[K2 Blackpearl] Open WorklistItem Errors

There are few different errors that can occur when opening a worklist item.   The key to determining the cause of these errors, and ultimately resolving them, is to understand what each error means: 

1.     24411 K2:[domain]\[user] from [ipAddress] is not allowed to open the worklist item with SN=[serialNumer] 

This error indicates the specified user is not allowed to open the worklist item as the user does not have access to it.  In other words, the user does not have access to specified serial number. 

Only users that were included in the Destination, had the worklist item redirected/delegated to them or were give explicit ActionRights will have access to it.

2.     26030 Worklist item [serialNumer] not found for K2: [domain]\[user] at [ipAddress]:[port]

This error typically indicates that there are no slots available.  While the user does have access to the worklist item, it has been opened by one or more users and all slots have been consumed. 

When writing custom code using the Workflow Client API that deals with worklist items, it is good practice to check the Status property (use the WorklistStatus enumeration) of the WorklistItem object before attempting to open it.  If the status is “Allocated”, meaning the worklist item is allocated to other users, you will not be able to open it.

This error will also occur when attempting to open a worklist item using an invalid serial number.


posted @ 2012-10-31 16:37  一只小小菜鸟  阅读(1386)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报