
What is dotMSN ?

Posted on 2005-04-26 10:53  ONE PIECE  阅读(854)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

dotMSN is a class library to make use of the MSN Messenger Service. The library is built in C# and can therefore be used by all languages the .NET environment supports. DotMSN provides an easy and consistent interface through a clean Object Oriented approach. DotMSN abstracts the low-level MSN protocol so you can quickly integrate dotMSN with your application and make direct use of MSN-connectivity. DotMSN is free and can be used in both non-commercial and commercial applications. The library can, among other things, be used for:

  • MSN bots
  • Sending application-notifies
  • Self-made clients / webclients
  • Integrating contact info with your application
