

0.1) 本文总结于 数据结构与算法分析, 源代码均为原创, 旨在 理解Prim算法的idea 并用 源代码加以实现;
0.2)最小生成树的基础知识,参见 http://blog.csdn.net/pacosonswjtu/article/details/49947085


1.1)计算最小生成树的一种方法是使其连续地一步一步长成。在每一步, 都要吧一个节点当做根并往上加边,这样也就把相关联的顶点加到增长中的树上;
1.2)在算法中的任一时刻, 我们都可以看到一个已经添加到树上的顶点集, 而其余顶点尚未加到这颗树中。此时, 算法在每一阶段都可以通过选择边(u, v),使得(u, v)的值是所有u 在树上但v不在树上的边的值中的最小者, 而找出一个新的顶点并吧它添加到这颗树中;

  • step1)给定一个顶点为根节点;
  • step2)每一步加一条边和一个顶点; (这也迎合了 顶点个数-边个数=1 );


A1)可以看到, 其实Prim算法基本上和求最短路径的 Dijkstra算法一样, 因此和前面一样,我们对每一个顶点保留值 Dv和Pv 以及一个指标,指示该顶点是已知的还是未知的。这里,Dv是连接v 到已知顶点的最短边的权, 而 Pv则是导致Dv改变的最后的顶点。
A2)算法的其余部分一样, 唯一不同的是: ** 由于Dv的定义不同, 因此它的更新法则不一样。事实上,Prim算法的更新法则比 Dijkstra算法简单:在每一个顶点v被选取后, 对于每一个与 v 邻接的未知的w, Dw=min(Dw, Cw,v);
A1)该算法整个的实现实际上和 Dijkstra算法的实现是一样的, 对于 Dijkstra算法分析所做的每一件事都可以用到这里。 不过要注意, Prim算法是在无向图上运行的, 因此当编写代码的时候要记住要吧每一条变都要放到两个邻接表中。
A2)**不用堆时的运行时间为O(|V|^2), 它对于稠密图来说是最优的; 使用二叉堆的运行时间为 O(|E|log|V|), 它对于稀疏图是一个好的界限;

【2】source code + printing results(将我的代码打印结果 同 上图中的手动模拟的prim算法的结果进行比较,你会发现, 它们的结果完全相同,这也证实了我的代码的可行性)

2.1)download source code: https://github.com/pacosonTang/dataStructure-algorithmAnalysis/tree/master/chapter9/p237_prim
2.2)source code at a glance(for complete code , please click the given link above):

#include "prim.h"

//allocate the memory for initializing unweighted table
WeightedTable *initWeightedTable(int size)
	WeightedTable* table;
	int i;

	table = (WeightedTable*)malloc(sizeof(WeightedTable) * size);
		Error("out of space ,from func initWeightedTable");
		return NULL;

	for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
		table[i] = makeEmptyWeightedTable();		
			return NULL;

	return table;

// allocate the memory for every element in unweighted table  
WeightedTable makeEmptyWeightedTable()
	WeightedTable element;

	element = (WeightedTable)malloc(sizeof(struct WeightedTable));
		Error("out of space ,from func makeEmptyWeightedTable");
		return NULL;
	element->known = 0; // 1 refers to accessed , also 0 refers to not accessed
	element->distance = MaxInt;
	element->path = -1; // index starts from 0 and -1 means the startup vertex unreaches other vertexs

	return element;

// allocate the memory for storing index of  vertex in heap and let every element -1
int *makeEmptyArray(int size)
	int *array;
	int i;

	array = (int*)malloc(size * sizeof(int));
		Error("out of space ,from func makeEmptyArray");
		return NULL;
	for(i=0; i<size; i++)
		array[i] = -1;

	return array;

//computing the unweighted shortest path between the vertex under initIndex and other vertexs
void prim(AdjTable* adj, int size, int startVertex, BinaryHeap bh)
	int adjVertex;	
	int tempDistance;
	WeightedTable* table;
	int vertex;		
	AdjTable temp; 	
	Distance tempDisStruct;
	int *indexOfVertexInHeap;
	int indexOfHeap;

	table = initWeightedTable(size);	 	
	tempDisStruct = makeEmptyDistance();
	indexOfVertexInHeap = makeEmptyArray(size);
	tempDisStruct->distance = table[startVertex-1]->distance;
    tempDisStruct->vertexIndex = startVertex-1;
	insert(tempDisStruct, bh, indexOfVertexInHeap); // insert the (startVertex-1) into the binary heap	

	table[startVertex-1]->distance = 0;// update the distance 
	table[startVertex-1]->path = 0;// update the path of starting vertex

		vertex = deleteMin(bh, indexOfVertexInHeap).vertexIndex; // return the minimal element in binary heap

 		table[vertex]->known = 1; // update the vertex as accessed, also let responding known be 1
		temp = adj[vertex]->next;
			adjVertex = temp->index; 
			if(table[adjVertex]->known == 1) // judge whether table[adjVertex]->known is 1 or not
				temp = temp->next;

			//tempDistance = table[vertex]->distance + temp->weight; // update the distance
			tempDistance = temp->weight;
			if(tempDistance < table[adjVertex]->distance)
				table[adjVertex]->distance = tempDistance;
				table[adjVertex]->path = vertex; //update the path of adjVertex, also responding path evaluated as vertex							
				// key, we should judge whether adjVertex was added into the binary heap				
				//if true , obviously the element has been added into the binary heap(so we can't add the element into heap once again)
				if(indexOfVertexInHeap[adjVertex] != -1) 
					indexOfHeap = indexOfVertexInHeap[adjVertex];
					bh->elements[indexOfHeap]->distance = tempDistance; // update the distance of corresponding vertex in binary heap
				else // if not ture
					tempDisStruct->distance = table[adjVertex]->distance;
					tempDisStruct->vertexIndex = adjVertex;
					insert(tempDisStruct, bh, indexOfVertexInHeap); // insert the adjVertex into the binary heap
			temp = temp->next;		
		printPrim(table, size, startVertex);		

//print unweighted table
void printPrim(WeightedTable* table, int size, int startVertex)
	int i;	
	char *str[4] = 

	printf("\n\t === storage table related to Prim alg as follows: === ");	
	printf("\n\t %6s%6s%9s%5s", str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3]);	
	for(i=0; i<size; i++)
		if(i != startVertex-1 && table[i]->path!=-1) 
			printf("\n\t %-3d   %3d   %5d      v%-3d  ", i+1, table[i]->known, table[i]->distance, table[i]->path+1);
		else if(table[i]->path == -1)
			printf("\n\t %-3d   %3d   %5d      %-3d  ", i+1, table[i]->known, table[i]->distance, table[i]->path);
			printf("\n\t *%-3d  %3d   %5d      %-3d  ", i+1, table[i]->known, table[i]->distance, 0);

int main()
	AdjTable* adj;	
	BinaryHeap bh;
	int size = 7;
	int capacity;
	int i;
	int j;	
	int startVertex;
	int adjTable[7][7] = 
		{0, 2, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0},
		{2, 0, 0, 3, 10, 0, 0},
		{4, 0, 0, 2, 0, 5, 0},
		{1, 3, 2, 0, 7, 8, 4},
		{0, 10, 0, 7, 0, 0, 6},
		{0, 0, 5, 8, 0, 0, 1},
		{0, 0, 0, 4, 6, 1, 0},

	printf("\n\n\t ====== test for Prim alg finding weighted shortest path from adjoining table ======\n");
	adj = initAdjTable(size);		
	printf("\n\n\t ====== the initial weighted adjoining table is as follows:======\n");
	for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
	 	for(j = 0; j < size; j++)	
				insertAdj(adj, j, i, adjTable[i][j]); // insertAdj the adjoining table over
	printAdjTable(adj, size);	
	capacity = 7;
	bh = initBinaryHeap(capacity+1);
	//conducting prim alg to find minimum spanning tree(MST)
	startVertex = 1; // you should know our index for storing vertex starts from 0
	prim(adj, size, startVertex, bh);	
	return 0;

2.3)printing results:


posted @ 2015-11-20 15:26  PacosonSWJTU  阅读(1298)  评论(7编辑  收藏  举报