不太明白的Decorator Pattern


    The classes and/or objects participating in this pattern are:

  • Component   (LibraryItem)
    • defines the interface for objects that can have responsibilities added to them dynamically.
  • ConcreteComponent   (Book, Video)
    • defines an object to which additional responsibilities can be attached.
  • Decorator   (Decorator)
    • maintains a reference to a Component object and defines an interface that conforms to Component's interface.
  • ConcreteDecorator   (Borrowable)
    • adds responsibilities to the component.



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Decorator
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Video video = new Video("Spielberg", "Jaws", 23, 92);



            // Make video borrowable, then borrow and display

            Console.WriteLine("\nMaking video borrowable:");


            Borrowable borrowvideo = new Borrowable(video);

            borrowvideo.BorrowItem("Customer #1");

            borrowvideo.BorrowItem("Customer #2");




            // Wait for user




        /// <summary>

        /// The 'Component' abstract class

        /// </summary>

        abstract class LibraryItem

            private int _numCopies;


            // Property

            public int NumCopies

                get { return _numCopies; }

                set { _numCopies = value; }



            public abstract void Display();



        /// <summary>

        /// The 'ConcreteComponent' class

        /// </summary>

        class Book : LibraryItem

            private string _author;

            private string _title;


            // Constructor

            public Book(string author, string title, int numCopies)

                this._author = author;

                this._title = title;

                this.NumCopies = numCopies;



            public override void Display()

                Console.WriteLine("\nBook ------ ");

                Console.WriteLine(" Author: {0}", _author);

                Console.WriteLine(" Title: {0}", _title);

                Console.WriteLine(" # Copies: {0}", NumCopies);




        /// <summary>

        /// The 'ConcreteComponent' class

        /// </summary>

        class Video : LibraryItem

            private string _director;

            private string _title;

            private int _playTime;


            // Constructor

            public Video(string director, string title,

              int numCopies, int playTime)

                this._director = director;

                this._title = title;

                this.NumCopies = numCopies;

                this._playTime = playTime;



            public override void Display()

                Console.WriteLine("\nVideo ----- ");

                Console.WriteLine(" Director: {0}", _director);

                Console.WriteLine(" Title: {0}", _title);

                Console.WriteLine(" # Copies: {0}", NumCopies);

                Console.WriteLine(" Playtime: {0}\n", _playTime);



        /// <summary>

        /// The 'Decorator' abstract class

        /// </summary>

        abstract class Decorator : LibraryItem

            protected LibraryItem libraryItem;


            // Constructor

            public Decorator(LibraryItem libraryItem)

                this.libraryItem = libraryItem;



            public override void Display()





        /// <summary>

        /// The 'ConcreteDecorator' class

        /// </summary>

        class Borrowable : Decorator

            protected List<string> borrowers = new List<string>();


            // Constructor

            public Borrowable(LibraryItem libraryItem)

                : base(libraryItem)



            public void BorrowItem(string name)





            public void ReturnItem(string name)





            public override void Display()



                foreach (string borrower in borrowers)

                    Console.WriteLine(" borrower: " + borrower);








现在我把Decorator   去掉了,运行结果依旧,还是很不理解Decorator   到底是做什么用途的,请高手赐教:



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Decorator
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Book book = new Book("Worley", "Inside ASP.NET", 10);



            // Create video

            Video video = new Video("Spielberg", "Jaws", 23, 92);



            // Make video borrowable, then borrow and display

            Console.WriteLine("\nMaking video borrowable:");


            Borrowable borrowvideo = new Borrowable(video);

            borrowvideo.BorrowItem("Customer #1");

            borrowvideo.BorrowItem("Customer #2");




            // Wait for user



        /// <summary>

        /// The 'Component' abstract class

        /// </summary>

        abstract class LibraryItem

            private int _numCopies;


            // Property

            public int NumCopies

                get { return _numCopies; }

                set { _numCopies = value; }



            public abstract void Display();



        /// <summary>

        /// The 'ConcreteComponent' class

        /// </summary>

        class Book : LibraryItem

            private string _author;

            private string _title;


            // Constructor

            public Book(string author, string title, int numCopies)

                this._author = author;

                this._title = title;

                this.NumCopies = numCopies;



            public override void Display()

                Console.WriteLine("\nBook ------ ");

                Console.WriteLine(" Author: {0}", _author);

                Console.WriteLine(" Title: {0}", _title);

                Console.WriteLine(" # Copies: {0}", NumCopies);




        /// <summary>

        /// The 'ConcreteComponent' class

        /// </summary>

        class Video : LibraryItem

            private string _director;

            private string _title;

            private int _playTime;


            // Constructor

            public Video(string director, string title,

              int numCopies, int playTime)

                this._director = director;

                this._title = title;

                this.NumCopies = numCopies;

                this._playTime = playTime;



            public override void Display()

                Console.WriteLine("\nVideo ----- ");

                Console.WriteLine(" Director: {0}", _director);

                Console.WriteLine(" Title: {0}", _title);

                Console.WriteLine(" # Copies: {0}", NumCopies);

                Console.WriteLine(" Playtime: {0}\n", _playTime);



        class Borrowable : LibraryItem

            protected List<string> borrowers = new List<string>();
            public LibraryItem LibraryItem;
            // Constructor

            public Borrowable(LibraryItem libraryItem)
                LibraryItem = libraryItem;


            public void BorrowItem(string name)





            public void ReturnItem(string name)





            public override void Display()

                foreach (string borrower in borrowers)

                    Console.WriteLine(" borrower: " + borrower);





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