
1、TextOut( hdc, x, y, psText, iLength); 

是最常见的文本输出函数。它向client area输出一段文本。psText是指向字符串的一个指针,iLength代表字符串的长度。x和y分别代表文本输出的起始位置。hdc代表handle to a device context。

2、获取Device context handle


hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);

EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);



The BeginPaint function sets the clipping region of the device context to exclude any area outside the update region.

The update region is set by the InvalidateRect function and by the system after sizing, moving, creating, scrolling, or any other operation that affects the client area.

If the update region is marked for erasing, BeginPaint sends a WM_ERASEBKGND message to the window.

An application should not call BeginPaint except in response to a WM_PAINT message. //响应WM_PAINT消息时,才可以调用BeginPaint函数

Each call to BeginPaint must have a corresponding call to the EndPaint function.

If the caret is in the area to be painted, BeginPaint hides the caret to prevent it from being erased.

If the window's class has a background brush, BeginPaint uses that brush to erase the background of the update region before returning.


hdc = GetDC(hwnd);

ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);



The GetDC function retrieves a common, class, or private device context depending on the class style specified for the specified window.

For common device contexts, GetDC assigns default attributes to the device context each time it is retrieved.

For class and private device contexts, GetDC leaves the previously assigned attributes unchanged.

After painting with a common device context, the ReleaseDC function must be called to release the device context.

Class and private device contexts do not have to be released.

The number of device contexts is limited only by available memory.

3、Paint Information Structure

typedef struct tagPAINTSTRUCT {  
 HDC hdc;  
 BOOL fErase;  
 RECT rcPaint; 
 BOOL fRestore;   
 BOOL fIncUpdate;  
 BYTE rgbReserved[32];

调用BeginPaint函数时,Windows填充该结构体的各个值。该结构体的前三个变量是允许我们使用的,后面的变量windows自身使用。hdc代表device context handler,fErase指示是否需要擦除无效区域的背景部分,若为0表示不擦除,若为1表示擦除。rcPaint类型为RECT,它定义了无效区域的边界。这个无效区域就是需要重绘的区域。rcPaint还代表clipping rectangle。

4、InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE);

它使得整个的client area区域无效。

5、GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm);


typedef struct tagTEXTMETRIC { 
  LONG tmHeight;  
  LONG tmAscent; 
  LONG tmDescent; 
  LONG tmInternalLeading; 
  LONG tmExternalLeading; 
  LONG tmAveCharWidth;    
  LONG tmMaxCharWidth;  





TextOut (hdc, x, y, szBuffer, wsprintf (szBuffer, TEXT ("The sum of %i and %i is %i"), iA, iB, iA + iB)) ;
7、SetTextAlign(hdc, TA_RIGHT | TA_TOP);
当window的size发生变化时,Windows会发送WM_SIZE消息,其中消息的lParam参数包含client area的宽度和高度。其中低16位存储宽度,高16位存储高度。
case WM_SIZE:
       cxClient = LOWORD(lParam);
       cyClient = HIWORD(lParam);

9、SetScrollRange(hwnd, iBar, iMin, iMax, bRedraw);

默认情况下,scroll bar的range是0到100,iBar代表SB_VERT或SB_HORZ, iMin和iMax是新的range,bRedraw为TRUE时,Windows需要按照新的range重绘scroll bar。

10、SetScrollPos(hwnd, iBar, iPos, bRedraw);

该函数可以重新设置thumb的位置, iPos是range内的一个数。

11、Scroll Bar Message

当鼠标点击scroll bar或者拖动thumb时,Windows会发送WM_VSCROLL或者WM_HSCROLL消息。这里我们可忽略lParam参数,只分析wParam参数。wParam的低16为一个数字,它指示鼠标对scroll bar进行了什么操作,这个值又称为notification code。


SetScrollInfo(hwnd, iBar, &si, bRedraw);
GetScrollInfo(hwnd, iBar, &si);


typedef struct tagSCROLLINFO
    UINT cbSize ;// set to sizeof (SCROLLINFO)
    UINT fMask ;  // values to set or get
    int  nMin ;      // minimum range value
    int  nMax ;   // maximum range value
    UINT nPage ;  // page size
    int  nPos ;   // current position
    int  nTrackPos ;// current tracking position

在调用SetScrollInfo或GetScrollInfo之前,必须将cbSize字段设定为结构的大小:si.cbSize = sizeof(si); 把fMask字段设定为一个以上以SIF前缀开头的旗标,并且可以使用C的位操作OR运算子(|)组合这些旗标。

posted @ 2012-03-01 17:05  qi09  阅读(2396)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报