C# 调用带有输出参数的分页存储过程


 1 use StudentMISDB
 2 go
 3 select * from Course
 4 alter table Course
 5     add IsDelete int not null default 0
 6 go
 7 select * from Course where IsDelete=1
 9 --update Course  set IsDelete=0
11 ---循环 添加数据
12 --declare @index int
13 --set @index =0
14 --while(@index<2)
15 --begin
16 --    insert into Course select Name,ByName,IsDelete from Course
17 --    set @index=@index+1;
18 --end
20 --分页 显示 第 11 到20条的数据
22 select * from(select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by courseId)as rowNUM, * from Course 
23 where IsDelete=0)as temp 
24 where rowNUM>=11 and rowNUM<=20
26 select count(1)as rowRount  from Course where IsDelete=0 
28                 --pageIndex 从 0 开始
29                 --pageSize  每页显示的数据条数【10 条】
30                 --((pageIndex) *pageSize)+1      (pageIndex * pageSize)+pageSize
31                 --11                           20
33                 --总页数 pageCount = 总的记录/pageSize
34 ---分页的 要素:1.当前 页码   pageIndex
35             --2. 每一页的 容量 pageSize
36             --3. 总条数   count 
37             --4. 总页数   pageCount=count/pageSize
39 --创建分页的存储过程
40 create proc Proc_GetPageData
41     @pageIndex int,
42     @pageSize int,
43     @rowCount int out,
44     @pageCount int out
45 as
46     begin
47     select * from(select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by courseId)as rowNUM, * from Course where IsDelete=0)as temp
48                 where rowNUM>(@pageIndex*@pageSize) and rowNUM<= (@pageIndex*@pageSize+@pageSize)
50     select  @rowCount =count(1) from Course where IsDelete=0 
51     set @pageCount=@rowCount/@pageSize
52     end 
53 go
55 declare @pageIndex int,
56     @pageSize int,
57     @rowCount int,
58     @pageCount int
60 --select @pageIndex=3,@pageSize=10
61 exec Proc_GetPageData @pageIndex,@pageSize,@rowCount out,@pageCount out
62 --select @rowCount,@pageCount
66 select * from Students
67 go
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 1 using System;
 2 using System.Collections.Generic;
 3 using System.ComponentModel;
 4 using System.Data;
 5 using System.Drawing;
 6 using System.Linq;
 7 using System.Text;
 8 using System.Threading.Tasks;
 9 using System.Windows.Forms;
10 using System.Data.SqlClient;
12 namespace  Demo01
13 {
14     public partial class UseSaveProcess : Form
15     {
16         public UseSaveProcess()
17         {
18             InitializeComponent();
19         }
21         private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
22         {
23             //数据库连接字符
24             string connstring = "server=.;database=StudentMISDB;uid=sa;pwd=123456";
25             //连接数据库
26             SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connstring);
27             //调用存储过程
28             string sql = "Proc_GetPageData";  
29             //定义参数
30             SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter[] {
31                 new SqlParameter("@pageIndex",SqlDbType.Int),
32                 new SqlParameter("@pageSize",SqlDbType.Int),
33                 new SqlParameter("@rowCount",SqlDbType.Int),
34                 new SqlParameter("@pageCount",SqlDbType.Int)
35             };
36             //给参数赋值
37             parameter[0].Value = 1;
38             parameter[1].Value = 10;
39             //标明输出参数
40             parameter[2].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
41             parameter[3].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
42             //执行命令
43             SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql,conn);
44             //声明SQL语句是存储过程
45             cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
46             //添加参数
47             cmd.Parameters.AddRange(parameter);
48             //断开式连接查询
49             SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
50             //建立数据集(缓冲区)
51             DataSet ds = new DataSet();
52             conn.Open();
53             adapter.Fill(ds);
54             conn.Close();
55             //绑定数据源
56             this.dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
57             //显示在下方的lable中
58             int rowcount = Convert.ToInt32(parameter[2].Value);
59             int pagecoun = Convert.ToInt32(parameter[3].Value);
60             this.label1.Text = "总共有" +rowcount+"条数据,共有" +pagecoun+"";
61         }
62     }
63 }
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posted @ 2017-09-02 00:27  青红造了个白  阅读(313)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报