Scala类型系统(sudden thought)中有一段代码

trait Node[+B] {
  def prepend(elem: B): Unit

case class ListNode[+B](h: B, t: Node[B]) extends Node[B] {
  def prepend(elem: B) = ListNode[B](elem, this)
  def head: B = h
  def tail = t

case class Nil[+B]() extends Node[B] {
  def prepend(elem: B) = ListNode[B](elem, this)

  文中说这段代码不会通过编译,因为Function1是contravariant 在参数的位置上。看到这里是一个头很多个大的。 However, this program does not compile because the parameter elem in prepend is of type B, which we declared covariant. This doesn’t work because functions are contravariant in their parameter types and covariant in their result types.



trait Animal
case class Dog() extends Animal
case class Cat() extends Animal
def addDogToAnimal(animalNode : ListNode[Animal]) : Unit{
case class ListNode[Animal](h: Animal, t: Node[Animal]) extends Node[Animal] { def prepend(elem: Animal) = ListNode[Animal](elem, this) def head: Animal = h def tail = t }
case class ListNode[Cat](h:Cat, t: Node[Cat]) extends Node[Cat] { def prepend(elem:Cat) = ListNode[Cat](elem, this) def head: Cat= h def tail = t }

 addDogToAnimal方法接受一个ListNode[Animal],因为ListNode[Cat] 是 ListNode[Animal]的子类(因为是Covaraiance的)

 所以我们可以addDogToAnimal(ListNode(Cat(), Nil())),但是ListNode[Cat]只能prepend是Cat类型的对象。所以一定会出问题。

 解决方法就是在所有需要消费者方法中 introducing a new type parameter U that has B as a lower type bound.

trait Node[+B] {
  def prepend[U >: B](elem: U)

case class ListNode[+B](h: B, t: Node[B]) extends Node[B] {
  def prepend[U >: B](elem: U) = ListNode[U](elem, this)
  def head: B = h
  def tail = t

case class Nil[+B]() extends Node[B] {
  def prepend[U >: B](elem: U) = ListNode[U](elem, this)

case class ListNode[Animal](h: Animal, t: Node[Animal]) extends Node[Animal] {
  def prepend[U >: Animal](elem: Animal) = ListNode[Animal](elem, this)
  def head: Animal = h
  def tail = t
case class ListNode[Cat](h:Cat, t: Node[Cat]) extends Node[Cat] { def prepend[U >: Cat](elem:Cat) = ListNode[Cat](elem, this) def head: Cat= h def tail = t }
ListNode[Cat] 还是 ListNode[Animal]的子类
addDogToAnimal(ListNode(Cat(), Nil()))的时候
ListNode[Cat]的prepend方法可以接受所有U >: Cat 的对象




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