SECTION 4: THE TIMEQUEST GUI  ....................................................................................................................  96 
ENTERING SDC CONSTRAINTS FROM THE GUI........................................................................................................  96 
Method #1 is directly from the main window’s Constraints pull-down:  recommend that users do not do this.
not save the actual SDC constraint to a text file, extra steps to get the command into their .sdc file. 
applies the constraint directly to the database, which can cause difficulties in debugging priority issues. 

Method #2 is entering constraints into the .sdc file from the Quartus II/TimeQuest editor’s Edit Insert Constraint:

It is not executed until the user reads the .sdc back into TimeQuest. 

Read SDC File…  explicit control to read in SDC files

Write SDC File…  Altera’s DDR IP are long, parameterized, and hence very difficult to read.

Reset Design   a timing netlist has been created but before any .sdc files have been read in. 

GETTING STARTED - TIMING NETLISTS AND SDCS  ..................................................................................................  99 
Create Timing Netlist 
Read SDC 
Update Timing Netlis
MAJOR REPORTS ...................................................................................................................................................  100 

posted on 2013-05-23 14:47  testset  阅读(168)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
