library cache pin / lock

编译过程或者package时候,只要去编译,就会有library cache pin 等待,说明有session在访问这个对象,查v$access :

select b.sql_text text,a.sid sid ,a.serial# sria#,a.username username, c.type type,a.machine machine
from v$session a ,v$sqltext b ,v$access c
where c.object=upper('&1')
  and c.type in ('TABLE','PACKAGE','PROCEDURE')
  and a.sid=c.sid
  and b.address = a.sql_address
  and b.hash_value = a.sql_hash_value
order by a.sid,a.serial#,b.piece;


select a.sid,a.final_blocking_session,a.final_blocking_instance,a.event from v$session a where a.sid = <your_sid>;



select sw.seq#,sw.sid||','||s.serial# sids,s.username,sw.event,sw.P1,sw.p2,sw.p3,sw.wait_time "WAIT",
   sw.state,sw.seconds_in_wait sec,s.status,to_char(s.logon_time,'dd/hh24:mi:ss') logon_time
   from v$session s,v$session_wait sw
   sw.sid =s.sid
   and s.username is not null
   and sw.event not like '%SQL*Net%'
   and sw.event not like 'PX Deq%'
   and sw.event not like 'rdbms ipc message'
   order by sw.event,s.username ;

如果系统中有大量library cache 等待,需要查出pin和lock的holder,然后杀掉.

a.查找pin holder 并kill:
select 'alter system kill session '''||a.sid||','||a.serial#||''';'
from v$session a,x$kglpn b
where a.saddr=b.kglpnuse  and b.KGLPNMOD<>0 and b.kglpnhdl in  (  select p1raw  from  v$session_wait  where event ='library cache pin');

b.查找lock holder 并kill
select 'alter system kill session '''||a.sid||','||a.serial#||''';'
 from v$session a, X$KGLLK b where  b.kgllkmod>0  and
 b.KGLLKHDL in  (  select p1raw  from  v$session_wait  where event ='library cache lock')
 and a.sid=b.KGLLKSNM   ;


posted @ 2018-01-11 13:00  紧张的小手  阅读(281)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报