[Beta]Daily Scrum 7, Nov. 15th


Current Day’s Work

Next Day’s Work


Ao Tang

Task 468

Task 471

Task 469 Extract all author names


Yue Wu

Task 714 Implement the agreement page

716 improve the interface of org items


Haifeng Xu

Task 717 implement the animation of the horizonal line

None advisor/advisee’s comments


Zhe Song

UnitTest Program

Faked data


Jianxun Lian

Task 462 Extract all areas

Task 463 Verify all names


Jing Zhang

Task 718 adjust the interface according to the number of advisees

Continue with Task 718


Deniz Binay

Task  725

Task 710

Task 709

Task 664

Task 612

Task 608

In last two days


Task 609 Crawl and extract data out of AIGenealogy project


posted @ 2011-11-16 00:20  Rosting  阅读(318)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报