


本来以为XAML的扩展x:Static很简单,但在实际的编程过程中,遇到了不小的麻烦,看如下代码(其中,VM名字空间指向正确),我试图将枚举值FetchAndShowMode赋给CommandParameter,可是却编译出错:Cannot find the type 'MoviesVM.FetchAndShowMode'. Note that type names are case sensitive.

    partial class MoviesVM
        public enum FetchAndShowMode
            None,        // Needn't refetch the data
            Recent,      // Fetch recent recorded movies
            All,         // Fetch all the movies
            ByKeyword,   // Fetch the movies by name
            Default,     // Fetch the movies by defalut settings
            NotVerified, // Fetch not verified movies
            Special      // Reserve for future use

<ribbon:RibbonButton LargeImageSource="Resources\Images\Ribbon\RecentMovies.png" Label="近期影片"
                     CommandParameter="{x:Static vm:MoviesVM.FetchAndShowMode.Recent}" />


网上查了下,发现,假如是内嵌的类型,WPF需要你使用“+”来分割,所以应该写成vm:MoviesVM+FetchAndShowMode。但是,编译仍然不过,说:Only public or internal classes can be used within markup. 'FetchAndShowMode' type is not public or internal. 但是FetchAndShowMode明明是public的啊!自己查了下原因,应该是编译器比较傻,MovieVM类是internal的,FetchAndShowMode是public就不认,假如把他们俩同时改成public或者都是internal的就可以了,这个也不知道是不是一个bug。。。


    public partial class MoviesVM
        public enum FetchAndShowMode
            None,        // Needn't refetch the data
            Recent,      // Fetch recent recorded movies
            All,         // Fetch all the movies
            ByKeyword,   // Fetch the movies by name
            Default,     // Fetch the movies by defalut settings
            NotVerified, // Fetch not verified movies
            Special      // Reserve for future use


<ribbon:RibbonButton LargeImageSource="Resources\Images\Ribbon\RecentMovies.png" Label="近期影片"
                     CommandParameter="{x:Static vm:MoviesVM+FetchAndShowMode.Recent}" />


posted on 2012-04-07 10:43  PunCha  阅读(282)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报