How to mount Windows network disk in WSL


Mount samba directly in wsl like linux is difficult

Password for root@//filesystem.domain/root:
mount error: cifs filesystem not supported by the system
mount error(19): No such device
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)


But is easily mount net disk in windows file manager. So if your windows share is already mapped to a drive in the Windows host, it can be even simpler.

Suppose you already mounted the share on Z:. In that case the following will work:[1]

sudo mkdir /mnt/z
sudo mount -t drvfs 'Z:' /mnt/z


  1. Mounting a windows share in Windows Subsystem for Linux - Stack Overflow ↩︎

posted @ 2021-03-19 11:03  SangriaChant  阅读(133)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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