视频播放器 隐私策略




  • 访问权限



  • 本地化语言




Local video player

This is the privacy policy of M-Player local video player. The content of this privacy policy will be updated from time to time, mainly with the latest content.

If you have read and understood the following, and continue to use the software, you have agreed to the agreement.

  • Access rights:

Requires access to the video library, the user needs to allow or open the access in the computer settings.

Requires access to the gallery, the user needs to allow or open the access in the computer settings.

  • Localization language:

Supports localized languages, currently supports languages: simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean,  English (USA).



posted @ 2018-11-20 05:35  singhwong  阅读(209)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报