
Comment comparison


There is a wide variety of syntax styles for declaring comments in source code. BlockComment in italics is used here to indicate block comment style. InlineComment in italics is used here to indicate inline comment style.

LanguageIn-line commentBlock comment
AdaEiffelEuphoriaOccamSPARK, ANSI SQLToolBook OpenScript, and VHDL -- InlineComment  
ALGOL 60   comment BlockComment;
ALGOL 68   ¢ BlockComment ¢

comment BlockComment comment
co BlockComment co
BlockComment #
£ BlockComment £

AppleScript -- InlineComment (* BlockComment *)
Assembly language (varies) InlineComment   one example (most assembly languages use line comments only)  
AutoHotkey InlineComment /* BlockComment */
AWKBashBourne shellC shellMaplePythonRTcl, and Windows PowerShell InlineComment <# BlockComment #>
BASIC (various dialects): 'InlineComment (not all dialects)

REM InlineComment

C (K&R, ANSI/C89/C90), CHILLPL/I, and REXX   /* BlockComment */
C (C99)C++Go, and JavaScript // InlineComment /* BlockComment */
C# // InlineComment
/// InlineComment (XML documentation comment)
/* BlockComment */
/** BlockComment */ (XML documentation comment)
Cobol InlineComment (when * is in column 7)  
Curl || InlineComment |# BlockComment #|

|foo# BlockComment #|

Cobra InlineComment /# BlockComment #/ (nestable)
D // InlineComment
/// Documentation InlineComment (ddoc comments)
/* BlockComment */
/** Documentation BlockComment */ (ddoc comments)

/+ BlockComment +/ (nestable)
/++ Documentation BlockComment +/ (nestable, ddoc comments)

DCL $! InlineComment  
ECMAScript (JavaScriptActionScript, etc.) // InlineComment /* BlockComment */
Forth InlineComment BlockComment ) (single line only)

before -- after ) stack comment convention

FORTRAN 66/77 InlineComment (the letter 'C' in the first column makes the entire line a comment).  
Fortran 90 InlineComment (all characters on the line, from the exclamation mark onwards, are comments)  
Haskell -- InlineComment {- BlockComment -}
Java // InlineComment /* BlockComment */

/** BlockComment */ (Javadoc documentation comment)

Lisp and Scheme InlineComment #| BlockComment |#
Lua -- InlineComment --[==[ BlockComment]==] (variable number of = signs)
Maple InlineComment (* BlockComment *)
Mathematica   % (* BlockComment *)
Matlab InlineComment %{
BlockComment (nestable)

Note: Both percent–bracket symbols must be the only non-whitespace characters on their respective lines.
Object Pascal (Delphi) // InlineComment (* BlockComment *)
BlockComment }
OCaml   (* BlockComment (* nestable *) *)
PascalModula-2Modula-3Oberon, and ML:   (* BlockComment *) (OCaml comments are nestable)
Perl and Ruby InlineComment =begin
 (POD documentation comment)

Comments after end of code

PHP InlineComment
// InlineComment
/* BlockComment */
/** Documentation BlockComment */ (PHP Doc comments)
PILOT R:InlineComment  
PL/SQL and TSQL -- InlineComment /* BlockComment */
REALbasic InlineComment
// InlineComment
rem InlineComment
SAS   BlockComment;
/* BlockComment */
Seed7 InlineComment (* BlockComment *)
Simula   comment BlockComment;
Smalltalk   "BlockComment"
Smarty   {* BlockComment *}
Standard ML   (* BlockComment *)
TeXLaTeXPostScriptErlang, and S-Lang InlineComment  
Texinfo @c InlineComment

@comment InlineComment

TUTOR InlineComment
command $$ InlineComment
Visual Basic InlineComment
Rem InlineComment
Visual Basic .NET InlineComment

''' InlineComment (XML documentation comment)
Rem InlineComment

Visual Prolog InlineComment /* BlockComment */




Comparison of programming languages (syntax)  (wiki)

posted @ 2015-08-29 19:23  IAmAProgrammer  阅读(1360)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报