

Implement match_k, which takes in an integer k and returns a function that takes in a variable x and returns True if all the digits in x that are k apart are the same.

For example, match_k(2) returns a one argument function that takes in x and checks if digits that are 2 away in x are the same.

match_k(2)(1010) has the value of x = 1010 and digits 1, 0, 1, 0 going from left to right. 1 == 1 and 0 == 0, so the match_k(2)(1010) results in True.

match_k(2)(2010) has the value of x = 2010 and digits 2, 0, 1, 0 going from left to right. 2 != 1 and 0 == 0, so the match_k(2)(2010) results in False.

Important: You may not use strings or indexing for this problem.

Floor dividing by powers of 10 gets rid of the rightmost digits.

def match_k(k):
    """Returns a function that checks if digits k apart match.

    >>> match_k(2)(1010)
    >>> match_k(2)(2010)
    >>> match_k(1)(1010)
    >>> match_k(1)(1)
    >>> match_k(1)(2111111111111111)
    >>> match_k(3)(123123)
    >>> match_k(2)(123123)
    def check(x):
        while x // (10 ** k) > 0:
            if (x % 10) != (x // (10 ** k)) % 10:
                return False
            x //= 10
        return True
    return check


  1. 判断最后一位与右边数第k位数字是否相同:(x % 10) != (x // (10 ** k)) % 10
  2. 如果不相同,则这个数肯定不符合题目要求,直接返回False
  3. 如果相同,则将比较位置转为左手边的下一个数字:x //= 10
posted @ 2024-02-22 12:21  上山砍大树  阅读(3)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报