redis (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value

Redis 存取类型不一致错误

localhost:6381> hset k1bkp81gv3kla9429ta9fdp57td06bts 'fx' 33s
(error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
localhost:6381> type k1bkp81gv3kla9429ta9fdp57td06bts
localhost:6381> get k1bkp81gv3kla9429ta9fdp57td06bts
localhost:6381> del k1bkp81gv3kla9429ta9fdp57td06bts
(integer) 1
localhost:6381> hset k1bkp81gv3kla9429ta9fdp57td06bts 'fx' 33s
(integer) 1


posted @ 2021-10-30 10:17  G1733  阅读(348)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报