CKKS Part2: CKKS的编码和解码

该文章翻译自CKKS EXPLAINED, PART 2: FULL ENCODING AND DECODING,主要介绍CKKS方案中是如何编码和解码的(如何将复数向量转成整数多项式,以及如何求逆运算)




我们还了解到,通过使用标准嵌入\(σ\),即通过\(X^N+1\)的根计算多项式来解码多项式,实现\(ℂ^N\to ℂ[X] /(X^N+1)\)。然而,因为我们希望编码器输出的是多项式\(ℤ[X] /(X^N+1)\),为了利用多项式整数环的结构,我们需要修改前一个文章中的普通编码器,以便能够输出“右环的多项式”。(不太懂,应该是能够输出不带\(i\)的多项式)

因此,在本文中,我们将探讨如何实现原始论文《Homomorphic Encryption for Arithmetic of Approximate Numbers》中使用的编码和解码,这将是我们从头开始实现CKK的第一步。


与前一篇文章的不同之处在于,编码多项式的明文空间现在是\(R=Z\left[ X \right]/X^{N}+1\)而不是\(\mbox{C}\left[ X \right]/X^{N}+1\),所以编码值多项式的系数必须是整数系数,然而当我们编码一个\(C^N\)上的向量时,我们已经了解到它的编码后的多项式的系数不一定是整数(有的是复数系数)。

因为在\(R\)上的多项式是整数系数,即实数系数(整数是实数,实数不是整数),我们在复数根上计算它们,其中一半是另一半的共轭项(参见上一章),我们有\(\sigma \left( R \right)\in H=z\in \mbox{C}^{N}:z_{j}=\neg z_{-j}\)

从上面的照片看,\(\omega ^{1}=-\omega ^{7}\; and\; \omega ^{3}=-\omega ^{5}\),一般来说,我们用\(X^N+1\)的根计算一个多项式,对于任何多项式\(m\left( x \right)\in R,m\left( \xi ^{j} \right)=-m\left( \xi ^{-j} \right)=m\left( -\xi ^{-j} \right)\),因此,\(σ(R)\)上的任何元素实际上是在一个大小为\(N/2\)的空间中,而不是\(N\)。因此,如果我们在CKKS中编码向量时使用大小为\(N/2\)的复数向量,我们需要通过复制其共轭根的来扩展出它的另一半。

现在我们可以从\(z∈ℂ^{N/2}\)开始,用\(π^{−1}\)展开(注意π是\(N\to N/2\)\(π^{−1}\)\(N/2\to N\)),我们可以得到\(π^{−1}(z)∈ℍ\).

我们面临的一个问题是,我们不能直接使用\(σ: R=ℤ[X]/(X^N+1)→σ(R)⊆ℍ\)(整数多项式变复数向量),因为\(ℍ\)不一定在\(σ(R)\)中. \(σ\)确实定义了同构,但仅从\(R\)\(σ(R)\). 为了证明\(σ(R)\)不等于\(ℍ\), 你可以注意到\(R\)是可数的,因此\(σ(R)\) 也是,但是\(ℍ\)不是,因为它与\(ℂ\)同构。


这个细节很重要,因为这意味着我们必须找到一种在\(σ(R)\)上的映射\(π^{−1}(z)\),为此,我们将使用一种称为“coordinate-wise random rounding, 坐标随机舍入”的技术,该技术在 A Toolkit for Ring-LWE Cryptography中定义。这种舍入技术允许将实数\(x\)舍入到\(⌊x⌋\)\(⌊x⌋+1\)(实数变整数),我们将不深入讨论这个算法的细节。


想法很简单,有一个正交基\(ℤ:1,X,....,X^{N−1}\),假设\(σ\)是同构的,\(σ(R)\) 有一个正交基: \(β=(b1,b2,…,bN)=(σ(1),σ(X),...,σ(X^{N−1}))\). 因此,对于任何\(z∈ℍ\), 我们将简单地将其投射到β上:$$z=\sum_{i=1}^{N}{z_{i}b_{i},z_{i}=\frac{<z,b_{i}>}{\left| \left| b_{i} \right| \right|^{2}}}$$

因为基要么是正交的,要么不是正交的,所以\(z_{i} =\frac{<z,b_{i}>}{\left| \left| b_{i} \right| \right|^{2}}\), 请注意,我们在这里使用的是hermitian积(厄米乘积,内积):\(<x,y>=\sum_{i=1}^{N}{x_{i}\overline{y_i}}\), 厄米乘积给出了真正的输出,因为我们它是作用在\(ℍ\)上的元素, 你可以通过计算来证明,或者你可以在\(ℍ\)\(ℝ^N\)之间找到同构关系,所以在\(ℍ上\)的内积将是实际的输出。

最后,一旦我们有了\(z_i\),我们只需要使用“coordinate-wise random rounding, 坐标随机舍入”将它们随机舍入到更高或更低的最接近整数。这样我们就得到了一个多项式,它的基坐标为整数\((σ(1),σ(X),...,σ(X^N)−1) )\),因此该多项式将属于\(σ(R)\)

一旦我们有了映射关系\(σ(R)\), 我们可以用\(σ^{−1}\)的输出,这正是我们想要的!

要了解其工作原理,请假设您想要将\(x=1.4\)四舍五入,但不想将其四舍五入到最接近的整数,而是要将其四舍五入到最接近的\(0.25\)的倍数,以保持一定的精度。然后,您需要设置刻度\(Δ=4\),其精度为\(1/Δ=0.25\)。的确,现在当我们\(\left\lfloor \Delta x \right\rfloor=\left\lfloor 4\cdot 1.4 \right\rfloor=\left\lfloor 5.6 \right\rfloor=6\)一旦我们将其除以相同的Δ,我们得到1.5,这实际上是x=1.4的最接近0.25的倍数。

4、映射到\(\sigma(R)\)\(\left\lfloor \Delta \pi ^{-1}\left( z \right) \right\rfloor_{\sigma \left( R \right)}\in \sigma \left( R \right)\)
5、使用\(σ:m\left( x \right)=\sigma ^{-1}\left( \left\lfloor \Delta \pi ^{-1}\left( z \right) \right\rfloor_{\sigma \left( R \right)} \right)\in R\)对其进行编码






import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial

class CKKSEncoder:
    """Basic CKKS encoder to encode complex vectors into polynomials."""
    def __init__(self, M: int):
        """Initialization of the encoder for M a power of 2. 
        xi, which is an M-th root of unity will, be used as a basis for our computations.
        self.xi = np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j / M)
        self.M = M
    def vandermonde(xi: np.complex128, M: int) -> np.array:
        """Computes the Vandermonde matrix from a m-th root of unity."""
        N = M //2
        matrix = []
        # We will generate each row of the matrix
        for i in range(N):
            # For each row we select a different root
            root = xi ** (2 * i + 1)
            row = []

            # Then we store its powers
            for j in range(N):
                row.append(root ** j)
        return matrix
    def sigma_inverse(self, b: np.array) -> Polynomial:
        """Encodes the vector b in a polynomial using an M-th root of unity."""

        # First we create the Vandermonde matrix
        A = CKKSEncoder.vandermonde(self.xi, M)

        # Then we solve the system
        coeffs = np.linalg.solve(A, b)

        # Finally we output the polynomial
        p = Polynomial(coeffs)
        return p

    def sigma(self, p: Polynomial) -> np.array:
        """Decodes a polynomial by applying it to the M-th roots of unity."""

        outputs = []
        N = self.M //2

        # We simply apply the polynomial on the roots
        for i in range(N):
            root = self.xi ** (2 * i + 1)
            output = p(root)
        return np.array(outputs)

在notebook 环境中,在上面类的基础上重构。我们不需要每次添加或更改方法时都重新定义类,而只需使用Fastai\(fastcore\)包中的\(patch_to\)。这使我们能够对已经定义的对象进行改造。使用\(patch_to\)很方便,您可以使用添加的方法在每个单元重新定义CKKSEncoder。

!pip3 install fastcore

from import patch_to


(3)$\pi $映射((N->N/2))和其逆映射(N/2->N)

def pi(self, z: np.array) -> np.array:
    """Projects a vector of H into C^{N/2}."""
    N = self.M // 4
    return z[:N]

def pi_inverse(self, z: np.array) -> np.array:
    """Expands a vector of C^{N/2} by expanding it with its
    complex conjugate."""
    z_conjugate = z[::-1]
    z_conjugate = [np.conjugate(x) for x in z_conjugate]
    return np.concatenate([z, z_conjugate])

M = 8

# We can now initialize our encoder with the added methods
encoder = CKKSEncoder(M)

z = np.array([0,1])

输出:array([0, 1, 1, 0])

def create_sigma_R_basis(self):
    """Creates the basis (sigma(1), sigma(X), ..., sigma(X** N-1))."""

    self.sigma_R_basis = np.array(self.vandermonde(self.xi, self.M)).T
def __init__(self, M):
    """Initialize with the basis"""
    self.xi = np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j / M)
    self.M = M
encoder = CKKSEncoder(M)

\(array([[ 1.00000000e+00+0.j, 1.00000000e+00+0.j,1.00000000e+00+0.j, 1.00000000e+00+0.j],[ 7.07106781e-01+0.70710678j, -7.07106781e-01+0.70710678j, -7.07106781e-01-0.70710678j, 7.07106781e-01-0.70710678j],[ 2.22044605e-16+1.j, -4.44089210e-16-1.j, 1.11022302e-15+1.j, -1.38777878e-15-1.j], [-7.07106781e-01+0.70710678j, 7.07106781e-01+0.70710678j,7.07106781e-01-0.70710678j, -7.07106781e-01-0.70710678j]])\)


# Here we simply take a vector whose coordinates are (1,1,1,1) in the lattice basis
coordinates = [1,1,1,1]

b = np.matmul(encoder.sigma_R_basis.T, coordinates) #矩阵*向量=向量

输出:\(array([1.+2.41421356j, 1.+0.41421356j, 1.-0.41421356j, 1.-2.41421356j])\)

p = encoder.sigma_inverse(b)

compute_basis_coordinates(self, z):计算\(z_{i} =\frac{<z,b_{i}>}{\left| \left| b_{i} \right| \right|^{2}}\)

def compute_basis_coordinates(self, z):
    """Computes the coordinates of a vector with respect to the orthogonal lattice basis."""
    output = np.array([np.real(np.vdot(z, b) / np.vdot(b,b)) for b in self.sigma_R_basis])
    return output

def round_coordinates(coordinates):
    """Gives the integral rest."""
    coordinates = coordinates - np.floor(coordinates)
    return coordinates

def coordinate_wise_random_rounding(coordinates):
    """Rounds coordinates randonmly."""
    r = round_coordinates(coordinates)
    f = np.array([np.random.choice([c, c-1], 1, p=[1-c, c]) for c in r]).reshape(-1)
    rounded_coordinates = coordinates - f
    rounded_coordinates = [int(coeff) for coeff in rounded_coordinates]
    return rounded_coordinates

def sigma_R_discretization(self, z):
    """Projects a vector on the lattice using coordinate wise random rounding."""
    coordinates = self.compute_basis_coordinates(z) #计算z_i
    rounded_coordinates = coordinate_wise_random_rounding(coordinates) #舍入取整
    y = np.matmul(self.sigma_R_basis.T, rounded_coordinates) #范德蒙矩阵*向量
    return y

encoder = CKKSEncoder(M)


def __init__(self, M:int, scale:float):
    """Initializes with scale."""
    self.xi = np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j / M)
    self.M = M
    self.scale = scale
def encode(self, z: np.array) -> Polynomial:
    """Encodes a vector by expanding it first to H,
    scale it, project it on the lattice of sigma(R), and performs
    sigma inverse.
    pi_z = self.pi_inverse(z)
    scaled_pi_z = self.scale * pi_z
    rounded_scale_pi_zi = self.sigma_R_discretization(scaled_pi_z)
    p = self.sigma_inverse(rounded_scale_pi_zi)
    # We round it afterwards due to numerical imprecision
    coef = np.round(np.real(p.coef)).astype(int)
    p = Polynomial(coef)
    return p

def decode(self, p: Polynomial) -> np.array:
    """Decodes a polynomial by removing the scale, 
    evaluating on the roots, and project it on C^(N/2)"""
    rescaled_p = p / self.scale
    z = self.sigma(rescaled_p)
    pi_z = self.pi(z)
    return pi_z

scale = 64

encoder = CKKSEncoder(M, scale)



!pip3 install fastcore
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial
from import patch_to

class CKKSEncoder:
    """Basic CKKS encoder to encode complex vectors into polynomials."""
    def __init__(self, M: int):
        """Initialization of the encoder for M a power of 2. 
        xi, which is an M-th root of unity will, be used as a basis for our computations.
        self.xi = np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j / M)
        self.M = M
    def vandermonde(xi: np.complex128, M: int) -> np.array:
        """Computes the Vandermonde matrix from a m-th root of unity."""
        N = M //2
        matrix = []
        # We will generate each row of the matrix
        for i in range(N):
            # For each row we select a different root
            root = xi ** (2 * i + 1)
            row = []

            # Then we store its powers
            for j in range(N):
                row.append(root ** j)
        return matrix
    def sigma_inverse(self, b: np.array) -> Polynomial:
        """Encodes the vector b in a polynomial using an M-th root of unity."""

        # First we create the Vandermonde matrix
        A = CKKSEncoder.vandermonde(self.xi, M)

        # Then we solve the system
        coeffs = np.linalg.solve(A, b)

        # Finally we output the polynomial
        p = Polynomial(coeffs)
        return p

    def sigma(self, p: Polynomial) -> np.array:
        """Decodes a polynomial by applying it to the M-th roots of unity."""

        outputs = []
        N = self.M //2

        # We simply apply the polynomial on the roots
        for i in range(N):
            root = self.xi ** (2 * i + 1)
            output = p(root)
        return np.array(outputs)

#\pi 映射和 \pi逆映射
def pi(self, z: np.array) -> np.array:
    """Projects a vector of H into C^{N/2}."""
    N = self.M // 4
    return z[:N]

def pi_inverse(self, z: np.array) -> np.array:
    """Expands a vector of C^{N/2} by expanding it with its
    complex conjugate."""
    z_conjugate = z[::-1]
    z_conjugate = [np.conjugate(x) for x in z_conjugate]
    return np.concatenate([z, z_conjugate])

def create_sigma_R_basis(self):
    """Creates the basis (sigma(1), sigma(X), ..., sigma(X** N-1))."""

    self.sigma_R_basis = np.array(self.vandermonde(self.xi, self.M)).T

def compute_basis_coordinates(self, z):
    """Computes the coordinates of a vector with respect to the orthogonal lattice basis."""
    output = np.array([np.real(np.vdot(z, b) / np.vdot(b,b)) for b in self.sigma_R_basis])
    return output

def round_coordinates(coordinates):
    """Gives the integral rest."""
    coordinates = coordinates - np.floor(coordinates)
    return coordinates

def coordinate_wise_random_rounding(coordinates):
    """Rounds coordinates randonmly."""
    r = round_coordinates(coordinates)
    f = np.array([np.random.choice([c, c-1], 1, p=[1-c, c]) for c in r]).reshape(-1)
    rounded_coordinates = coordinates - f
    rounded_coordinates = [int(coeff) for coeff in rounded_coordinates]
    return rounded_coordinates

def sigma_R_discretization(self, z):
    """Projects a vector on the lattice using coordinate wise random rounding."""
    coordinates = self.compute_basis_coordinates(z)
    rounded_coordinates = coordinate_wise_random_rounding(coordinates)
    y = np.matmul(self.sigma_R_basis.T, rounded_coordinates)
    return y

def __init__(self, M:int, scale:float):
    """Initializes with scale."""
    self.xi = np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j / M)
    self.M = M
    self.scale = scale
def encode(self, z: np.array) -> Polynomial:
    """Encodes a vector by expanding it first to H,
    scale it, project it on the lattice of sigma(R), and performs
    sigma inverse.
    pi_z = self.pi_inverse(z)
    scaled_pi_z = self.scale * pi_z
    rounded_scale_pi_zi = self.sigma_R_discretization(scaled_pi_z)
    p = self.sigma_inverse(rounded_scale_pi_zi)
    # We round it afterwards due to numerical imprecision
    coef = np.round(np.real(p.coef)).astype(int)
    p = Polynomial(coef)
    return p

def decode(self, p: Polynomial) -> np.array:
    """Decodes a polynomial by removing the scale, 
    evaluating on the roots, and project it on C^(N/2)"""
    rescaled_p = p / self.scale
    z = self.sigma(rescaled_p)
    pi_z = self.pi(z)
    return pi_z

scale = 64
encoder = CKKSEncoder(M, scale)

z = np.array([3 +4j, 2 - 1j])
p = encoder.encode(z)
d = encoder.decode(p)

明文: [3.+4.j 2.-1.j]
pi_z: [3.+4.j 2.-1.j 2.+1.j 3.-4.j]
scaled_pi_z: [192.+256.j 128. -64.j 128. +64.j 192.-256.j]
coordinates: [160. 90.50966799 160. 45.254834 ]
rounded_coordinates: [160, 90, 160, 46]
rounded_scale_pi_zi: [191.11269837+256.16652224j 128.88730163 -63.83347776j
128.88730163 +63.83347776j 191.11269837-256.16652224j]
p: (160-2.842170943040401e-14j) + (90.00000000000001+0j)·x¹ +(160+8.881784197001252e-16j)·x² +
coef: [160 90 160 46]
p: 160.0 + 90.0·x¹ + 160.0·x² + 46.0·x³
编码后: 160.0 + 90.0·x¹ + 160.0·x² + 46.0·x³
rescaled_p: 2.5 + 1.40625·x¹ + 2.5·x² + 0.71875·x³
z: [2.98613591+4.00260191j 2.01386409-0.99739809j 2.01386409+0.99739809j
解码后: [2.98613591+4.00260191j 2.01386409-0.99739809j]




from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial
import numpy as np

def round_coordinates(coordinates):
    """Gives the integral rest."""
    coordinates = coordinates - np.floor(coordinates)
    return coordinates

def coordinate_wise_random_rounding(coordinates):
    """Rounds coordinates randonmly."""
    r = round_coordinates(coordinates)
    f = np.array([np.random.choice([c, c-1], 1, p=[1-c, c]) for c in r]).reshape(-1)
    rounded_coordinates = coordinates - f
    rounded_coordinates = [int(coeff) for coeff in rounded_coordinates]
    return rounded_coordinates

class CKKSEncoder:
    """Basic CKKS encoder to encode complex vectors into polynomials."""
    def __init__(self, M:int, scale:float):
        """Initializes with scale."""
        self.xi = np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j / M)
        self.M = M
        self.scale = scale
    def vandermonde(xi: np.complex128, M: int) -> np.array:
        """Computes the Vandermonde matrix from a m-th root of unity."""
        N = M //2
        matrix = []
        # We will generate each row of the matrix
        for i in range(N):
            # For each row we select a different root
            root = xi ** (2 * i + 1)
            row = []

            # Then we store its powers
            for j in range(N):
                row.append(root ** j)
        return matrix
    def sigma_inverse(self, b: np.array) -> Polynomial:
        """Encodes the vector b in a polynomial using an M-th root of unity."""

        # First we create the Vandermonde matrix
        A = CKKSEncoder.vandermonde(self.xi, M)

        # Then we solve the system
        coeffs = np.linalg.solve(A, b)

        # Finally we output the polynomial
        p = Polynomial(coeffs)
        return p

    def sigma(self, p: Polynomial) -> np.array:
        """Decodes a polynomial by applying it to the M-th roots of unity."""

        outputs = []
        N = self.M //2

        # We simply apply the polynomial on the roots
        for i in range(N):
            root = self.xi ** (2 * i + 1)
            output = p(root)
        return np.array(outputs)

    def pi(self, z: np.array) -> np.array:
        """Projects a vector of H into C^{N/2}."""

        N = self.M // 4
        return z[:N]

    def pi_inverse(self, z: np.array) -> np.array:
        """Expands a vector of C^{N/2} by expanding it with its
        complex conjugate."""

        z_conjugate = z[::-1]
        z_conjugate = [np.conjugate(x) for x in z_conjugate]
        return np.concatenate([z, z_conjugate])
    def create_sigma_R_basis(self):
        """Creates the basis (sigma(1), sigma(X), ..., sigma(X** N-1))."""

        self.sigma_R_basis = np.array(self.vandermonde(self.xi, self.M)).T

    def compute_basis_coordinates(self, z):
        """Computes the coordinates of a vector with respect to the orthogonal lattice basis."""
        output = np.array([np.real(np.vdot(z, b) / np.vdot(b,b)) for b in self.sigma_R_basis])
        return output

    def sigma_R_discretization(self, z):
        """Projects a vector on the lattice using coordinate wise random rounding."""
        coordinates = self.compute_basis_coordinates(z)

        rounded_coordinates = coordinate_wise_random_rounding(coordinates)
        y = np.matmul(self.sigma_R_basis.T, rounded_coordinates)
        return y

    def encode(self, z: np.array) -> Polynomial:
        """Encodes a vector by expanding it first to H,
        scale it, project it on the lattice of sigma(R), and performs
        sigma inverse.
        pi_z = self.pi_inverse(z)
        scaled_pi_z = self.scale * pi_z
        rounded_scale_pi_zi = self.sigma_R_discretization(scaled_pi_z)
        p = self.sigma_inverse(rounded_scale_pi_zi)

        # We round it afterwards due to numerical imprecision
        coef = np.round(np.real(p.coef)).astype(int)
        p = Polynomial(coef)
        return p

    def decode(self, p: Polynomial) -> np.array:
        """Decodes a polynomial by removing the scale, 
        evaluating on the roots, and project it on C^(N/2)"""
        rescaled_p = p / self.scale
        z = self.sigma(rescaled_p)
        pi_z = self.pi(z)
        return pi_z

z = np.array([3 +4j, 2 - 1j])
p = encoder.encode(z)
d = encoder.decode(p)

明文: [3.+4.j 2.-1.j]
pi_z: [3.+4.j 2.-1.j 2.+1.j 3.-4.j]
scaled_pi_z: [192.+256.j 128. -64.j 128. +64.j 192.-256.j]
coordinates [160. 90.50966799 160. 45.254834 ]
rounded_coordinates [160, 91, 160, 46]
rounded_scale_pi_zi: [191.81980515+256.87362902j 128.18019485 -63.12637098j
128.18019485 +63.12637098j 191.81980515-256.87362902j]
p: (160-1.4210854715202004e-14j) + (91-7.105427357601002e-15j)·x¹ +
(160+7.993605777301127e-15j)·x² +
coef: [160 91 160 46]
p: 160.0 + 91.0·x¹ + 160.0·x² + 46.0·x³
编码后: 160.0 + 91.0·x¹ + 160.0·x² + 46.0·x³
rescaled_p: 2.5 + 1.421875·x¹ + 2.5·x² + 0.71875·x³
z: [2.99718446+4.01365045j 2.00281554-0.98634955j 2.00281554+0.98634955j
解密后: [2.99718446+4.01365045j 2.00281554-0.98634955j]


posted @ 2022-02-05 12:33  PamShao  阅读(5356)  评论(14编辑  收藏  举报