How to publish ASP.NET application

Environment: Windows 7 Enterprise + IIS 7.0


1. Build your application in VS.

2. "Start -> Run<inetmgr>" to start IIS manager.

3. Right click the root node, select "Add Web Site..."

3. Input a site name, phisical path of the ASP.NET application, assign a port for your site, and then click "OK".

As the port 80 is used by the default site, to avoid the port conflict you can reassign another port number, e.g. 8080 here, or you can remove or stop the default site if you want to use port 80 for your site.

4. Navigate to http://localhostportnumber/} to check whether the site published successfully. And then access http:// {ServerIP}:{PortNumber}   in a client machine to start your testing.



posted on 2010-04-22 16:23  阅读(224)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报