Lesson 9 Flying cats

New words and expressions

1. Fascinate v.吸引

Eg.Travelling always fascinates me.

Enthrall :to be interesting in listening or watching

Enthrall story 引人入胜的故事

Charm v.迷人

Eg.Your eyes charmed me.

Allure :sth exciting ,mysterious

Allure 2000 魅力2000

2. Affectionate adj.充满深情的

Affection :love爱 maternal affection maternal love 母爱

Sentimental adj 多愁善感的 emotional adj.情绪化

Eg.Women are said to be more sentimental and emotional than men.

Melancholy [ˈmɛlənˌkɑli] 忧郁

Eg.Falling leaves give me a feeling of melancholy.

3. Mysterious adj.神秘的,奇怪的

A mysterious stranger

Mystic adj.(religion) 神秘的 mystery n.费力难解的事情。

Eg.It is a mytery for her company to weather the financial storm.

Enigma n.(书面语) 谜 [美] [ɪˈnɪɡmə]

Eg.His death is an enigma to us.

Riddle n.难解的谜,参不透的事

Eg.It’s a riddle that Ben Larden is still at large.

sphinx [美] [sfɪŋks] : an ancient image of a lion with a human head。 人身狮面兽 隐身神秘的人。

eg.Ben Larden remains a sphinx.

4. Submissive adj.恭顺的,顺从的

Sub- 次的 ,附属的

Docile :quiet and easily controlled

A docile child 听话的孩子

Meek and mild (女人) 温顺的,温和的,贤惠的

Eg.a meek and mild wife 温柔贤惠的妻子

5. Feline n./adj. 猫科(的)

Ine …科的动物

Canine 犬科的 bovine 牛类的 swine 猪类的

Eg.Cast pearls before swines.对牛弹琴

6. Independent adj.独立的

Dependent adj.依靠的 be independent of be dependent on

Eg.Children ought to be independent of their parents and learn to be dependent on themselves when they are grown up.

Depend v.依靠

Eg.It all depents .视情况而定

Eg.The answer depends on who does it.

Eg.Many students find English hard to learn while others not.So the answer depents on who does it.仁者见仁,智者见智

Eg.You can depents on me!交给我你放心好了。

7. Parachute n.降落伞

Parachute jump 跳伞 trooper 兵 paratrooper 伞兵 infantry n.步兵 cavalry n.骑兵

Artillery n.炮兵;大炮

8. Resistance n.抵制 ;阻力

Air resistance 空气阻力 friction resistance 摩擦阻力

Resist v. 抵制 resist the temptation 抵制诱惑

Eg.Never could I resist the temptation of chocolate.我从来不能抵制巧克力对我的诱惑。

Lead a …life 过着….样的生活

Lead a mysterious life 过着神秘的生活 lead a dog’s life

Of one’s own 自己的


On one’s own :without any help

Eg.I became independent of my parents and began to make a living on my own.

For one’s own good .为…好 为…着想

Eg.I know what you have said is for my own good.


1. Never fail to do 总是能

Eg.My watch never fails to keep good time.

Eg.English never fails to fascinate me.

Never … without 没有 … 不

Eg.They never meet without quarreling.一见面就吵架

Eg.Nothing can be gained without pains but poverty.只有贫穷是可以不劳而获的。

2. As a result 结果是

As a result of 由于

Eg.He never studied ,and as a result ,he failed the final exam.

Eg.As a result of the long drought ,the area is greatly short of water.

In consequence of 由于

Eg.In consequence of green house effect,the earth is getting warmer and warmer.由于温室效应,地球变得越来越暖。

3. Remain suspicious of 对…存有戒心

Eg.Little kids remain suspicious of strangers.

Suspect v.怀疑

Suspect sb of doing sth

Eg.He was suspected of stealing.

Suppicion n. be under suspicion 受到怀疑】

Doubt :to feel uncertain

Eg.I doubt whether he can come or not .

Do not doubt that :深信不疑

Eg.I never doubt that to stick to my dream will lead to a success.

4. All one’s life / all their lives

Eg.He keeps single all his life.

For life :终身

Eg. He keeps single for life.

For dear life 拼命地

Eg.I tried to catch the last train for dear life.

5. Apparently adv.(based on what you have heard is true although you are not completely sure about it)

It would seem that …. 似乎 … 还是 ….

Eg.It would seem that husband actually wants his spouse to be a devoted and supportive wife and a good and loving mother.

6. The ability to survive

Ability n. ability to think 思考的能力

Effort 努力

Eg.My effort to persuade her to return failed .力劝他回家的努力付之东流了。

Dream n. a dream to be a scientist.

Right n. the right to vote .

7. Survive v.存活,逃过(to continue to exist in spite of many difficulties)

Right Here Waiting (sung by Richard Marx)

Eg.How can we survive this romance. 怎么才能躲过这场浪漫。

Eg.I don’t know how to survive your tears.Your tears broken my heart.

Survival n.幸存者

The survival of the fittest.适者生存

8. Die from (外因) die from fear /die from shock/ die from overwork / die of (内因)

Die of hunger /die of cancer /die of old age

Die for knowledge 渴望知识

9. Shortage n.短缺

Be short of /be short of fund

Be in want of

Eg.People are in want of permanent peace. 人们总是渴望永久的和平

Run out of

Eg.I’m running out of breath.我跑的上气不接下气

10. Plenty of 充足的 修饰可数或者不可数

Eg.there are plenty of fish in the sea. 天涯何处无芳草

You are not the only pebble on the beach.沙滩上的鹅软石也不是你一个。

11. Fall

Fall off 从… 摔下来

Fall from

Eg.There are plenty of high-rise windowsills to fall !(×)

Eg.You’re got the book to pay for.

Fall 32 storeys 强调过程 fall from/off the 32th storey. 强调起始位置

12. Suffer from 遭受 ,经历

Suffer from a broken tooth / suffer from seasick 晕船 suffer from homesick 思乡之苦

Suffer from lovesick 相思之苦

13. The further ….,the less … 越。。。。 就越 ….

Eg.It seems rather strange to some genius that the less education they received ,the greater achievement they made.

Such as Bill Gates who didn’t finish his college education but turned out to be a biilionaire;

And Albert Einstein without elementary Education but became a well-known scientist.

14. Stretch out 舒展

Stretch the truth :to make sth seem more important,bigger than it really is

Eg.Many advertisements stretch the truth.广告夸大其词

Search out :找出 help out :帮助脱离 figure out 计算出 wear out :穿坏了

Hear sb out 听某人说完 be tired out 太累了

15. This :They stretch out their legs….

Impact n.冲击力

Eg.It is inevitable that people are able to resist the impact brought about by the transition from planned economy to market economy.


1. Rain cats and dogs . 倾盆大雨

2. Lead a cat and dog life .形容夫妻不和睦。过着争吵不休的生活

3. Let the cat out of the bag.泄漏秘密