(原創) 是否該將所有Verilog檔都加入到Quartus II project中? (IC Design) (Quartus II)

在Visual Studio中,所有要編譯的.cpp檔一定要加入project中才可編譯,但在Quartus II中,似乎不加入.v到project也能順利編譯,到底該將所有.v檔加入Quartus II project嗎?

Quartus II也有project的機制,但實務上會發現,不需將.v檔加入project檔,Quartus II也能順利編譯,在Altera原廠所提供的Quartus II Introduction Using Verilog Design P.12中提到:

We should mention that in many cases the Quartus II software is able to automatically find the right files to use for each entity referenced in Verilog code, even if the file has not been explicitly added to the project. However,  for complex projects that involve many files it is a good design practice to specifically add the needed files to the project.


我們必須附帶說明,在很多情況下,Quartus II會自動根據Verilog程式中所參考的entity找到合適的檔案,即使這些檔案並未明確地加入project中。然而,在包含很多檔案的複雜project中,明確地將需要的檔案加入到project中是一個好編程習慣。

Quartus II Introduction Using Verilog Design

posted on 2008-04-04 10:59  真 OO无双  阅读(1583)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
