Practical Ext JS Projects with Gears中关于Gears描述。

去找了一本 Practical Ext JS Projects with Gears 来看了一下。立刻翻到关于Gears的那一章,仔细一看,发现如下:


The LocalServer component of Gears enables you to cache and serve the resources that go
into rendering a web page from a local cache. This may not sound too exciting at first. In fact,
your initial thought may be, “Browsers already have caches, so what’s the big deal?”
The big deal, my friend, is that this cache is under your programmatic control. You can tell
it what resources to cache and serve, and when. In other words, you can take an application
“offline,” assuming all its resources are in the cache, meaning a connection to the server is no
longer required.
There is obvious potential in terms of performance too, although interestingly, that’s a
secondary concern at best. It’s that ability to go offline and still have an application work that
LocalServer is there to address.
The applications in this book won’t be using LocalServer, so I won’t go into anymore
detail on it here. This is, after all, a book on Ext JS and not Gears! Go to
com to learn more if LocalServer is something that interests you.




posted on 2009-08-26 22:08  qufo  阅读(264)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
