












1. qiankun是如何完善single-spa中留下的巨大缺口,加载函数的缺口


2. qiankun通过什么策略去加载子应用资源


3. qiankun如何隔离子应用的js的全局环境


4. 沙箱的隔离原理是什么


5. qiankun如何隔离css环境


6. qiankun如何获得子应用生命周期函数


7. qiankun如何该改变子应用的window环境






export function registerMicroApps<T extends object = {}>(
  apps: Array<RegistrableApp<T>>,
  lifeCycles?: FrameworkLifeCycles<T>,
) {
  // Each app only needs to be registered once
  //let microApps: RegistrableApp[] = [];

 //microApps.some((registeredApp) => registeredApp.name === app.name));那么这句话返回的就是false,取反就为true,
const unregisteredApps = apps.filter((app) => !microApps.some((registeredApp) => registeredApp.name === app.name));
//这里就把未注册的应用和已经注册的应用进行合并 microApps
= [...microApps, ...unregisteredApps]; unregisteredApps.forEach((app) => {
const { name, activeRule, loader = noop, props, ...appConfig } = app; //这里调用的是single-spa构建应用的api //name app activeRule props都是交给single-spa用的 registerApplication({ name,
//最后返回出一个经过处理的装载着生命周期函数的对象,和我上篇分析single-spa说到的加载函数的写法的理解是一致的 app:
async () => { loader(true); await frameworkStartedDefer.promise; const { mount, ...otherMicroAppConfigs } = ( await loadApp({ name, props, ...appConfig }, frameworkConfiguration, lifeCycles) )(); return { mount: [async () => loader(true), ...toArray(mount), async () => loader(false)], ...otherMicroAppConfigs, }; }, activeWhen: activeRule, customProps: props, }); }); }




export function start(opts: FrameworkConfiguration = {}) {
//let frameworkConfiguration: FrameworkConfiguration = {};它是本文件开头的全局变量记录着,框架的配置。
= { prefetch: true, singular: true, sandbox: true, ...opts }; const { prefetch, sandbox, singular, urlRerouteOnly, ...importEntryOpts } = frameworkConfiguration; if (prefetch) { //子应用预加载的策略,自行在官方文档查看作用 doPrefetchStrategy(microApps, prefetch, importEntryOpts); }
if (sandbox) { if (!window.Proxy) { console.warn('[qiankun] Miss window.Proxy, proxySandbox will degenerate into snapshotSandbox'); frameworkConfiguration.sandbox = typeof sandbox === 'object' ? { ...sandbox, loose: true } : { loose: true }; if (!singular) { console.warn( '[qiankun] Setting singular as false may cause unexpected behavior while your browser not support window.Proxy', ); } } }
//startSingleSpa是single-spa的start方法的别名。这里本质就是执行single-spa的start方法启动应用。 startSingleSpa({ urlRerouteOnly }); frameworkStartedDefer.resolve(); }







app: async () => {
        await frameworkStartedDefer.promise;

        const { mount, ...otherMicroAppConfigs } = (
//这里loadApp就是qiankun加载子应用的应对方案 await loadApp({ name, props, ...appConfig }, frameworkConfiguration, lifeCycles) )();
return { mount: [async () => loader(true), ...toArray(mount), async () => loader(false)], ...otherMicroAppConfigs, }; },


export async function loadApp<T extends object>(
  app: LoadableApp<T>,
  configuration: FrameworkConfiguration = {},
  lifeCycles?: FrameworkLifeCycles<T>,
): Promise<ParcelConfigObjectGetter> {

//从app参数中解构出子应用的入口entry,和子应用的名称。 const { entry, name: appName } = app;
//定义了子应用实例的id const appInstanceId
= `${appName}_${+new Date()}_${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)}`; const markName = `[qiankun] App ${appInstanceId} Loading`; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
//进行性能统计 performanceMark(markName); } const { singular
= false, sandbox = true, excludeAssetFilter, ...importEntryOpts } = configuration; //importEntry是import-html-entry库中的方法,这里就是qiankun对于加载子应用资源的策略 const { template, execScripts, assetPublicPath } = await importEntry(entry, importEntryOpts); ...省略 }


export function importEntry(entry, opts = {}) {
    //第二个参数{prefetch: true}

//defaultGetTemplate是一个函数,传入一个字符串,原封不动的返回出来 const { fetch = defaultFetch, getTemplate = defaultGetTemplate } = opts;
//getPublicPath是一个函数,用来解析用户entry,转变为正确的格式,因为用户可能写入口地址写得奇形怪状,框架把不同的写法统一一下。 const getPublicPath
= opts.getPublicPath || opts.getDomain || defaultGetPublicPath;
if (!entry) { throw new SyntaxError('entry should not be empty!'); } // html entry if (typeof entry === 'string') {
return importHTML(entry, { fetch, getPublicPath, getTemplate, }); } ...省略 }


export default function importHTML(url, opts = {}) {
    // 传入参数
    //  entry, {
    //     fetch,
    //     getPublicPath,
    //     getTemplate,
    // }
    let fetch = defaultFetch;
    let getPublicPath = defaultGetPublicPath;
    let getTemplate = defaultGetTemplate;

    // compatible with the legacy importHTML api
    if (typeof opts === 'function') {
        fetch = opts;
    } else {
        fetch = opts.fetch || defaultFetch;
        getPublicPath = opts.getPublicPath || opts.getDomain || defaultGetPublicPath;
        getTemplate = opts.getTemplate || defaultGetTemplate;

//然后把得到的html字符串传入processTpl里面进行html的模板解析 return embedHTMLCache[url] || (embedHTMLCache[url] = fetch(url) //response.text()下面的data就会变成一大串html response.json()就是变成json对象 .then(response => response.text()) .then(html => { const assetPublicPath = getPublicPath(url); //processTpl这个拿到了子应用html的模板之后对微应用所有的资源引入做处理。 const { template, scripts, entry, styles } = processTpl(getTemplate(html), assetPublicPath); return getEmbedHTML(template, styles, { fetch }).then(embedHTML => ({ //getEmbedHTML通过它的处理,就把外部引用的样式文件转变为了style标签,embedHTML就是处理后的html模板字符串 //embedHTML就是新生成style标签里面的内容 template: embedHTML, assetPublicPath, getExternalScripts: () => getExternalScripts(scripts, fetch), getExternalStyleSheets: () => getExternalStyleSheets(styles, fetch), //下面这个函数就是用来解析脚本的。从这里看来它并不是简单的插入script标签就完事了。而是 //通过在代码内部去请求资源,然后再去运行了别人的脚本内容 execScripts: (proxy, strictGlobal, execScriptsHooks = {}) => { //proxy sandboxInstance.proxy if (!scripts.length) { return Promise.resolve(); } return execScripts(entry, scripts, proxy, { fetch, strictGlobal, beforeExec: execScriptsHooks.beforeExec, afterExec: execScriptsHooks.afterExec, }); }, })); })); }



const ALL_SCRIPT_REGEX = /(<script[\s\S]*?>)[\s\S]*?<\/script>/gi;
const SCRIPT_TAG_REGEX = /<(script)\s+((?!type=('|')text\/ng-template\3).)*?>.*?<\/\1>/is;
const SCRIPT_SRC_REGEX = /.*\ssrc=('|")?([^>'"\s]+)/;
const SCRIPT_TYPE_REGEX = /.*\stype=('|")?([^>'"\s]+)/;
const SCRIPT_ENTRY_REGEX = /.*\sentry\s*.*/;
const SCRIPT_ASYNC_REGEX = /.*\sasync\s*.*/;
const SCRIPT_NO_MODULE_REGEX = /.*\snomodule\s*.*/;
const SCRIPT_MODULE_REGEX = /.*\stype=('|")?module('|")?\s*.*/;
const LINK_TAG_REGEX = /<(link)\s+.*?>/isg;
const LINK_PRELOAD_OR_PREFETCH_REGEX = /\srel=('|")?(preload|prefetch)\1/;
const LINK_HREF_REGEX = /.*\shref=('|")?([^>'"\s]+)/;
const LINK_AS_FONT = /.*\sas=('|")?font\1.*/;
const STYLE_TAG_REGEX = /<style[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/style>/gi;
const STYLE_TYPE_REGEX = /\s+rel=('|")?stylesheet\1.*/;
const STYLE_HREF_REGEX = /.*\shref=('|")?([^>'"\s]+)/;
const HTML_COMMENT_REGEX = /<!--([\s\S]*?)-->/g;
const LINK_IGNORE_REGEX = /<link(\s+|\s+.+\s+)ignore(\s*|\s+.*|=.*)>/is;
const STYLE_IGNORE_REGEX = /<style(\s+|\s+.+\s+)ignore(\s*|\s+.*|=.*)>/is;
const SCRIPT_IGNORE_REGEX = /<script(\s+|\s+.+\s+)ignore(\s*|\s+.*|=.*)>/is;

export default function processTpl(tpl, baseURI) { //tpl就是我们的html模板, baseURI == http://localhost:8080
   let scripts = [];
//这个是用来存放外部引用的css标签引用路径地址 const styles
= []; let entry = null; // Detect whether browser supports `<script type=module>` or not const moduleSupport = isModuleScriptSupported();
//下面有若干个replace函数,开始对html字符串模板进行匹配修改 const template
= tpl /* remove html comment first */
.replace(HTML_COMMENT_REGEX, '') //匹配link .replace(LINK_TAG_REGEX, match => { /* change the css link */
const styleType = !!match.match(STYLE_TYPE_REGEX); if (styleType) { //匹配href,找你引用的外部css的路径 const styleHref = match.match(STYLE_HREF_REGEX); const styleIgnore = match.match(LINK_IGNORE_REGEX);           //进入if语句说明你的link css含有外部引用 if (styleHref) { //这里就是提取出了css的路径 const href = styleHref && styleHref[2]; let newHref = href;
//hasProtocol这里是用来检验你写的href是不是一个绝对路径 //如果不是的话,他就帮你拼接上变为绝对路径+相对路径的形式。 if (href && !hasProtocol(href)) { newHref = getEntirePath(href, baseURI); } if (styleIgnore) { return genIgnoreAssetReplaceSymbol(newHref); }             //把css外部资源的引用路径存入styles数组。供后面正式访问css资源提供入口 styles.push(newHref); //这个genLinkReplaceSymbol函数就把你的link注释掉,并且写明你的css已经被import-html-entry工具注释掉了 //并且直接去掉你你自己的css。因为接入微前端。里面原本存在的一些资源引入是不需要的,因为它们的路径都是错误的。后面会有统一的资源引入的入口 return genLinkReplaceSymbol(newHref); } } const preloadOrPrefetchType = match.match(LINK_PRELOAD_OR_PREFETCH_REGEX) && match.match(LINK_HREF_REGEX) && !match.match(LINK_AS_FONT); if (preloadOrPrefetchType) { const [, , linkHref] = match.match(LINK_HREF_REGEX); return genLinkReplaceSymbol(linkHref, true); } return match; }) //这里匹配style标签 .replace(STYLE_TAG_REGEX, match => { if (STYLE_IGNORE_REGEX.test(match)) { return genIgnoreAssetReplaceSymbol('style file'); } return match; }) //这里匹配script标签,处理和css标签类似,也是存放外部js引用的路径到scripts数组,然后把你的script标签注释掉 //const ALL_SCRIPT_REGEX = /(<script[\s\S]*?>)[\s\S]*?<\/script>/gi; .replace(ALL_SCRIPT_REGEX, (match, scriptTag) => { const scriptIgnore = scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_IGNORE_REGEX); const moduleScriptIgnore = (moduleSupport && !!scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_NO_MODULE_REGEX)) || (!moduleSupport && !!scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_MODULE_REGEX)); // in order to keep the exec order of all javascripts const matchedScriptTypeMatch = scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_TYPE_REGEX); //获取type里面的值,如果里面的值是无效的就不需要处理,原封不动的返回 const matchedScriptType = matchedScriptTypeMatch && matchedScriptTypeMatch[2]; if (!isValidJavaScriptType(matchedScriptType)) { return match; } // if it is a external script if (SCRIPT_TAG_REGEX.test(match) && scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_SRC_REGEX)) { /* collect scripts and replace the ref */ //获得entry字段 const matchedScriptEntry = scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_ENTRY_REGEX); //获得src里面的内容 //const SCRIPT_SRC_REGEX = /.*\ssrc=('|")?([^>'"\s]+)/; const matchedScriptSrcMatch = scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_SRC_REGEX); let matchedScriptSrc = matchedScriptSrcMatch && matchedScriptSrcMatch[2]; if (entry && matchedScriptEntry) { throw new SyntaxError('You should not set multiply entry script!'); } else { // append the domain while the script not have an protocol prefix //这里把src改为绝对路径 if (matchedScriptSrc && !hasProtocol(matchedScriptSrc)) { matchedScriptSrc = getEntirePath(matchedScriptSrc, baseURI); } entry = entry || matchedScriptEntry && matchedScriptSrc; } if (scriptIgnore) { return genIgnoreAssetReplaceSymbol(matchedScriptSrc || 'js file'); } if (moduleScriptIgnore) { return genModuleScriptReplaceSymbol(matchedScriptSrc || 'js file', moduleSupport); } //把这些script存入数组中,然后注释掉他们 if (matchedScriptSrc) { //const SCRIPT_ASYNC_REGEX = /.*\sasync\s*.*/; const asyncScript = !!scriptTag.match(SCRIPT_ASYNC_REGEX); scripts.push(asyncScript ? { async: true, src: matchedScriptSrc } : matchedScriptSrc); return genScriptReplaceSymbol(matchedScriptSrc, asyncScript); } return match; } else { if (scriptIgnore) { return genIgnoreAssetReplaceSymbol('js file'); } if (moduleScriptIgnore) { return genModuleScriptReplaceSymbol('js file', moduleSupport); } // if it is an inline script const code = getInlineCode(match); // remove script blocks when all of these lines are comments. const isPureCommentBlock = code.split(/[\r\n]+/).every(line => !line.trim() || line.trim().startsWith('//')); if (!isPureCommentBlock) { scripts.push(match); } return inlineScriptReplaceSymbol; } }); //过滤掉一些空标签 scripts = scripts.filter(function (script) { // filter empty script return !!script; });    return { template, scripts, styles, // set the last script as entry if have not set entry: entry || scripts[scripts.length - 1], }; }


1. 删除html上的注释。

2. 找到link标签中有效的外部css引用的路径,并且把他变为绝对路径存入styles数组,提供给后面资源统一引入作为入口

3. 找到script标签处理和link css类似。

4. 最后把处理过后的模板,css引用的入口数组,js引用的入口数组进行返回



export default function importHTML(url, opts = {}) {

    return embedHTMLCache[url] || (embedHTMLCache[url] = fetch(url)
        //response.text()下面的data就会变成一大串html response.json()就是变成json对象,自行了解window.fetch用法
        .then(response => response.text())
        .then(html => {
            const assetPublicPath = getPublicPath(url);
            const { template, scripts, entry, styles } = processTpl(getTemplate(html), assetPublicPath);
            return getEmbedHTML(template, styles, { fetch }).then(embedHTML => ({

getEmbedHTML源码:function getEmbedHTML(template, styles, opts = {}) {

//template, styles, { fetch }
    const { fetch = defaultFetch } = opts;
    let embedHTML = template;
    return getExternalStyleSheets(styles, fetch)
        .then(styleSheets => {
            //styleSheets就是整个样式文件的字符串 这里就是开始注入style标签,生成子应用的样式
            embedHTML = styles.reduce((html, styleSrc, i) => {
          //这里genLinkReplaceSymbol的作用就是根据上面在处理html模板的时候把link css注释掉了,然后现在匹配回这个注释,就是找到这个注释的位置,然后替换成为style标签
          //说明对于外部的样式引用最后通过拿到它的css字符串,然后把全部的外部引用都变成style标签的引用形式。 html
= html.replace(genLinkReplaceSymbol(styleSrc), `<style>/* ${styleSrc} */${styleSheets[i]}</style>`); return html; }, embedHTML); return embedHTML; }); } // for prefetch export function getExternalStyleSheets(styles, fetch = defaultFetch) {
return Promise.all(styles.map(styleLink => { if (isInlineCode(styleLink)) { // if it is inline style return getInlineCode(styleLink); } else { // external styles
      return styleCache[styleLink] || (styleCache[styleLink] = fetch(styleLink).then(response => response.text())); } }, )); }


export default function importHTML(url, opts = {}) {
    return embedHTMLCache[url] || (embedHTMLCache[url] = fetch(url)
        .then(response => response.text())
        .then(html => {
            const assetPublicPath = getPublicPath(url);
            const { template, scripts, entry, styles } = processTpl(getTemplate(html), assetPublicPath);
return getEmbedHTML(template, styles, { fetch }).then(embedHTML => ({
template: embedHTML, assetPublicPath,
          //获取js资源的方法 getExternalScripts: ()
=> getExternalScripts(scripts, fetch), getExternalStyleSheets: () => getExternalStyleSheets(styles, fetch), //下面这个函数就是用来解析脚本的。后面分析这段代码的作用 execScripts: (proxy, strictGlobal, execScriptsHooks = {}) => { //proxy sandboxInstance.proxy if (!scripts.length) { return Promise.resolve(); } return execScripts(entry, scripts, proxy, { fetch, strictGlobal, beforeExec: execScriptsHooks.beforeExec, afterExec: execScriptsHooks.afterExec, }); }, })); })); }


1.  请求html模板,进行修改处理

2. 请求css资源注入到html中

3. 返回一个对象,对象的内容含有处理过后的html模板,通过提供获取js资源的方法getExternalScripts,和执行获取到的js脚本的方法execScripts。



export async function loadApp<T extends object>(
  app: LoadableApp<T>,
  configuration: FrameworkConfiguration = {},
  lifeCycles?: FrameworkLifeCycles<T>,
): Promise<ParcelConfigObjectGetter> {
  const { template, execScripts, assetPublicPath } = await importEntry(entry, importEntryOpts);

  // as single-spa load and bootstrap new app parallel with other apps unmounting
  // (see https://github.com/CanopyTax/single-spa/blob/master/src/navigation/reroute.js#L74)
  // we need wait to load the app until all apps are finishing unmount in singular mode
  if (await validateSingularMode(singular, app)) {
    await (prevAppUnmountedDeferred && prevAppUnmountedDeferred.promise);
  const appContent = getDefaultTplWrapper(appInstanceId, appName)(template);

  //默认情况下sandbox框架会帮我们配置为true, 在官方文档上你可以为它配置为一个对象{ strictStyleIsolation?: boolean, experimentalStyleIsolation?: boolean } 
 //默认情况下沙箱可以保证子应用之间的样式隔离,但是无法保证主应用和子应用之间的样式隔离。 当strictStyleIsolation: true,框架会帮住每一个子应用包裹上一个shadowDOM。
//从而保证微应用的样式不会对全局造成污染。当 experimentalStyleIsolation 被设置为 true 时, qiankun会改写子应用的样式,在它上面增加特殊的选择器,从而实现隔离。这个后面详细讲
const strictStyleIsolation
= typeof sandbox === 'object' && !!sandbox.strictStyleIsolation; //如果你没有配置sandbox那么这里就返回false。如果你写成了对象配置成了对象,另外判断。 const scopedCSS = isEnableScopedCSS(sandbox); //这个东西就是根据对沙箱环境的不同配置进入css的样式隔离处理 let initialAppWrapperElement: HTMLElement | null = createElement( appContent, strictStyleIsolation, scopedCSS, appName, ); ...省略 }



function createElement(
  appContent: string,
  strictStyleIsolation: boolean,
  scopedCSS: boolean,
  appName: string,
): HTMLElement {
  const containerElement = document.createElement('div');
  containerElement.innerHTML = appContent;
  // appContent always wrapped with a singular div
const appElement = containerElement.firstChild as HTMLElement; //这里就说明了严格样式隔离采用shadow dom隔离,如果不知道shadowDOM的需要去自行了解一下 if (strictStyleIsolation) { if (!supportShadowDOM) { console.warn( '[qiankun]: As current browser not support shadow dom, your strictStyleIsolation configuration will be ignored!', ); } else { //保存之前的内容,然后在下面清空 const { innerHTML } = appElement; appElement.innerHTML = ''; let shadow: ShadowRoot; if (appElement.attachShadow) { //在appElement下创建shadowDom shadow = appElement.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); } else { // createShadowRoot was proposed in initial spec, which has then been deprecated shadow = (appElement as any).createShadowRoot(); }
//把子应用的东西放在shadowDOM下 shadow.innerHTML
= innerHTML; } } //这里当experimentalStyleIsolation为true的时候,scopedCSS才会为true
//todo 这里我还没有搞懂,不解析了 if (scopedCSS) {
   //css.QiankunCSSRewriteAttr是一个字符串'data-qiankun',在之前的分析中,执行这个函数执行,就给子应用 const attr
= appElement.getAttribute(css.QiankunCSSRewriteAttr); if (!attr) { appElement.setAttribute(css.QiankunCSSRewriteAttr, appName); } //这里获取所有style标签的内容, 为什么要获得style标签的内容?因为之前在解析css的时候说过,qiankun在获取外部的css样式的时候,最终都是通过fetch获得样式文件字符串之后,然后再转为style标签。 const styleNodes = appElement.querySelectorAll('style') || [];
//遍历所有的样式。 forEach(styleNodes, (stylesheetElement: HTMLStyleElement)
=> { css.process(appElement!, stylesheetElement, appName); }); } return appElement; }



export async function loadApp<T extends object>(
  app: LoadableApp<T>,
  configuration: FrameworkConfiguration = {},
  lifeCycles?: FrameworkLifeCycles<T>,
): Promise<ParcelConfigObjectGetter> {

  let initialAppWrapperElement: HTMLElement | null = createElement(

//判断用户在开始调用registerMicroApps的时候有没有传入container选项,它是微应用容器的节点选择器,或者是Element实例。 const initialContainer
= 'container' in app ? app.container : undefined; //获取参数中用户自己写的render,这里有点奇怪,不知道为什么官方文档上没有看到对这个字段的使用说明,但是你确实可以使用它 const legacyRender = 'render' in app ? app.render : undefined; //创建一个render函数并且返回,这个render的作用下面解析 const render = getRender(appName, appContent, legacyRender); //这句话执行render函数就是开始真正渲染我们主应用的地方,因为我们有可能在自定义render中去new Vue,创建我们的主应用的vue实例 render({ element: initialAppWrapperElement, loading: true, container: initialContainer }, 'loading'); //这个getAppWrapperGetter方法返回一个函数,貌似是一个提供给你访问dom的一个方法 const initialAppWrapperGetter = getAppWrapperGetter( appName, appInstanceId, !!legacyRender, strictStyleIsolation, scopedCSS, () => initialAppWrapperElement, );    ...省略 }


function getRender(appName: string, appContent: string, legacyRender?: HTMLContentRender) {
  const render: ElementRender = ({ element, loading, container }, phase) => {
    if (legacyRender) {
//如果真的传入的render函数就给你发一个小小的警告,不明白既然开放给你了,为什么要给你警告。 if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { console.warn( '[qiankun] Custom rendering function is deprecated, you can use the container element setting instead!', ); }     //最后执行你自己的自定义render函数,传入的参数是loading,appContent,appContent是子应用的html模板,但是这个时候,子应用没有渲染出来,因为子应用要渲染出来的话,需要js的配合
return legacyRender({ loading, appContent: element ? appContent : '' }); } // export function getContainer(container: string | HTMLElement): HTMLElement | null { // return typeof container === 'string' ? document.querySelector(container) : container; // }
   const containerElement = getContainer(container!); // The container might have be removed after micro app unmounted. // Such as the micro app unmount lifecycle called by a react componentWillUnmount lifecycle, after micro app unmounted, the react component might also be removed if (phase !== 'unmounted') { const errorMsg = (() => { switch (phase) { case 'loading': case 'mounting': return `[qiankun] Target container with ${container} not existed while ${appName} ${phase}!`; case 'mounted': return `[qiankun] Target container with ${container} not existed after ${appName} ${phase}!`; default: return `[qiankun] Target container with ${container} not existed while ${appName} rendering!`; } })(); assertElementExist(containerElement, errorMsg); } if (containerElement && !containerElement.contains(element)) { // clear the container while (containerElement!.firstChild) { rawRemoveChild.call(containerElement, containerElement!.firstChild); } // append the element to container if it exist if (element) { rawAppendChild.call(containerElement, element); } } return undefined; }; return render; }


        name: "sub-app-1",
        entry: "//localhost:8091/",
        activeRule: genActiveRule("/app1"),
        props: ""
      beforeLoad: [
        app => {
          console.log("before load", app);
      ], // 挂载前回调
      beforeMount: [
        app => {
          console.log("before mount", app);
      ], // 挂载后回调
      afterUnmount: [
        app => {
          console.log("after unload", app);
      ] // 卸载后回调
let app = null
function render({ appContent, loading } = {}) {
  if (!app) {
    app = new Vue({
      el: "#container",
      data() {
        return {
          content: appContent,
      render(h) {
        return h(App, {
          props: {
            content: this.content,
            loading: this.loading
  } else {
    app.content = appContent;
    app.loading = loading;



export async function loadApp<T extends object>(
  app: LoadableApp<T>,
  configuration: FrameworkConfiguration = {},
  lifeCycles?: FrameworkLifeCycles<T>,
): Promise<ParcelConfigObjectGetter> {
  let global = window;
  let mountSandbox = () => Promise.resolve();
  let unmountSandbox = () => Promise.resolve();
//校验用户在start中传入的sandbox,不传的话默认为true。如果你写成了对象,则校验有没有loose这个属性。这个loose属性我好像没有在官方文档上看到对于它的使用说明 const useLooseSandbox
= typeof sandbox === 'object' && !!sandbox.loose; //这段代码和沙箱环境有关系 if (sandbox) {
//创建沙箱环境实例 const sandboxInstance
= createSandbox( appName, // FIXME should use a strict sandbox logic while remount, see https://github.com/umijs/qiankun/issues/518 initialAppWrapperGetter, scopedCSS, useLooseSandbox, excludeAssetFilter, ); // 用沙箱的代理对象作为接下来使用的全局对象 global = sandboxInstance.proxy as typeof window; //这个mountSandbox将会被当作子应用生命周期之一,返回到single-spa中,说明当执行子应用挂载的时候,沙箱就会启动 mountSandbox = sandboxInstance.mount; unmountSandbox = sandboxInstance.unmount; } //这里就是合并钩子函数 const { beforeUnmount = [], afterUnmount = [], afterMount = [], beforeMount = [], beforeLoad = [] } = mergeWith( {}, //getAddOns注入一些内置地生命钩子。主要是在子应用的全局变量上加一些变量,让你的子应用识别出来 //你目前的环境是在微应用下,让用户能够正确处理publicPath或者其他东西 getAddOns(global, assetPublicPath), lifeCycles, (v1, v2) => concat(v1 ?? [], v2 ?? []), ); //这里执行beforeLoad生命钩子 await execHooksChain(toArray(beforeLoad), app, global); ...省略 }


export function createSandbox(
  appName: string,
  elementGetter: () => HTMLElement | ShadowRoot,
  scopedCSS: boolean,
  useLooseSandbox?: boolean,
  excludeAssetFilter?: (url: string) => boolean,
) {
  let sandbox: SandBox;
if (window.Proxy) { sandbox = useLooseSandbox ? new LegacySandbox(appName) : new ProxySandbox(appName); } else { //在不支持ES6 Proxy的沙箱中sandbox.proxy = window sandbox = new SnapshotSandbox(appName); } // some side effect could be be invoked while bootstrapping, such as dynamic stylesheet injection with style-loader, especially during the development phase const bootstrappingFreers = patchAtBootstrapping(appName, elementGetter, sandbox, scopedCSS, excludeAssetFilter); // mounting freers are one-off and should be re-init at every mounting time let mountingFreers: Freer[] = []; let sideEffectsRebuilders: Rebuilder[] = []; return { proxy: sandbox.proxy, /** * 沙箱被 mount * 可能是从 bootstrap 状态进入的 mount * 也可能是从 unmount 之后再次唤醒进入 mount */ async mount() { ... }, /** * 恢复 global 状态,使其能回到应用加载之前的状态 */ async unmount() { ... }, }; }



export default class SnapshotSandbox implements SandBox {
  proxy: WindowProxy;

  name: string;

  type: SandBoxType;

  sandboxRunning = true;

  private windowSnapshot!: Window;

  private modifyPropsMap: Record<any, any> = {};

  constructor(name: string) {
this.name = name;
this.proxy = window; //'Snapshot' this.type = SandBoxType.Snapshot; } active() { ... } inactive() { ... } }

SnapshotSandbox 的沙箱环境主要是通过激活时记录 window 状态快照,在关闭时通过快照还原 window 对象来实现的。

active() {
    // 记录当前快照
//前的现状。最后在执行完子应用代码的时候,我们再去根据我们记录的状态去还原回window。那么就巧妙地避开了window污染的问题。 this.windowSnapshot = {} as Window;
//逐个遍历window的属性。把window不在原型链上的属性和对应的值都存放进入windowSnapshot中记录下来。 iter(window, (prop)
=> { this.windowSnapshot[prop] = window[prop]; }); // 恢复之前的变更 Object.keys(this.modifyPropsMap).forEach((p: any) => { window[p] = this.modifyPropsMap[p]; }); this.sandboxRunning = true; }

inactive() {
this.modifyPropsMap = {};

iter(window, (prop) => {
if (window[prop] !== this.windowSnapshot[prop]) {
// 发现了被人修改过,记录变更,恢复环境,这里相当于把子应用期间造成的window污染全部清除。
this.modifyPropsMap[prop] = window[prop];
window[prop] = this.windowSnapshot[prop];

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
console.info(`[qiankun:sandbox] ${this.name} origin window restore...`, Object.keys(this.modifyPropsMap));

this.sandboxRunning = false;
function iter(obj: object, callbackFn: (prop: any) => void) {
for (const prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {










export default class ProxySandbox implements SandBox {
  /** window 值变更记录,记录的是变更过的属性值 */
  private updatedValueSet = new Set<PropertyKey>();

  name: string;

  type: SandBoxType;

  proxy: WindowProxy;

  sandboxRunning = true;

  active() {

  inactive() {

  constructor(name: string) {
    this.name = name;
    this.type = SandBoxType.Proxy;
    const { updatedValueSet } = this;

    const self = this;
    const rawWindow = window;
//最后我们要proxy代理的就是fakeWindow。这个fakeWindow是一个{}对象。 const { fakeWindow, propertiesWithGetter }
= createFakeWindow(rawWindow); const descriptorTargetMap = new Map<PropertyKey, SymbolTarget>(); const hasOwnProperty = (key: PropertyKey) => fakeWindow.hasOwnProperty(key) || rawWindow.hasOwnProperty(key);
//这里的Proxy就是整个代理的关键,这个proxy最终就是会被作为子应用的window,后面在加载和执行js代码的时候就知道是怎么把这个环境进行绑定。现在我们从get和set就能够知道它是如何应对全局的环境和子应用的环境 const proxy
= new Proxy(fakeWindow, { set(target: FakeWindow, p: PropertyKey, value: any): boolean { //当对它进行赋值操作的时候。首先改变在target上对应的属性值,然后在updatedValueSet添加这个属性 //最后返回一个true if (self.sandboxRunning) { // target指的就是fakeWindow,如果你在子应用环境中有修改window的值,那么就会落入这个set陷阱中,那么其实你本质就是在修改fakeWindow的值
target[p] = value; updatedValueSet.add(p);
if (variableWhiteList.indexOf(p) !== -1) { // @ts-ignore rawWindow[p] = value; } return true; } if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { console.warn(`[qiankun] Set window.${p.toString()} while sandbox destroyed or inactive in ${name}!`); } // 在 strict-mode 下,Proxy 的 handler.set 返回 false 会抛出 TypeError,在沙箱卸载的情况下应该忽略错误 return true; }, get(target: FakeWindow, p: PropertyKey): any { if (p === Symbol.unscopables) return unscopables; // avoid who using window.window or window.self to escape the sandbox environment to touch the really window // see https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/blob/master/src/FileSaver.js#L13 if (p === 'window' || p === 'self') { return proxy; } if ( p === 'top' || p === 'parent' || (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' && (p === 'mockTop' || p === 'mockSafariTop')) ) { ... } // proxy.hasOwnProperty would invoke getter firstly, then its value represented as rawWindow.hasOwnProperty if (p === 'hasOwnProperty') { ... } // mark the symbol to document while accessing as document.createElement could know is invoked by which sandbox for dynamic append patcher if (p === 'document') { ... } // 这里就可以看出,如果我们尝试在子应用中去读取window上的值。如果满足了某些条件,就会直接从window上返回给你,但是对于大多数情况下,框架先从fakeWindow上找一找有没有这个东西,有的话就直接返回给你,如果fakeWindow没有的话再从window上找给你。 const value = propertiesWithGetter.has(p) ? (rawWindow as any)[p] : (target as any)[p] || (rawWindow as any)[p]; return getTargetValue(rawWindow, value); }, ...省略 }); this.proxy = proxy; } }







export async function loadApp<T extends object>(
  app: LoadableApp<T>,
  configuration: FrameworkConfiguration = {},
  lifeCycles?: FrameworkLifeCycles<T>,
): Promise<ParcelConfigObjectGetter> {
  let global = window;
  let mountSandbox = () => Promise.resolve();
  let unmountSandbox = () => Promise.resolve();
  const useLooseSandbox = typeof sandbox === 'object' && !!sandbox.loose;

  if (sandbox) {
    const sandboxInstance = createSandbox(
      // FIXME should use a strict sandbox logic while remount, see https://github.com/umijs/qiankun/issues/518
    // 用沙箱的代理对象作为接下来使用的全局对象
    global = sandboxInstance.proxy as typeof window;
    mountSandbox = sandboxInstance.mount;
    unmountSandbox = sandboxInstance.unmount;

  //我们在qiankun registerMicroApps方法中,它允许我们传入一些生命钩子函数。这里就是合并生命钩子函数的地方。
  const { beforeUnmount = [], afterUnmount = [], afterMount = [], beforeMount = [], beforeLoad = [] } = mergeWith(
    getAddOns(global, assetPublicPath),
    (v1, v2) => concat(v1 ?? [], v2 ?? []),
  await execHooksChain(toArray(beforeLoad), app, global);






export default function getAddOns<T extends object>(global: Window, publicPath: string): FrameworkLifeCycles<T> {
  return mergeWith({}, getEngineFlagAddon(global), getRuntimePublicPathAddOn(global, publicPath), (v1, v2) =>
    concat(v1 ?? [], v2 ?? []),
export default function getAddOn(global: Window): FrameworkLifeCycles<any> {
  return {
    async beforeLoad() {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
global.__POWERED_BY_QIANKUN__ = true; }, async beforeMount() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign global.__POWERED_BY_QIANKUN__ = true; }, async beforeUnmount() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign delete global.__POWERED_BY_QIANKUN__; }, }; } //getRuntimePublicPathAddOn就是下面的方法 export default function getAddOn(global: Window, publicPath = '/'): FrameworkLifeCycles<any> { let hasMountedOnce = false; return { async beforeLoad() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
global.__INJECTED_PUBLIC_PATH_BY_QIANKUN__ = publicPath; }, async beforeMount() { if (hasMountedOnce) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign global.__INJECTED_PUBLIC_PATH_BY_QIANKUN__ = publicPath; } }, async beforeUnmount() { if (rawPublicPath === undefined) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign delete global.__INJECTED_PUBLIC_PATH_BY_QIANKUN__; } else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign global.__INJECTED_PUBLIC_PATH_BY_QIANKUN__ = rawPublicPath; } hasMountedOnce = true; }, }; }

通过上面的分析我们可以得出一个结论,我们可以在子应用中获取该环境变量,将其设置为 __webpack_public_path__ 的值,从而使子应用在主应用中运行时,可以匹配正确的资源路径。

if (window.__POWERED_BY_QIANKUN__) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
    __webpack_public_path__ = window.__INJECTED_PUBLIC_PATH_BY_QIANKUN__





1. 获取子应用js,并且执行。

2. 帮住子应用绑定js window环境。

3. 得到子应用的生命周期函数。

export async function loadApp<T extends object>(
  app: LoadableApp<T>,
  configuration: FrameworkConfiguration = {},
  lifeCycles?: FrameworkLifeCycles<T>,
): Promise<ParcelConfigObjectGetter> {
  const { template, execScripts, assetPublicPath } = await importEntry(entry, importEntryOpts);

  ...省略// get the lifecycle hooks from module exports
  const scriptExports: any = await execScripts(global, !useLooseSandbox);
  const { bootstrap, mount, unmount, update } = getLifecyclesFromExports(scriptExports, appName, global);




execScripts: (proxy, strictGlobal, execScriptsHooks = {}) => {
     //proxy sandboxInstance.proxy
if (!scripts.length) { return Promise.resolve(); } return execScripts(entry, scripts, proxy, { fetch, strictGlobal, beforeExec: execScriptsHooks.beforeExec, afterExec: execScriptsHooks.afterExec, }); },


export function execScripts(entry, scripts, proxy = window, opts = {}) {
    // 第一个参数子应用入口,第二个参数就是在子应用html模板解析的时候收集到的从外部引用的js资源的路径。,第三个参数就是沙箱环境
    const {
//定义fetch准备通过这个方法去获取js资源 fetch
= defaultFetch, strictGlobal = false, success, error = () => { }, beforeExec = () => { }, afterExec = () => { }, } = opts; //这里就是根据绝对地址去读取script的文件资源 return getExternalScripts(scripts, fetch, error) .then(scriptsText => {
//scripts就是解析得到的js字符串。 ...

     } }); }


export function getExternalScripts(scripts, fetch = defaultFetch, errorCallback = () => {
}) {
    const fetchScript = scriptUrl => scriptCache[scriptUrl] ||
        (scriptCache[scriptUrl] = fetch(scriptUrl).then(response => {
            // usually browser treats 4xx and 5xx response of script loading as an error and will fire a script error event
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5625420/what-http-headers-responses-trigger-the-onerror-handler-on-a-script-tag/5625603
            if (response.status >= 400) {
                throw new Error(`${scriptUrl} load failed with status ${response.status}`);

            return response.text();

    return Promise.all(scripts.map(script => {

            if (typeof script === 'string') {
                if (isInlineCode(script)) {
                    // if it is inline script
                    return getInlineCode(script);
                } else {
                    // external script
                    return fetchScript(script);
            } else {
                // use idle time to load async script
                const { src, async } = script;
                if (async) {
                    return {
                        async: true,
                        content: new Promise((resolve, reject) => requestIdleCallback(() => fetchScript(src).then(resolve, reject))),

                return fetchScript(src);


function getExecutableScript(scriptSrc, scriptText, proxy, strictGlobal) {
 const sourceUrl = isInlineCode(scriptSrc) ? '' : `//# sourceURL=${scriptSrc}\n`;
 const globalWindow = (0, eval)('window');
 globalWindow.proxy = proxy;
 //这句话就是绑定作用域 然后同时也是立即执行函数顺便把js脚本也运行了
return strictGlobal ? `;(function(window, self){with(window){;${scriptText}\n${sourceUrl}}}).bind(window.proxy)(window.proxy, window.proxy);` : `;(function(window, self){;${scriptText}\n${sourceUrl}}).bind(window.proxy)(window.proxy, window.proxy);`; } export function execScripts(entry, scripts, proxy = window, opts = {}) { ...省略//这里就是根据绝对地址去读取script的文件资源 return getExternalScripts(scripts, fetch, error) .then(scriptsText => { //scriptsText就是解析的到的js资源的字符串 const geval = (scriptSrc, inlineScript) => { //第一个参数是解析js脚本的绝对路径 第二参数是解析js脚本的js字符串代码 const rawCode = beforeExec(inlineScript, scriptSrc) || inlineScript; //这里这个code存放着执行脚本js代码的字符串 const code = getExecutableScript(scriptSrc, rawCode, proxy, strictGlobal); //这里就是正式执行js脚本,这里含有我们的子应用的js代码,但是被包裹在了一个立即执行函数的环境中。 (0, eval)(code); afterExec(inlineScript, scriptSrc); }; function exec(scriptSrc, inlineScript, resolve) { //第一个参数是解析js脚本的路径 第二参数是解析js脚本的js字符串代码 const markName = `Evaluating script ${scriptSrc}`; const measureName = `Evaluating Time Consuming: ${scriptSrc}`; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && supportsUserTiming) { performance.mark(markName); }            if (scriptSrc === entry) { noteGlobalProps(strictGlobal ? proxy : window); try { // bind window.proxy to change `this` reference in script //这个geval会对的得到的js字符串代码做一下包装,这个包装就是改变它的window环境。 geval(scriptSrc, inlineScript); const exports = proxy[getGlobalProp(strictGlobal ? proxy : window)] || {}; //这里的resolve是从上层函数通过参数传递过来的,这里resolve相当于上层函数resolve返回给qiankun的调用await resolve(exports); } catch (e) { // entry error must be thrown to make the promise settled console.error(`[import-html-entry]: error occurs while executing entry script ${scriptSrc}`); throw e; } } else { if (typeof inlineScript === 'string') { try { // bind window.proxy to change `this` reference in script geval(scriptSrc, inlineScript); } catch (e) { // consistent with browser behavior, any independent script evaluation error should not block the others throwNonBlockingError(e, `[import-html-entry]: error occurs while executing normal script ${scriptSrc}`); } } else { // external script marked with async inlineScript.async && inlineScript?.content .then(downloadedScriptText => geval(inlineScript.src, downloadedScriptText)) .catch(e => { throwNonBlockingError(e, `[import-html-entry]: error occurs while executing async script ${inlineScript.src}`); }); } } if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && supportsUserTiming) { performance.measure(measureName, markName); performance.clearMarks(markName); performance.clearMeasures(measureName); } } function schedule(i, resolvePromise) { if (i < scripts.length) { //递归去进行js的脚本解析。             //得到脚本获取的路径 const scriptSrc = scripts[i]; //得到对应的js脚本代码字符串 const inlineScript = scriptsText[i]; //这个是执行js脚本的入口 exec(scriptSrc, inlineScript, resolvePromise); // resolve the promise while the last script executed and entry not provided if (!entry && i === scripts.length - 1) { resolvePromise(); } else { schedule(i + 1, resolvePromise); } } } //这个schedule的作用就是开始解析script脚本 return new Promise(resolve => schedule(0, success || resolve)); }); }


1. 框架其实是通过window.fetch去获取子应用的js代码。

2. 拿到了子应用的js代码字符串之后,把它进行包装处理。把代码包裹在了一个立即执行函数中,通过参数的形式改变了它的window环境,变成了沙箱环境。

function(window, self) {
}(window,proxy, window.proxy)

3. 最后通过eval()去执行立即执行函数,正式去执行我们的子应用的js代码,去渲染出整个子应用。






export async function bootstrap() {
  console.log('vue app bootstraped');

export async function mount(props) {
  console.log('props from main app', props);

export async function unmount() {
  instance = null;
  // router = null;


function getLifecyclesFromExports(scriptExports: LifeCycles<any>, appName: string, global: WindowProxy) {
if (validateExportLifecycle(scriptExports)) { return scriptExports; }   ... } export async function loadApp<T extends object>( app: LoadableApp<T>, configuration: FrameworkConfiguration = {}, lifeCycles?: FrameworkLifeCycles<T>, ): Promise<ParcelConfigObjectGetter> { ...省略 const { template, execScripts, assetPublicPath } = await importEntry(entry, importEntryOpts); ...省略 // get the lifecycle hooks from module exports const scriptExports: any = await execScripts(global, !useLooseSandbox); //子应用的生命钩子都在这里 //在上面执行完了子应用的js代码,假设我们的子应用使用vue写的。那么vue应用的入口的地方是main.js。我们在main,js通过export导出声明周期函数。这些export的东西其实本质上都是被存放在一个对象中。
const { bootstrap, mount, unmount, update } = getLifecyclesFromExports(scriptExports, appName, global); ...省略 }




export async function loadApp<T extends object>(
  app: LoadableApp<T>,
  configuration: FrameworkConfiguration = {},
  lifeCycles?: FrameworkLifeCycles<T>,
): Promise<ParcelConfigObjectGetter> {

const parcelConfig: ParcelConfigObject = {
  name: appInstanceId,
  mount: [
  unmount: [

if (typeof update === 'function') {
  parcelConfig.update = update;

return parcelConfig;

export function registerMicroApps<T extends object = {}>(
  apps: Array<RegistrableApp<T>>,
  lifeCycles?: FrameworkLifeCycles<T>,
) {
  unregisteredApps.forEach((app) => {
    const { name, activeRule, loader = noop, props, ...appConfig } = app;

      app: async () => {

        const { mount, ...otherMicroAppConfigs } = (
          await loadApp({ name, props, ...appConfig }, frameworkConfiguration, lifeCycles)

        return {
          mount: [async () => loader(true), ...toArray(mount), async () => loader(false)],
      activeWhen: activeRule,
      customProps: props,





1. qiankun是如何完善single-spa中留下的巨大缺口-————加载函数。

2. qiankun通过什么策略去加载子应用资源————window.fetch。

3. qiankun如何隔离子应用的js的全局环境————通过沙箱。

4. 沙箱的隔离原理是什么————在支持proxy中有一个代理对象,子应用优先访问到了代理对象,如果代理对象没有的值再从window中获取。如果不支持proxy,那么通过快照,缓存,复原的形式解决污染问题。

5. qiankun如何隔离css环境————shadowDOM隔离;加上选择器隔离。

6. qiankun如何获得子应用生命周期函数————export 存储在对象中,然后解构出来。

7. qiankun如何该改变子应用的window环境————通过立即执行函数,传入window.proxy为参数,改变window环境。


posted on 2020-11-16 17:01  余圣源  阅读(10184)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报