be on vacation 度假

6. Smugger n.走资贩

Smuggling 走私行为 drug trafficking 毒品走私 drug dealer 走资贩子

7. Pounce v.猛抓,扑住

-ounce 快速动作 bounce 弹起 trounce 痛打

Pounce on sb/sth :抓住比人的小错误,立即指责 (to notice a mistake and immediately criticize or disagree with it)

Eg.If you make a single mistake,you boss will pounce on it.

Crouch 下蹲,下伏 –》pounce

Eg.The Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon .卧虎藏龙。

8. Perfume n.香水,香气 v.洒香水 发音:名前动后(重音) wear perfume 喷香水

Scent 香味 the scent of roses 花的香气

Fragrance 怡人的清香 fragrant 芳香的 flagrant 臭名昭彰,恶名远扬

9. Sarcastic a. making an unkind joke on sb 尖酸刻薄的玩笑

A sarcastic remark 尖酸刻薄的评价

Acid a.酸性的 an acid comment 尖酸刻薄的评论

Bitter words 尖酸刻薄的话

Eg.There is always a sting in his words.他的话总是带刺儿。a sharp rebuke 严厉的斥责

10. Duty n.a tax paid on something imported or exported. 进出口税

Customs duty 关税 (tax paid on imported or exported goods)

Tariff n.关税 GATT ----Gerneral agreement on Tariff and Trade 关税与贸易总协定

Background notes: 1995.1.1 WTO 成立不存在了GATT

Income tax 个人所得税 property tax 财产税 VAT :value added tax 附加税


1. Stop :prevent

To stop sb doing (to prevent sb from doing)

Eg.There is nothing to stop me taking the challenge.

Stop for sth :stop during a journey in order to do sth.

Eg.We stopped for a drink on the way home.

Stop by : to make a short visit to a place or person ,esp.when you are on your way to somewhere else

Eg.I stopped by my mother’s on the way to my office.

2. Green channel 绿色通道,便利通道

Green card (a document that a foreigner must have in order to work legally in the USA ) 绿卡

Green house effect :温室效应

(the gradual warming of the air surrounding the earth as a result of heat being trapped by pollution.

Green eyed 眼红了

Eg.He became green eyed when he heard that his neighbor had got a new car.

Green back 美钞

3. Made

Be made for each other 天生一对 suitable for each other

Be made for (used to say that you are not happy about your job or sth.

Eg.I wasn’t made for housework.我可不是来干活的(抱怨)

4. On the other hand 另一方面,而 表示对照表示词

On the contrary 恰恰相反(showing that you disagree with what has just been said)

A:America seems to be a paradise to many immigrants.美国对很多移民来说是天堂

B.On the contrary,it is a hell.Probably it’s a paradise to some of them,but on the other hand,it’s not.恰恰相反,美国简直就是一个地狱,也许对一部分来说是天堂,但对另外一部分来说则不是。

5. trouble go looking for troubles 寻找麻烦

Eg.To go looking for troubles doesn’t mean brave.

Eg.Never trouble troubles until trouble troubles you. 自己千万不要找麻烦,直到麻烦来你

Get oneself in a jam 陷入麻烦

Eg.He got himself in a jam when he promised to take the girl out while he forgot he had made one already.(two-timer)

6. Return from abroad 归国

Go abroad 出国 study abroad 出国学习 both home and abroad 国内外

Tourists from both home and abroad 国内外游客

7. Particularly officious (too eager to tell people what to do) 好为人师的,多事的

Eg.A particularly officious guard came and told me not to whistle in the museum.

Be Particular about :care about 在意

Eg.I’m not particular about food.

Be peculiar to :only belongs to 为…. 所特有
eg.Kimono is peculiar to Japanese.和服是人日本人特有

Be unique to 为…特有

Eg.Kangaroos are unique to Australia.袋鼠是澳大利亚特有。

Be special for :unusual 特别的

Eg.You are special for me.你对我来说是不一样的,不同寻常的。

8. Look sb in the eye (to look directly) 直盯着某人

比较特殊,look 为不及物动词,此处需要特别注意 不能加at

Eg.Looking me in the eye .

Eg.He looked the man in the eye and told him he was wrong.

Look to sb/sth (to depend on someone to provide help) 指望

Eg.I look to you for support.

9. Mind doing 介意做 …..

Eg.Do you mind my smoking here?

Eg.Would you mind unlocking this suitcase please?

10. Unlock 打开

Uncover 揭开 undo 解开,松开 unscrew 拧开

11. Go through 1) to pass by 通过 2) to look over carefully 仔细检查 3) to suffer from or experience sth bad 4) use up sth 用光

Eg.go through the Green Channel

Eg.He went through all the books borrowed from the library.

Eg. Those who never go through hardship will not appreciate happiness.

Eg. Peking was sp expensive that we went through all the money in one week.

12. Be in a dreadful mess 变得一团糟

Be in an awful mess / be in a terrible mess

Be in chaos 传说宇宙的混沌的状态

At sixes and servens 乱七八糟的 in disorder 混乱,骚乱

Eg.The crowd were in disorder at the sight of the king.

In confusion (not clearly)

Eg.His mind was in confusion.他脑子一团乱。

13. Light up : to cheer up or become excited suddenly 兴高采烈

Eg. The crying baby lights up with the new toy.

14. Tiny 微小的 含有感情色彩

15. Should have done 本应该(而实际上没有)

Eg.I should have known there was no free lunch in the world.天底下没有免费的午餐。

16. Be exempt from 免于 ,不用….

Eg.He was exempt from military service because of his broken leg.

Be excused from doing sth (口语)

Eg.Mum,Can I be excused from swimming today?

Be free from fear :免于恐惧

Be free from care 无忧无虑 be free from anxiety be free from problem 免于困难的干扰

Be independent of human interference 摆脱而独立

17. Mixture 混合物

A mixture of happiness and sadness 悲喜交加

18. As I expected 正如我所料

Sure enough 果然

As might be expected 正如所预料的(书面语)

19. Be greeted by 一股…袭来 ,扑面而来

Eg.I was greeted by the perfume of jasmine(茉莉花) when opening the window.


1. Old wine in new bottles 新瓶子装旧酒,换汤不换药

2. True lies at the bottom of the decanter.酒后吐真言。