无法下载应用 无法安装应用

无法下载应用 无法安装应用

iOS 应用安装失败原因排查


看了很多还是 stackflow 上这个最靠谱: Unable to download application, could not be installed at this time


Most common causes of this issue:

    Device storage is full
    The provisioning profile is a developer provisioning profile
    The ad hoc distribution provisioning profile is corrupted and the device is having an issue with it.
    The device was restored from a backup and is causing a conflict for over-the-air distribution
    There was a network timeout
    Architecture settings of the build and the device are incompatible ( can sometimes happen when "Build Active Architecture Only" is on when building).
    Not Using Mobile Safari.

To find out the exact cause of this issue:

    Connect the device with iMac.
    Open Organizer then choose devices.
    Choose your Connected device from sidebar.
    Choose Console inside the chosen device.
    Now install the app it will show the exact cause of problem

就是手机连上电脑,通过xcode的devices窗口的控制台 查看app安装失败时的log


所以最后查出来是 应用打包时 Bulid Active Architecture Only选择了YES 只适配了一种cpu 架构,所以不同cpu架构的机型无法安装。

再附上一个机型对应架构的链接: apple-ios-devices-dates-versions-instruction-sets



iOS 应用安装失败原因排查 - 蒲公英

iOS应用安装失败原因排查 - 本文结合蒲公英以及FIR两家应用托管平台的博文进行整理

iOS7.1企业应用"无法安装应用程序 因为证书无效"的解决方案

posted @ 2016-05-20 10:38  孙焱焱  阅读(769)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报