C++11 原始字符串的表示

Posted on 2019-08-08 16:33  asiarabbit  阅读(4990)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

所谓原始字符串(raw string)就是字符表示的就是自己,引号和斜杠均无需\进行转义,这在需要输出很多引号和斜杠代码中很方便。

原始字符串是C++11新增的一个功能,程序中使用R“(a string)”来标识原始字符串:

cout << "I print \'\\\', \"\\n\" as I like." << endl;  // 屏幕显示: I print '\', "\n" as I like. 
cout << R"(I print '\', "\n" as I like.)" << endl; // 屏幕显示: I print '\', "\n" as I like.


  1. 字符串中的换行符将在屏幕上如实显示。
  2. 在表示字符串开头的"和(之间可以添加其它字符,不过必须在表示字符串结尾的)和"之间添加同样的字符



 1 // oristr.cpp -- print original string
 2 #include <iostream>
 4 using std::cout;
 5 using std::endl;
 7 int main(){
 8     cout << "I print \'\\\', \"\\n\" as I like." << endl;
 9     cout << R"(I print '\', "\n" as I like.)" << endl;
10     cout << R"(I print '\', 
11         "\n" as I like.)" << endl;
12     cout << R"haha(I print '\', "\n" and )" as I like.)haha" << endl;
13 }


I print '\', "\n" as I like.
I print '\', "\n" as I like.
I print '\', 
        "\n" as I like.
I print '\', "\n" and )" as I like.

该博客内容参考《C++Primer Plus》中文版第六版4.3.5节(p.87),人民邮电出版社。