Divide and Conquer.(Merge Sort) by sixleaves

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Merge Sort:

一.Motivation and Example

why study merge sort?

  • Good introduction to divide & conquer
  • Calibrate your preparation
  • Motivates guiding principles for algorithm analysis(worst-case and asymptotic analysis)
  • Analysis generalizes to “Master Method"

The Sorting Problem

Input: array of n numbers, unsorted. (5 4 1 8 7 2 6 3)

Output: same numbers, sorted in increasing order (1 … 8)




  • recursively sort 1st half of input array
  • recursively sort 2nd half of input array
  • merge two sorted sublists into one[ ignores base cases]

Pseudocode for Merge:


Merge Sort Running Time:

Key Question: running time of MergeSort on array of n numbers?

[Running time ~ #of mines of code executed ]

Running Time of Merge:

running time of merge on array of m numbers is <= 4m + 2 <= 6m(since m >= 1)

Running Time of Merge Sort

Claim: MergeSort requires <=


operations for sort n numbers



of times you divide by 2 until you get a number that drops below one

So if you plug in 32 you got to divide five time by two get down to one.



For every Input array of n numbers, Merge Sort produces a sorted output array and uses at most 6nlog_2n + 6n operations.

Proof of calim (assuming n = power of 2):


how many levels does this recursion tree have.===>

beacause: {level0, level1……. level(log2n)} === > (log_2n - 0) + 1 ===>



at each level j = 0,1 ,2 , log_2n, there are 2^j subproblems, each of size n / 2^j.

第二个的原因很简单, 这颗递归树的第j层的子问题有 2^j 个, 例如第0层是1个, 第1层是两个, 由此类推, 所以每个的大小都是n / 2^j.

Proof of claim

第j层总的合并程序中所含有的指令次数是 <= 2 ^j * 6(n / 2^j) = 6n.也就是所每一层的合并程序内部所做的指令次数都是固定的, 为6n次, 所以对于这课共有log2n + 1个层的数, 总的操作次数为6n( log2n + 1) = 6nlog_2n + 6n.

posted @ 2015-08-11 21:14  sixleaves  阅读(411)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报