
  1. Add CUSTOM_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER and CUSTOM_PRODUCT_NAME under the user defined section of build settings.
  2. Add a .xcconfig file to the project with CUSTOM_PRODUCT_NAME, and CUSTOM_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER set to the nominal values.
  3. Set the product name to ${CUSTOM_PRODUCT_NAME} and bundle name to ${CUSTOM_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER} in the info.plist.
  4. Set the Product Name to ${CUSTOM_PRODUCT_NAME} under build settings.

When I want to change some of the values I create a new xcconfig file, and specify that xcconfig file using the -xcconfig param for xcodebuild. This allows you to change the settings on the fly.

posted on 2011-06-17 14:22  一个人的天空@  阅读(448)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报