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Adding Buttons to the Viewer Control

Posted on 2009-05-21 12:32  懒人ABC  阅读(288)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Adding Buttons to the Viewer Control

This sample project demonstrates how to customize the viewer control by adding additional buttons and icons. After adding these buttons, special functions such as exporting or exiting the project, can be set up to run when the buttons are clicked.

  1. Start a new Visual Basic standard EXE project.
  2. Set Form1's properties as follows:
    Name frmViewer
    BorderStyle 1-Fixed Single
    Height 8310
    Width 13440
  3. Select the ActiveX Viewer Control from VB's component list and add the viewer control to frmViewer.
  4. Select Microsoft's Common Dialog control from VB's component list and add the control to frmViewer.
  5. Set the common dialog control's name to cmndlg.
  6. Set the viewer control's properties as follows:
    Name arv
    Height 7815
    Left 120
    Top 0
    Width 13095
  7. Add the following code to the report:

    Private Sub addButtonsToARV()
    'Insert a splitter control
    'in the second position (after the
    'TOC button)
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Insert 1, ""
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(1).Type = 2
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(1).ID = 999
    'Insert the Close botton in the
    'third position
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Insert 2, "Close"
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(2).Caption = "&Close"
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(2).Tooltip = "Close Project"
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(2).ID = 1000
    'Insert another splitter in the
    'fourth position
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Insert 3, ""
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(3).Type = 2
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(3).ID = 1001
    'Insert the Open button in the
    'fifth position and assign it
    'and icon
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Insert 4, "O&pen"
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(4).AddIcon LoadPicture("C:\Program Files\Microsoft _
    Visual Studio\Common\Graphics\Icons\Win95\openfold.ico")
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(4).Tooltip = "Open RDF File"
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(4).ID = 1002
    'Insert the Save button in the sixth
    'position and assign it an icon and
    'disable it
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Insert 5, "&Save"
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(5).AddIcon LoadPicture("C:\Program Files\Data _
    Dynamics\ActiveReports Pro\Samples\Professional Edition\Diamond Reports_
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(5).Tooltip = "Save Report to RDF"
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(5).Enabled = False
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(5).ID = 1003
    'Add the PDF export button to the
    'end of the toolbar and disable it
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.AddEx("&PDF").Tooltip = "Export To PDF"
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(arv.ToolBar.Tools.Count - 1).Enabled = False
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(arv.toolbar.tools.count-1).ID = 1004
    End Sub

  8. Add the following code to the Form_Load event:

    Private Sub Form_Load()
    End Sub

  9. Add the following code to the arv_ToolbarClick event:

    Private Sub arv_ToolbarClick(ByVal Tool As DDActiveReportsViewer2Ctl.DDTool)
    Select Case Tool.Caption
    Case Is = "O&pen"
    'Call the open sub
    Case Is = "&Close"
    'call the exit sub
    Case Is = "&PDF"
    'call the PDFExport sub
    Case Is = "&Save"
    'call the Save sub
    End Select
    End Sub

  10. Add the following subs to handle the click events:

    Private Sub tbExit()
    Unload Me
    End Sub

    Private Sub tbOpen()
    cmndlg.Filter = "Report Document File (*.rdf)|*.rdf"
    If cmndlg.FileName <> "" Then
    If Not arv.ReportSource Is Nothing Then
    Set arv.ReportSource = Nothing
    End If
    arv.Pages.Load cmndlg.FileName
    'Enables buttons when a report is loaded
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(5).Enabled = True
    arv.ToolBar.Tools.Item(arv.ToolBar.Tools.Count - 1).Enabled = True
    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub tbPDFExport()
    Dim pdf As New ActiveReportsPDFExport.ARExportPDF
    Set pdf = New ActiveReportsPDFExport.ARExportPDF
    cmndlg.Filter = "Portable Document Format" & _
    " (*.pdf)|*.pdf"
    cmndlg.DefaultExt = ".pdf"
    If cmndlg.FileName <> "" Then
    pdf.FileName = cmndlg.FileName
    If Not arv.ReportSource Is Nothing Then
    pdf.Export arv.ReportSource.Pages
    pdf.Export arv.Pages
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub tbSave()
    cmndlg.Filter = "Report Document File (*.rdf)|*.rdf"
    cmndlg.DefaultExt = ".rdf"
    If cmndlg.FileName <> "" Then
    If Not arv.ReportSource Is Nothing Then
    arv.ReportSource.Pages.Save _
    arv.Pages.Save cmndlg.FileName
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

    Warning: Setting the viewer's ReportSource = nothing while the report is still running does not cancel the report. If the ReportSource is set to nothing while the report is running, the viewer retains the pages already processed, and the table of contents does not work. To clear the viewer use .Pages.RemoveAll and then .Pages.Commit.

  11. Save the project and run it.