需引用Microsoft Scripting Runtime

Option Explicit 


Function GetAllFolderName(FistFolder As String) '取所有文件夹名
    If FistFolder = "" Then End 

Dim Fso As New FileSystemObject Dim Fol As Folder, Fol_ As Folder Dim Fols() As String Dim x     As Long, y As Long
x = 1: y = 1 ReDim Preserve Fols(1 To 1) Fols(x) = FistFolder Do Set Fol = Fso.GetFolder(Fols(x)) For Each Fol_ In Fol.SubFolders y = y + 1 ReDim Preserve Fols(1 To y) Fols(y) = CStr(Fol_) Next DoEvents x = x + 1 Loop Until x > y GetAllFolderName = Fols End Function


posted on 2023-10-06 15:02  sonycat  阅读(14)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报