



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />




{app_default, string()}
Specifies the default base URI for unknown applications.

{application, App::atom()}
Specifies that the generated documentation describes the application App. This mainly affects generated references.

{dir, filename()}
Specifies the target directory for the generated documentation.

{doc_path, [string()]}
Specifies a list of URI:s pointing to directories that contain EDoc-generated documentation. URI without a scheme:// part are taken as relative to file://. (Note that such paths must use / as separator, regardless of the host operating system.)

{doclet, Module::atom()}
Specifies a callback module to be used for creating the documentation. The module must export a function run(Cmd, Ctxt). The default doclet module is edoc_doclet; see edoc_doclet:run/2 for doclet-specific options.

{exclude_packages, [package()]}
Lists packages to be excluded from the documentation. Typically used in conjunction with the subpackages option.

{file_suffix, string()}
Specifies the suffix used for output files. The default value is ".html". Note that this also affects generated references.

{new, boolean()}
If the value is true, any existing edoc-info file in the target directory will be ignored and overwritten. The default value is false.

{packages, boolean()}
If the value is true, it it assumed that packages (module namespaces) are being used, and that the source code directory structure reflects this. The default value is true. (Usually, this does the right thing even if all the modules belong to the top-level "empty" package.) no_packages is an alias for {packages, false}. See the subpackages option below for further details.

If the source code is organized in a hierarchy of subdirectories although it does not use packages, use no_packages together with the recursive-search subpackages option (on by default) to automatically generate documentation for all the modules.

{source_path, [filename()]}
Specifies a list of file system paths used to locate the source code for packages.

{source_suffix, string()}
Specifies the expected suffix of input files. The default value is ".erl".

{subpackages, boolean()}
If the value is true, all subpackages of specified packages will also be included in the documentation. The default value is false. no_subpackages is an alias for {subpackages, false}. See also the exclude_packages option.

Subpackage source files are found by recursively searching for source code files in subdirectories of the known source code root directories. (Also see the source_path option.) Directory names must begin with a lowercase letter and contain only alphanumeric characters and underscore, or they will be ignored. (For example, a subdirectory named test-files will not be searched.)

一大堆参数中,似乎只有doclet有点关联。edoc使用找到doclet参数指定的模块作为创建文档时的回调模块, 默认是edoc_doclet。



%% Generating documentation for a source file, adding its name to the
%% set if it was successful. Errors are just flagged at this stage,
%% allowing all source files to be processed even if some of them fail.

source({M, P, Name, Path}, Dir, Suffix, Env, Set, Private, Hidden,
Error, Options) ->
File = filename:join(Path, Name),
case catch {ok, edoc:get_doc(File, Env, Options)} of
{ok, {Module, Doc}} ->
check_name(Module, M, P, File),
case ((not is_private(Doc)) orelse Private)
andalso ((not is_hidden(Doc)) orelse Hidden) of
true ->
Text = edoc:layout(Doc, Options),
Name1 = packages:last(M) ++ Suffix,
edoc_lib:write_file(Text, Dir, Name1, P),
{sets:add_element(Module, Set), Error};
false ->
{Set, Error}
R ->
report("skipping source file '~s': ~W.", [File, R, 15]),
{Set, true}


%% @spec layout(Doc::edoc_module(), Options::proplist()) -> string()
%% @doc Transforms EDoc module documentation data to text. The default
%% layout creates an HTML document.
%% Options:
%% <dl>
%% <dt>{@type {layout, Module::atom()@}}
%% </dt>
%% <dd>Specifies a callback module to be used for formatting. The
%% module must export a function `module(Doc, Options)'. The
%% default callback module is {@link edoc_layout}; see {@link
%% edoc_layout:module/2} for layout-specific options.
%% </dd>
%% </dl>
%% @see layout/1
%% @see run/3
%% @see read/2
%% @see file/2

%% INHERIT-OPTIONS: edoc_lib:run_layout/2

layout(Doc, Opts) ->
F = fun (M) ->
M:module(Doc, Opts)
edoc_lib:run_layout(F, Opts).


xhtml(Title, CSS, Body) ->
[{html, [?NL,
{head, [?NL,
{meta, [{'http-equiv',"Content-Type"},
{content, "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"}],
{title, Title},
?NL] ++ CSS},
{body, [{bgcolor, "white"}], Body},




%% xhtml/3修改如下,其他代码完全照搬edoc_layout.erl即可
-define(UTF8_META,{meta,[{'http-equiv',"Content-Type"},{content,"text/html; charset=UTF-8"}],[]}).
xhtml(Title, CSS, Body) ->
[{html, [?NL,
{head, [?NL,
{title, Title},
?NL] ++ CSS},
{body, [{bgcolor, "white"}], Body},


edoc:files(Files, [{dir,"doc"},{new,true},{layout,edoc_layout_utf8}]).




二是edoc的文档没有直接提及layout这个参数,我还以为文档泄露了,认为文档始终是没源代码可靠。后来才发现这么句“Also see layout/2 for layout-related options” 囧,原来是我自己看文档不够仔细。

posted @ 2012-02-14 01:28  neutra  阅读(1154)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报