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I love BS Develop ,So i am busying as a bee.Do more,Know more,you will get more.....

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<a style="COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-DECORATION: none" href='<%#GetAuctionPath(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"AuctionSysNo").ToString())%>'
            target=_blank title ='<%#ShowTip(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"ProductName").ToString(),DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"BidAmount").ToString())%>'>
           <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.CustomerID") %>

protected string ShowTip(object ProductName,object Price)
            string strProductName = CommonFunctions.GetFormatNameForImgAlt(Convert.ToString(ProductName));
            // Add by Teracy 处理名字里面含有单双引号以及html 标记的  --2007/04/29/
   string strPrice = Convert.ToString(Price);
      string strTip = "获拍产品: "+OnlineAuctionListManager.GetNoHTMLString(strProductName);
      strTip = strTip+"\r\n"+"获拍价格: "+ strPrice.Substring(0,strPrice.IndexOf("."))+"元";
            //strTip = strTip+"\r\n" + "产品图片:<img src='../Images/AutoNotify_Short.gif' runat='server' />";
   return strTip;
posted on 2007-05-11 15:46  Teracy  阅读(182)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报
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