public enum ControlStyles(控件样式)


  1 using System;
  3 namespace System.Windows.Forms
  4 {
  5     using System.ComponentModel;
  6     using System.Diagnostics;
  7     using System;
  9     /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles"]/*' />
 10     /// <devdoc>
 11     ///    <para>
 12     ///       Specifies control functionality.
 13     ///       指定控制功能。
 14     ///    </para>
 15     /// </devdoc>
 16     [Flags]
 17     public enum ControlStyles
 18     {
 19         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.ContainerControl"]/*' />
 20         /// <devdoc>
 21         ///     Indicates whether the control is a container-like control.
 22         ///     指示该控件是否类似于容器控件。
 23         /// </devdoc>
 24         ContainerControl = 0x00000001,
 25         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.UserPaint"]/*' />
 26         /// <devdoc>
 27         ///    <para>
 28         ///       The control paints itself; WM_PAINT and WM_ERASEBKGND messages are not passed 
 29         ///       on to the underlying NativeWindow.
 30         ///       控件绘制自身; WM_PAINT 和 WM_ERASEBKGND 消息不会传递到底层的 NativeWindow。
 31         ///    </para>
 32         ///    <para>
 33         ///       This style only applies to subclasses of Control.
 34         ///       此样式仅适用于控件的子类。
 35         ///    </para>
 36         /// </devdoc>
 37         UserPaint = 0x00000002,
 38         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.Opaque"]/*' />
 39         /// <devdoc>
 40         ///    <para>
 41         ///       If specified, a PaintBackground event will not be raised, OnPaintBackground will not be called,
 42         ///       and Invalidate() will not invalidate the background of the HWND.
 43         ///       如果指定,将不会引发PaintBackground 事件,也不会调用 OnPaintBackground,并且 Invalidate () 。
 44         ///    </para>
 45         /// </devdoc>
 46         Opaque = 0x00000004,
 47         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw"]/*' />
 48         /// <devdoc>
 49         ///    <para>
 50         ///       The control is completely redrawn when it is resized.
 51         ///       控件调整大小时将完全重绘。
 52         ///    </para>
 53         /// </devdoc>
 54         ResizeRedraw = 0x00000010,
 55         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.FixedWidth"]/*' />
 56         /// <devdoc>
 57         ///    <para>
 58         ///       The control has a fixed width.
 59         ///       控件具有固定宽度。
 60         ///    </para>
 61         /// </devdoc>
 62         FixedWidth = 0x00000020,
 63         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.FixedHeight"]/*' />
 64         /// <devdoc>
 65         ///    <para>
 66         ///       The control has a fixed height.
 67         ///       控件具有固定高度。
 68         ///    </para>
 69         /// </devdoc>
 70         FixedHeight = 0x00000040,
 71         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.StandardClick"]/*' />
 72         /// <devdoc>
 73         ///    <para>
 74         ///        If set, windows forms calls OnClick and raises the Click event when the control is clicked
 75         ///        (unless it's the second click of a double-click and StandardDoubleClick is specified).
 76         ///        Regardless of this style, the control may call OnClick directly.
 77         ///        如果设置,窗口窗体将调用 OnClick 并引发单击控件时单击的 Click 事件(除非这是双击的第二次单
 78         ///        击,并且指定了标准双击)。
 79         ///        无论此样式如何,控件都可以直接调用 OnClick。
 80         ///    </para>
 81         /// </devdoc>
 82         StandardClick = 0x00000100,
 83         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.Selectable"]/*' />
 84         /// <devdoc>
 85         ///    <para>
 86         ///       The control can get the focus.
 87         ///       控件可获得焦点。
 88         ///    </para>
 89         /// </devdoc>
 90         Selectable = 0x00000200,
 91         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.UserMouse"]/*' />
 92         /// <devdoc>
 93         ///    <para>
 94         ///       The control does its own mouse processing; WM_MOUSEDOWN, WM_MOUSEMOVE, and WM_MOUSEUP messages are not passed 
 95         ///       on to the underlying NativeWindow.
 96         ///       该控件执行自己的鼠标处理; WM_MOUSEDOWN 、 WM_MOUSEMOVE 和 WM_MOUSEUP 消息不会传递到底层的 NativeWindow。
 97         ///    </para>
 98         /// </devdoc>
 99         UserMouse = 0x00000400,
100         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor"]/*' />
101         /// <devdoc>
102         ///    <para>
103         ///       If the BackColor is set to a color whose alpha component is
104         ///       less than 255 (i.e., BackColor.A &lt; 255), OnPaintBackground will simulate transparency
105         ///       by asking its parent control to paint our background.  This is not true transparency --
106         ///       if there is another control between us and our parent, we will not show the control in the middle.
107         ///    如果背景色设置为 alpha 分量小于 255 的颜色 (即,BackColor.A <255),OnPaintBackground 将通过要求其父控件
108         ///    绘制我们的背景来模拟透明度。这不是真正的透明度 -- 如果我们和父母之间有另一个控件,我们不会在中间显示控件。
109         /// </para>
110         ///    <para>
111         ///       This style only applies to subclasses of Control.  It only works if UserPaint is set,
112         ///       and the parent control is a Control.
113         ///    </para>
114         /// </devdoc>
115         SupportsTransparentBackColor = 0x00000800,
116         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.StandardDoubleClick"]/*' />
117         /// <devdoc>
118         ///    <para>
119         ///        If set, windows forms calls OnDoubleClick and raises the DoubleClick event when the control is double clicked.
120         ///        Regardless of whether it is set, the control may call OnDoubleClick directly.
121         ///        This style is ignored if StandardClick is not set.
122         ///        如果设置,windows 窗体将调用 OnDoubleClick,并在双击控件时引发 DoubleClick 事件。无论是否设置,控件都可以直接调
123         ///        用 OnDoubleClick。如果未设置标准单击,则忽略此样式。
124         ///    </para>
125         /// </devdoc>
126         StandardDoubleClick = 0x00001000,
127         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint"]/*' />
128         /// <devdoc>
129         ///    <para>
130         ///        If true, WM_ERASEBKGND is ignored, and both OnPaintBackground and OnPaint are called directly from
131         ///        WM_PAINT.  This generally reduces flicker, but can cause problems if other controls
132         ///        send WM_ERASEBKGND messages to us.  (This is sometimes done to achieve a pseudo-transparent effect similar to
133         ///        ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor; for instance, ToolBar with flat appearance does this).
134         ///        This style only makes sense if UserPaint is true.
135         ///        如果为 true,则忽略WM_ERASEBKGND,并且直接从WM_PAINT调用 OnPaint 背景和 OnPaint。 这通常会减少闪烁,
136         ///        但如果其他控件向我们发送WM_ERASEBKGND消息,则可能会导致问题。 
137         ///        (有时这样做是为了达到类似于 ControlStyles 的伪透明效果。 仅当 UserPaint 为 true 时,此样式才有意义。)
138         ///    </para>
139         /// </devdoc>
140         AllPaintingInWmPaint = 0x00002000,
141         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.CacheText"]/*' />
142         /// <devdoc>
143         ///    <para>
144         ///         If true, the control keeps a copy of the text rather than going to the hWnd for the
145         ///         text every time. This improves performance but makes it difficult to keep the control
146         ///         and hWnd's text synchronized. 
147         ///         This style defaults to false.
148         ///         如果为 true,则控件将保留文本的副本,而不是每次都转到文本的 hWnd。这提高了性能,但很
149         ///         难保持控件和 hWnd 的文本同步。此样式默认为 false。
150         ///    </para>
151         /// </devdoc>
152         CacheText = 0x00004000,
153         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.EnableNotifyMessage"]/*' />
154         /// <devdoc>
155         ///    <para>
156         ///         If true, the OnNotifyMessage method will be called for every message sent to the control's WndProc. 
157         ///         This style defaults to false.
158         ///         如果为 true,将为发送到控件的 WndProc 的每条消息调用 OnNotifyMessage 方法。
159         ///         此样式默认为 false。
160         ///    </para>
161         /// </devdoc>
162         EnableNotifyMessage = 0x00008000,
163         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer"]/*' />
164         /// <devdoc>
165         ///    <para>
166         ///         If set, all control painting will be double buffered. You must also
167         ///         set the UserPaint and AllPaintingInWmPaint style.  Note: This is obsolete, please 
168         ///         use OptimizedDoubleBuffer instead.
169         ///         如果设置,则所有控件绘制都将加倍缓冲。您还必须设置"用户绘画"和"全绘制"样式。 
170         ///         注意:这是过时的,请改用优化DoubleBuffer。
171         ///    </para>
172         /// </devdoc>
173         [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] // It is recommended that you use the DoubleBuffer property instead.  See VSWhidbey 502873
174         DoubleBuffer = 0x00010000,
175         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer"]/*' />
176         /// <devdoc>
177         ///    <para>
178         ///         If set, all control painting will be double buffered.
179         ///         如果设置,则所有控件绘制都将加倍缓冲。
180         ///    </para>
181         /// </devdoc>
182         OptimizedDoubleBuffer = 0x00020000,
183         /// <include file='doc\ControlStyles.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ControlStyles.UseTextForAccessibility"]/*' />
184         /// <devdoc>
185         ///    <para>
186         ///         If this style is set, and there is a value in the control's Text property, that value will be
187         ///         used to determine the control's default Active Accessibility name and shortcut key. Otherwise,
188         ///         the text of the preceding Label control will be used instead.
189         ///         This style is set by default. Certain built-in control types such as TextBox and ComboBox
190         ///         un-set this style, so that their current text will not be used by Active Accessibility.
191         ///         
192         ///         如果设置了此样式,并且控件的 Text 属性中有一个值,则该值将用于确定控件的默认"活动辅助功能"名称
193         ///         和快捷键。否则,将改用前面的 Label 控件的文本。默认情况下设置此样式。某些内置控件类型(如 TextBox 
194         ///         和 ComboBox)取消设置此样式,以便活动辅助功能功能不会使用其当前文本。
195         ///    </para>
196         /// </devdoc>
197         UseTextForAccessibility = 0x00040000,
198     }
199 }

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