第11課-Channel Study For Create Custom Restful Service

这节课我们一起学习利用Mirth Connect的HTTP Listener源通道与JavaScript Writer目的通道搭建自定义Restful风格webapi服务。

1.新建名为‘Custom  Restful api’的信道,指定源通道与目的通道的输入输出消息格式

 2.设置HTTP Listener类型源通道参数

  1. 把 "Response" 响应指定为 destination 1
  2. 输入‘Base  context path’ 为 /myrestservice
  3. 设置 "Message Content" 为 XML Body
  4. 设置默认"Response Content Type" 为text/plain; charset=UTF-8我们将在目的通道中通过channel map重写它的值为application/xml或application/json
  5. 设置 "Response Status Code" 响应码为 ${responseStatusCode}我们将在目的通道中通过channel map重写它的值为200(成功)或500(失败)
  6. 在 "Response Header" 中添加一个变量 "Content-Type" ,指定其值为 ${responseContentType}我们将在目的通道中通过channel map重写它的值为application/xml或application/json

3.设置JavaScript Writer目的通道参数并编写JS实现脚本

// Mirth strings don't support startsWith() in Mirth 3
// If necessary, add a method to the String prototype.
if (!String.prototype.startsWith) {
    String.prototype.startsWith = function(searchString, position){
      position = position || 0;
      return this.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
Incoming message looks like this:
<User-Agent>Wget/1.18 (darwin15.5.0)</User-Agent>

<User-Agent>Wget/1.18 (darwin15.5.0)</User-Agent>
// Just in case we fail, set a sane responseContentType
channelMap.put('responseContentType', 'text/plain');
var msg = XML(connectorMessage.getRawData());
// Get the REST data from the "context path" which is actually
// the "path info" of the request, so it will start with '/myrestservice'.
var rest = msg['RequestContextPath'];
var myServicePrefix = '/myrestservice';
var minimumURLParameterCount = 4; // This is the minimum you require to do your work
var maximumExpectedURLParameterCount = 5; // however many you expect to get
var params = rest.substring(myServicePrefix).split('/', maximumExpectedURLParameterCount);
if(params.length < minimumURLParameterCount)
 return Packages.com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ResponseFactory.getErrorResponse('Too few parameters in request');
var mrn = params[1]; // params[0] will be an empty string
// Now, determine the client's preference for what data type to return (XML vs. JSON).
// We will default to XML.
var clientWantsJSON = false;
var responseContentType = 'text/xml';
// If we see any kind of JSON before any kind of XML, we'll use
// JSON. Otherwise, we'll use XML.
// Technically, this is incorrect resolution of the "Accept" header,
// but it's good enough for an example.
var mimeTypes = msg['Header']['Accept'].split(/\s*,\s*/);
for(var i=0; i<mimeTypes.length; ++i) {
  var mimeType = mimeTypes[i].toString();
  if(mimeType.startsWith('application/json')) {
    clientWantsJSON = true;
    responseContentType = 'application/json';
  } else if(mimeType.startsWith('application/xml')) {
    clientWantsJSON = false;
    responseContentType = 'application/xml';
  } else if(mimeType.startsWith('text/xml')) {
    clientWantsJSON = false;
    responseContentType = 'text/xml';
var xml;
var json;
  json = { status : '' };
  xml = new XML('<response></response>');
try {
      Here is where you do whatever your service needs to actually do.
  if(clientWantsJSON) {
   json.data = { foo: 1,
                  bar: 'a string',
                  baz: [ 'list', 'of', 'strings']
  } else {
    xml['@foo'] = 1;
    xml['bar'] = 'a string';
    xml['baz'][0] = 'list';
    xml['baz'][1] = 'of';
    xml['baz'][3] = 'strings';
  // Set the response code and content-type appropriately.
  // http://www.mirthproject.org/community/forums/showthread.php?t=12678
  channelMap.put('responseStatusCode', 200);
  if(clientWantsJSON) {
    json.status = 'success';
    var content = JSON.stringify(json);
    channelMap.put('responseContent', content);
    channelMap.put('responseContentType', responseContentType);
    return content;
  } else {
    channelMap.put('responseContentType', responseContentType);
    var content = xml.toString();
    channelMap.put('responseContent', content);
    return content;
catch (err)
  channelMap.put('responseStatusCode', '500');
  if(clientWantsJSON) {
    json.status = 'error';
    if(err.javaException) {
      // If you want to unpack a Java exception, this is how you do it:
      json.errorType = String(err.javaException.getClass().getName());
      json.errorMessage = String(err.javaException.getMessage());
    channelMap.put('responseContentType', responseContentType);
    // Return an error with our "error" JSON
    return Packages.com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ResponseFactory.getErrorResponse(JSON.stringify(json));
  } else {
    if(err.javaException) {
      xml['response']['error']['@type'] = String(err.javaException.getClass().getName());
      xml['response']['error']['@message'] = String(err.javaException.getMessage());
    channelMap.put('responseContentType', responseContentType);
    // Return an error with our "error" XML
    return Packages.com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ResponseFactory.getErrorResponse(xml.toString());


  1. 获取输入请求的原始消息并自动格式化为XML格式: var xml = new XML(connectorMessage.getRawData())
  2. 设置响应类型,如channelMap.put('responseContentType', 'application/json')
  3. 设置响应码,如channelMap.put('responseStatusCode', '200')
  4. 设置响应内容并通过JS脚本返回XML实体或者Json实体的字符串格式值
  5. 异常处理通过JS脚本调用Mirth的API函数Packages.com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ResponseFactory.getErrorResponse(string)返回字符串格式错误消息



        <User-Agent>Wget/1.18 (darwin15.5.0)</User-Agent>


        <User-Agent>Wget/1.18 (darwin15.5.0)</User-Agent>





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posted @ 2021-01-29 19:59  潤沁網路大學  阅读(484)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报