Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic

New words and expressions

1. Titanic adj.巨大的

Titan :a strong and grand person in Greek mythology 大力士

Gigantic adj.巨大的

A gigantic skyscraper. Colossal adj.庞大的 a colossal ship

Immense adj.宏大的 (褒义)

An immense hall 规模宏大的殿堂

2. Compartment n.(船) 船舱;车厢

Car n.Am hold n.船底 货舱 capsule n.太空舱;胶囊

3. Flood n./v.

n. a flood of refugees 一群难民 a flood of curses 一连串的诅咒 a flood of letters

a flood of blessings 一连串的祝福 a flood of anger

v. flood into

eg.A lot of refugees flooded Into Pakistan.

Pour into 涌入

Eg.Many people poured into South Africa for gold rush in the 19th century.19世纪大批难民跑到南非淘金。

Snow in : …像雪片一样飞来

Eg.Letters and presents snowed in on her birthday.

4. Float v. to move in the air or on the surface of water

Eg.He is floating on air. 兴高采烈,洋洋得意

=Eg.He is walking on air

5. Tragic adj.悲剧

Tragedy n.悲剧 comic adj.喜剧的 comedy n.喜剧

Cultural background notes:

William Shakespear was a famous English Writer of plays and poems.

His famous tragedies include:

《Romeo and Juliet》《Julius Caesa》《Hamlet》《Mecheth》《Othello》《King Lear》

The comedies includes :

《Midsummer Night’s Dream》《Twelfth Night》

6. Look out! 小心啊! 留神

Mind your head 当心你的头

Watch your step 当心脚下

7. Collide v. to hit in a different direction

Collide with a car 汽车相撞 bump into a car 追尾

Run into an acquaintance 碰到熟人 come across a word 遇到生词

8. Voyage n.海上航行

First voyage 首航,处女航 navigation 航海 navy 海军 trip 短途旅行 journey 长途旅行

Tour 巡回访问

Eg.The president now is on a 6-nation tour.

Trek : a long and difficult journey esp. on foot.

The long trek to the South Pole.

9. Reluctant adj.勉强的 be slow and unwilling (主观上)

Reluctance eg.He answered my question with reluctance.

Narrowly :only by a small amout . narrowly escape 勉强逃脱

Eg.The family narrowly escaped the clutches of Nazis 。 纳粹的魔掌

Narrowly miss 险些碰到,勉强躲开,差一点就

Eg.The brick narrowly missed his head. 那块砖头险些打了他的头。

Survive sth :侥幸,大难不死

Eg.The cat survived the falls.

All but :差一点;险些

Eg.I all but stumbled over the step .我差一点就绊倒了。

Eg.force a smile 勉强笑了一下

10. Horror n.恐怖

Fright n. stage fright 怯场 dread :a fear of sth in the future.对尚未发生的事情惶恐不安

Eg.She is filled with dread of meeting of VIP .她对那个大人充满了惶恐与不安

Dreadful :extremely unpleasant 令人不悦的

Dreadful weather 坏天气

Terror n.恐怖 terrorist 恐怖主义者

Terrible 糟糕 terrific 太棒了。

Eg.What do you think of Titanic ?

It was terrific.

Eg.I’m scared to death of snake .我怕蛇怕得要命。

Phobia n.恐怖症 acrophobia n.恐高症 (acrobat )

11. Abandon v.抛弃

To leave sb you are responsible for

Abandon family 抛弃家庭

Forsake v. to leave when you should stay because they need you. 离去,离开

Forsake hope .放弃希望

Desert v.you never have a feeling. 丧失

Samul Erman <<Youth>>

Eg.We grew old by deserting our ideas.

Abdicate :give up the position of being a king or queen.弃位

Eg.Edward vIII the British King in 1936 .He was forced to abdicate because he wanted to marry an American woman who had been married before.


1. Sail for 驶向

Row for 滑向 drive for 驱车驶向 speed for 快速 fly for 驶向哪里

Leave for 离开哪里 spin for 急速驶向 for +destination 目的地

From +departure 离开地

2. Crew 船务成员 ;机组成员

A crew of stewardesses a corps of engineers

corps :a group of people united in the same activity.

Bench :长凳 ;律师界和法庭

A bench of scholars. A long train of sight-seers 移动的人群。

3. It was regarded as unsinkable.

Eg.Young men with long hair has once been regarded as eccentric (与众不同的).

Unsinkable adj.永不沉没的

Never-sun-set kingdom .日不落帝国

Eg.England was regarded as never-sun-set kingdom by the English.

4. Liner n. a large passenger ship 大型客船

Airliner 客机 cruise liner 巡游舰

5. With 介宾短语做伴随状语

Eg.They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls.

6. Sail across 横渡

Across 横渡;横贯 west<-> east

Through 纵穿

Waters n.水域 ,海,河 icy waters 冰水域 icy water 寒冷刺骨的水中

Territorial waters 领海 high seas 公海

Still waters run deep. (saying a person who is quiet and says little often hides deep feelings or a lot of knowledge of a subject) 静水流深,真人不露相

Fish in troubled waters.浑水摸鱼;趁火打劫

Water 水

Keep one’s head above water 勉强糊口

Eg.How are you doing ? I’m just keeping my head above water.

7. The North Atlantic 北大西洋

(The Pacific – the Atlantic)

NATO :(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 北大西洋公约组织

APC : (Asian and Pacific Council 亚太理事会

8. Turn sharply 急转弯 (turn quickly and suddenly

Veer :to change direction suddenly.

Swerve:to make a sudden sideways movement while moving towards, esp.in order to avoid hitting sth.突然跕向边道

9. Sharp adj. look sharp =smart

Thank you ,it is very kind of you to say so!

Have sharp ears. Have a sharp nose have a sharp mind 思维敏捷

10. Just I time 刚好来得及

(sooner than expected)

With no time to spare 说时迟,那时快

In next to no time 立刻 ,马上

Eg.The company went bankrupt in next to no time.

In a fraction of a second.眨眼间

11. The immense wall 一座巨大的冰墙

Walls have ears.隔墙有耳 go to the wall 破产

12. Slight adj.轻微的

A slight trembling sound

Slight difference 细微的差别

Faint adj.微弱的,不易察觉的

Eg.A faint blush crept into her cheeks.她的脸偷偷的红了。

Not to have the faintest idea .一窍不通。对..一无所知

Eg.They didn’t seem to have the faintest idea about what I was talking about.

Eg.There’s still a faint hope.还有一线希望。

13. Plunge into :fall into

Be plunged into :to suddenly experience great unhappiness

Be plunged into despair

Eg.The wife was plunged into despair after abandoned.妻子被丈夫遗弃以后陷入绝望之中。

Be plunged into wars 两国交战

Be plunged into silence 陷入沉默

Eg.He used to be a merry boy ,but after the death of his mother ,he was plunged into silence.

Be plunged into bankruptcy 陷入破产

Eg.The company was plunged into bankruptcy due to the slump in stock. 由于股票暴跌,这家公司陷入破产。

Eg. Plunge a danger into the enemy’s breast.刺进敌人胸膛

14. Lifeboat 救生船

Life preserver 救生器材 life belt 救生带 life buoy 救生圈 life jacket 救生衣 life vest 救生衣 life raft 救生筏 life net 救生网(消防)


1. God help those who help themselves 神救自救者

2. Take the smooth with the rough 好的,坏的要一并接受。