unsigned char 与char的区别

Character values of type unsigned char have a range from 0 to 0xFF hexadecimal. A signed char has range 0x80 to 0x7F. These ranges translate to 0 to 255 decimal, and –128 to +127 decimal, respectively. The /J compiler option changes the default from signed to unsigned.

char 是有符号的

unsigned char 是无符号的,里面全是正数


char 整数范围为-128到127( 0x80__0x7F),  

而unsigned char 整数范围为0到255( 0__0xFF )

多数情况下,char ,signed char 、unsigned char 类型的数据具有相同的特性然而当你把一个单字节的数赋给一个大整型数域时,便会看到它们在符号扩展上的差异。另一个区别表现在当把一个介于128和255之间的数赋给signed char 变量时编译器必须先进行数值转化,同样还会出现警告。



char sText[]= "12345Hello";

len = strlen(sText);

int sum=0;

for (int i=0; i< len; i++)


    // The ASCII of character >= 65

if (sText[i] > 64)






因为char是有符号的,最大就是127,超过就变成负数了。比如7f 是127,那么80就是-1了。


unsigned char sText[]= "12345你好";


#include <iostream>

#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

int main()


    unsigned char sText[]= "12345Hello";

    int len = 0;

    char temp;

    // unsigned int strlen(const char *s);

    // We need to convert sText from unsigned char* to const char*

    len = strlen((const char*)sText);

    cout<<"The strlen is"<<len<<endl;

    int sum=0;

    for(int i=0; i< len; i++)


        // The ASCII of character >= 65

        if (sText[i] > 64)




        cout<<"Character count:"<<sum<<endl;


    // just to have a pause

    cout<<"Enter any thing to exit!"<<endl;


    return 0;


posted @ 2009-03-24 20:11  拒绝潜水的鱼  阅读(5309)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报